Me and my friend are getting there at five but we are both 16 and adding on to our family plan. He can drive so we are just going by ourselves. Do our parents have to come up and sign something or can we sign it?
I think the account owner has to be there. I mean you have to sign up for another 2 year agreement so there probably is gonna be stuff to sign
The account holder or authorized user on the account because of the 2 year contract that has to be signed.
OOOK thanks...I guess I'll just call my mom when we are close to the front of the line
Yes and make sure you insure it! Apple care is only an extended warranty. and AT&T will not insure an iPhone. I know of a work around.. just call me when you are ready to spend $69.99 for one year of insurance or $119.99 for two years.. 801-652-3778
rhener7, i take it you work for spring?
an 801 I see! I'm in Spanish Fork, where are you? and give up the details on the insurance!
I am in your same position. I am 16 and going to get the iphone. I contacted my mom (the account holder) contact AT&T and had them add my name as an authorized user, so that i am able to sign and extend the 2 year contract without her being there. They said they might want to contact her via phone to clarify it, but other then that, since you will be an authorized user, you are able to handle anything on the account.
doesn't work that way friend. AT&T won't let you sign even if your an authorized user because (by law) you have to be 18 years old to sign a contract, otherwise it's null and void. They typically don't ask for age when you add a user but a store rep will.
Once they ID you when your about to sign and see your not 18 they will cancel the entire transaction. They let you sign and they can get terminated from AT&T for selling to a minor.
Ya an account holder or authorized user over 18 has to be there because in order to sign the 2 yr contract you have to be older then 18
you cant get an iphone tommorow
lol my bad I meant on friday...and for anyone that has a similar situation to mine you can authorize yourself online and then your parent doesn't have to sign anything as long as you have ID.
Wrong you have to be over 18 to sign anything
Not according to the AT&T worker that I talked to
Hmm I dont know if things are done differently but I know the AT&T store that I work for here requires you to be 18 because you are signing a contract and you need to be 18 or older in order to be allowed to sign contracts of any kind.
Good luck getting it tomorrow, since it doesn't come out till Friday 🤨
Yeah, and I'm gonna buy mine online 🤣
Could he be made an autorized user on the account so he can sign on his own??? Also I have a question. Can we buy the phone online at the discounted price and some kind of way electronically sign for the contract???
I called two different AT&T stores and they said as long as I'm on a family plan and authorized (which I am 😁 ) then I can buy one by myself...and I meant Friday I wasn't thinking obviously... 🤭 and you can't buy them online period in the US