Apple iPhone 3G
Found this nugget on the Iphone issues.
http://chuqui.typepad.com/chuqui_30/2008/08/two-litt ... »
Particularly this about 3/4 down in the post
"What I was told was that 90% of the disconnects are initiated inside the phone, which would exonerate AT&T. Most of the disconnects are being generated by crashes in the driver code for the 3G chip, which comes from the chip vendor, not something Apple written and outside of Apple's direct control. Complicating this -- even though Apple is handing over "here is the bug, here is the fix, update the driver", the turnaround from the vendor on driver updates is on the order of 2-3 months. Said, um, lack of urgency not exactly making people inside the projects happy."
and this
Don't believe the negative hype...
Battery life is not that bad if you turn off the things you don't need. It's a simple task, and it makes a big difference. As far as crashes go, none to speak of. I honestly think that everyone bad-mouthing it either doesn't even own one, or they've unlocked it and stuffed it with 3rd party, non-supported apps. ...or they may have gotten a bad piece of hardware. The lines wouldn't be as long as they are (3 weeks post launch) if was as bad as some of the posts claim.
I heard the same type of complaints about the Moto Q when I was with Verizon a few years back... I never had an issue with it. ...sam...
I took it to apple.....I have "liquid damage" to the bottom port. Now listen....a bout a week ago I put my phone in the cup holder of my car....didn't notice that there was condensation from a drink in there.....so it got into the speaker area....I cut the heater on to try it out...it was fine. Now apple won't do anything.....but I have no reason to lie on this post.....My phone had the mechanical screen issue before the cup holder thing happend. Now....I have 2 days w/ my 30 days to return the phone....If I do this at at&t whe...
iPone/Exchange Active Sync
IMAP is working but not EAS!
I have enabled Activesync on the user's profile on the server side but nothing works on the iPhone. So I'm having my boss settle with IMAP4.
Has anyone noticed?
When I am listening to music I like to keep it in the iPod when I lock it. This allows me to see the song time, rate it, and choose songs easier (mostly when driving or walking) right from the unlock.
I've noticed now that since the upgrade, the iPhone will randomly go to the home page when I unlock it. I can't seem to find the case where it does it, it just seems to do it randomly. In addition, when you are in the iPod and you select the icon to look at the back of the album, the list always starts from the first song, not showing on scr...
Java/Flash question
Thanks in advance!
OK, I'm going to pick up an iphone 3g tomorrow but I have a ?
iphone sucks!
Landscape Texting?
Computer problem
Case for iphone
http://www.case-mate.com/phones/apple3G/Signature-Le ... »
iPhone Shipping Time?
Safari and Iphone issue
Iphone Reviews are spot on
Apple diehards, I feel your pain.
at&t 3g coverage
Question from South Jersey
This was back in the days of roaming, and the salesman lied to me that there would be no roaming within a 25-mile radius around my home address. He also told me that AT&T had the entire region saturated with coverage.
Well, I couldn't go one mile in any direction from my house and get any signal (my phone or the wife's). Calls constantly dropped if you were moving.
So, I called to cancel within the 30 day period, and got socked with all these roaming charges. The CS rep told me that most of my area was roaming, because AT&T had no towers in South Jers...
Review process is flawed