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Re: things to consider
by muchdrama    May 11, 2005, 3:53 PM
in the Article: The New Mile-High Club forum

spartacus51 said: First of all I dispute even the idea that it would be hazardous to allow mobile phone operation. If this were seriously a threat you'd have seen terrorists lining up at each and every gate with their cell phones. Second if this were possible I must say I am terrified that systems which could not handle interference like that were ever allowed to fly. Courtesy would have to be the absolute rule of usage. Please limit calls in length, please keep voices low, hold to reasonable public conversation etc. etc. who knows if it would work. seperate cabins seems like a bad idea though too, it would be an uncomfortable place, especially since people would think they could take advantage of it.Listen, if the FAA says they don't want us using cellphones on a flight, then dammit, I ain't using one.

Re: Safety issues
by muchdrama    May 11, 2005, 3:54 PM
in the Article: The New Mile-High Club forum

Rich Brome said: spartacus51 said: First of all I dispute even the idea that it would be hazardous to allow mobile phone operation. If this were seriously a threat you'd have seen terrorists lining up at each and every gate with their cell phones. Second if this were possible I must say I am terrified that systems which could not handle interference like that were ever allowed to fly. It's not that using your phone would necessarily wreak havoc. But there have been instances where a navigation system acted erratically (didn't go haywire - just it wasn't as accurate as it should have been) and someone was using a cell phone onboard at the time. Was it a coincidence? Maybe. But it seems that the authorities have taken a better-safe-than-sorry approach in response to the possibility, which you really can't fault them for.Amen.

by jeremy    May 11, 2005, 4:55 PM
in the Article: The New Mile-High Club forum

The deal with them yelling at you about listening to your CD player might have to do with the rule they have from a little before they leave the gate to when they're like a certain altitude or something, nobody is allowed to use anything electronic or even have their seat reclined at all. This is only because they want you to be paying attention during landing and takeoff when they figure most emergencies would happen. But if you're in the middle of a flight when they tell you to cut the music, find a different airline.

Re: Anyone think this phone will be offered by Verizon?
by kaeokekai    May 29, 2005, 1:37 AM
in the Nokia 6255i / 6256i forum

UofDVZW: just checking about the aluminum plate issue is it an aluminum plate instead of a swinging memory card gate or welded over or something? Does it not look like the memory card port on http://www.topram.com/6255i/?

An amusing Sprint story
by Homestar Runner    Jun 21, 2005, 2:08 AM
in the Sprint forum

I thought you guys might get a kick out of this: I was returning from traveling overseas last week and was on a flight back to the US from Frankfurt, Germany, and the plane was full of NFL players returning from NFL Europe. As the plane landed and pulled up to the gate in the US and everyone started turning on their mobile phones, I had the interesting experience of listening to multiple NFL players calling in to CC because their accounts had been hotlined. Some of the great comments I heard -- "Do you know who I am? Do you know how much money I make? Why'd you cut me off then?!?" "I've been in Europe why would I have remembered to pay my bill" "Yo can you cut me back on, I need my phone so I can call people" (there's a good convincing reason) and my favorite: "Check my history I didn't make any calls. What do you mean I still have to pay if I don't use it?"

Re: An amusing Sprint story
by muchdrama    Jun 21, 2005, 8:30 AM
in the Sprint forum

Homestar Runner said: I thought you guys might get a kick out of this: I was returning from traveling overseas last week and was on a flight back to the US from Frankfurt, Germany, and the plane was full of NFL players returning from NFL Europe. As the plane landed and pulled up to the gate in the US and everyone started turning on their mobile phones, I had the interesting experience of listening to multiple NFL players calling in to CC because their accounts had been hotlined. Some of the great comments I heard -- "Do you know who I am? Do you know how much money I make? Why'd you cut me off then?!?" "I've been in Europe why would I have remembered to pay my bill" "Yo can you cut me back on, I need my phone so I can call people" (there's a good convincing reason) and my favorite: "Check my history I didn't make any calls. What do you mean I still have to pay if I don't use it?" Keep in mind the average NFL player has an IQ of 50 or so...

Life as a CSR
by CingularSaveRep    Jun 22, 2005, 4:16 PM
in the AT&T forum

I would like to give a big shout out to all of the customers who have made my day a complete hell. I came in thinking this would be a great day, and right out of the gate I get a person screaming at me that her service has been horrible since Cingular took over AT&T Wireless. I have had nothing but whiners and complainers today. I know Cingular is not perfect, but comeon people, you need to take just a little responsibility for your service.

Calling number different then calling name
by toddm2    Jul 1, 2005, 7:51 PM
in the Motorola V710 forum

Anybody know how to "fix" this? Lets say you enter the following number, #201, into a contact (into the number field of a contact). You name that contact, for example, Robin. Then you do a manual dial of the number, #646, which is the Verizon number to receive a text message on the amount of minutes used. When I push send, the display says... Calling Robin. However, it dials the correct number, #646 but says Robin instead of Calling #646. It looks like it is going through the address book and taking a similar match. As soon as I delete the Robin entry, it is fine. Any other way to have it display properly? The #201 is actually a "Gate" code when I drive up to her house. So, I just use it for reference and placed it in the number field. My old Startac, which I just traded in for this 710 yesterday, never did this, though its technology was very simple. Thanks for any help.

Re: So Plooky???
by disturbed1    Jul 26, 2005, 6:17 PM
in the Shop Talk forum

Heaven's Gate And ya think plookster's capable of that kind of coherent thought? Really? As for bad science...Can't argue there.

Re: Which is better CDMA or GSM???
by sailwaywil    Jul 29, 2005, 10:17 AM
in the Development forum

Obviously, your opinion is based upon bias rather than knowledge or opinion. Many countries that formally only used GSM (eg. China, Korea, Germany, UK) are replacing their GSM with CDMA. Why? Because GSM as others repeatedly in this forum have asserted has limitations especially for wireless data. The largest Wireless Network in the US (Verizonwireless--coverage not customers base)abandoned TDMA/GSM when it was BAM, GTE, and Primeco. VZW has continued to put up more towers all cdma than anyone else, and so there and they cover more different markets (130 )currently than the GSM carriers combined so the report you made in your post that coverage was greater on GSM neither holds water nor that it doesn't work everywhere (no carrier or technology covers everywhere) and is largely irrelevant. ATT & Cingular at the time CDMA became available did not buy into CDMA because of the cost involved and instead converted from TDMA to the more advanced form of it called GSM. Cingular is really still nubile in the arena of wireless Broadband because they really had to rely on the ATT Broadband platform (which drives things like broadband over the phone, mobile web, texting, pixing, flixing, synching, etc)offerring Broadband in less than 10 markets and a much slower limited data signal while VZW using the CDMA on its evdo has it in 50 current markets and will probably have all 130 markets covered within the year. Because VZW's VCAST using the advantages of CDMA Broadband was the first out of the gate, and is becoming widespread for streaming video via cell so fast and it will take several years for the GSM carriers to catch up with their slower Mobile TV. the content providers will make more video available for CDMA which may mean that like Windows the CDMA becomes the standard, which is what is essentially at stake right now for GSM carriers if VZW succeeds in their aggressive approach. Likelihood is that Domestic GSM carriers will go to hybrids like WCDMA eventually and VZW is already offerring 2 Switchable Global Phones that can be used on both CDMA/GSM networks, albeit not the GSM in the US but overseas which is largely different frequency than Domestic GSM. Their Global Phone Service is thru. Vodafone the world largest carrier Worldwide servicing 138 countries (not including US--because the US is thru.Verizonwireless whom they own roughly half--other half is Verizon Communications). The competition for VZW is really not currently Cingular because at current Churn/Activitation rates within 2 year if they hold, VZW will again be the largest not only in terms of network but also customer base, but with the landline carriers and cable who offer phone service. The competition will be not only for VZW to grab their phone customer base but also their Video, DSL Broadband, etc.

hifi ringers
by kelly637    Aug 17, 2005, 9:25 PM
in the T-Mobile forum

is there a way to send hifi (wav/mp3) ringers to samsung x457 with t mobile i use funformobile.com for polys and wallpapers but "tmobile gate way only supports midi" so possibly could i send it via email address or something thanks!

The absolute FUNNIEST thing I have ever seen in my store
by cingcing    Sep 2, 2005, 9:52 PM
in the Shop Talk forum

At my store we have a gate in the middle of 2 big safety glass walls. Normally we have a sign up in front of them both. Today however, we took one of them down as we launched new promo's today and it did not apply. We were also yet to receive another sign to replace it. A customer came into the store and was screaming at one of my reps about the poor service he had received "Ever since i #$%^% singed up!" I was in the back room and heard the screaming and was coming out to rescue my rep. I opened the door just in time to see the guy throw his hands up in anger and start to storm out of the store when BAMB!!!! He walked straight into the glass HARD. Then he said "God Dammit!" In a not so masculine voice as he was yelling in, got up and kicked the door to the mall open and ran to his car! Everybody, employees and customers alike exploded in laughter. Absolutely priceless!

Verizon Wireless offers short code for hurricane donations
by wfine81    Sep 3, 2005, 9:39 AM
in the Verizon forum

Verizon Wireless was the first out of the gate with what is expected to be an industrywide effort to allow mobile-phone users the ability to donate to the American Red Cross using text messaging and the short code 2Help or 24357. Customers taking advantage of the service will be able to donate $5 to the American Red Cross. This can be done up to five times for a total donation of $25. Standard text messaging charges still will apply.

Re: Verizon Wireless offers short code for hurricane donations
by ccanady    Sep 7, 2005, 11:23 AM
in the Verizon forum

wfine81 said: Verizon Wireless was the first out of the gate with what is expected to be an industrywide effort to allow mobile-phone users the ability to donate to the American Red Cross using text messaging and the short code 2Help or 24357. Customers taking advantage of the service will be able to donate $5 to the American Red Cross. This can be done up to five times for a total donation of $25. Standard text messaging charges still will apply. were they really the first? I know alltelwe are doing it and did it last year for the Tsunami victims.

Re: Verizon Wireless offers short code for hurricane donations
by jinx7676    Sep 7, 2005, 11:36 AM
in the Verizon forum

wfine81 said: Verizon Wireless was the first out of the gate with what is expected to be an industrywide effort to allow mobile-phone users the ability to donate to the American Red Cross using text messaging and the short code 2Help or 24357. Customers taking advantage of the service will be able to donate $5 to the American Red Cross. This can be done up to five times for a total donation of $25. Standard text messaging charges still will apply. so they are "allowing" their customers to donate, and on TOP of that charging them to do so?! how nice of them. :twisted:

Re: There is a way to get out verizon contract without penalty
by cellutions79    Sep 20, 2005, 4:12 PM
in the AT&T forum

Well i am more than happy that you are expierencing success porting people from VZW. I am expieriencing an influx in port ins from sprextel. So i guess you could say what goes around comes around. god I gate cliches. Good luck to all Cingy reps, I am avoiding the flames and leaving it at that. Good Day!!

by VZWagent    Sep 27, 2005, 3:07 PM
in the Samsung VI-A820 forum

Is this PTT feature going to be ready link? I don't believe that there is a gate way technology to connect SPCS customers and Nextel Customer yet, is there? If not why waste ne phones with this RL PTT, and just focus truly on connecting to Direct Connect.

Re: connection in my places
by Pyrotechnic02    Oct 9, 2005, 8:47 AM
in the LG VX-8100 forum

do you have to connect any of the things in my places?? ie the audio gate way , modem port on the lg, or the serial port opn the lg??

Great way to start your day.
by cingcing    Oct 14, 2005, 1:11 PM
in the Shop Talk forum

I was opening the store today, and about 20 min before we opend there was a guy outside staring in throgh the gate, then through the window, then trying the door. I waited about 10 min in the back room till he left, and then went outside to have a cigarette. As soon as I get out side I see him, practically running out of the mall to come talk to me. I reach in my pocket to lock the door and walk to my car but I realize I left my keys inside DAMMIT! I have to help him. "What time do you open?" I point to the "Sore Hours" sign posted on the door he tried to open twice. "Oh, well mabey you can answer a question?" "Do I have a choice?" "My voicemail quit working, can you fix it?" "Your voicemail was upgraded, press and hold 1 and follow the prompts." "It doesn't work." "Yes it does, press and hold 1 and follow the prompts." "Can you do it for me?" 4 min later "Here your voicemail box is ready for use, just press and hold 1 to listen to your voicemail." "It doesn't work." "I just set it up for you, pres and hold 1 to listen to your voicemail." "Can I speak to your manager?" "I'm in charge right now." "I'll be back later to talk to your manager." "Can't wait, his name is ***** ******, I'm sure he'll be delighted to talk to you." "Your an a$$hole!" "See you later, have a nice day." The nerve of this guy. I wanted to throttle him, I mean first off how hard is it to set up your voicemail he even got a letter in the mail telling him to press and hold 1 and follow the prompts. Idiot. Second, how hard is it to read the G$# Damn sign? I told him we're not open yet and I did him a favor by even talking to him, let alone giving him special treatment by helping him before the store opens. We've been slammed for the last hour and he hasn't come back. I'll put another post up if he does.

Re: Just looking
by tequilasundae    Oct 22, 2005, 11:40 AM
in the Shop Talk forum

this happened to me once...mall kiosk.. 850pm..punk kid..coworker and i are getting ready to shut down..this kid who starts out as just looking, ends up asking for all the information..we give him the gist of all the plans and phones, and he says ok..but he's still standing there...so we ask(reluctantly) for the sale cause its 905..he says not tonite..so we continue to close down..we have counted down the drawer.(the last and final penultimate step ) when he pipes up that he'll get a phone now...(at this point the gates to every store around us are closed) so we tell him no..then he goes off..accusing us of bad customer service, and how right now (915) he'll go to other carrier and get a line just to spite us...good luck with that dingleberry they have a gate!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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