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Dec 11, 2004, 12:50 AM

eBay phones & gotchas

There always seems to be that "new super great phone" that's ALMOST released, but isn't quite out yet.

I took a peak on eBay for one of these phones - one that's supposed to come out in Europe this month and the US by mid next year.
(the Motorola MPx, or as the eBay people seem to call it, the MPx-300. I guess it was released in Europe under that name?).

Anyway, some of these eBay auctions strongly reek of "too good to be true".
Especially the price.

What's the deal with these things?
Some of these sellers even have a good bit of positive feedback.

Are these guys just faking their feedback w/ "sales" to their buddies?
Are they phone-factory employees digging through the trashcans?
Do they work for customs and just confiscate...
2 replies

Dec 3, 2004, 1:59 AM


Anyone know if MobiTV is going to be available for Motorola V400 Cingular? ATT is letting users subscribe it with their V180 and V220. Since those two are in the lower lines of the motorola i would think they would allow V400s to be able to subscribe to it too..
40 replies

Dec 15, 2004, 5:59 AM

Can anyone recommend best bluetooth cell phone, with infrared, keyboard, maybe?

Need to be able to type easily, transmit data, high speed link to my pc, etc., easy typing whether touch screen or qwerty keyboard, and prefer memory stick capability.Am currently with Sprint PCS but ready to leave, as there are few options. Do not care about quality of camera.

Dec 14, 2004, 11:29 AM

Nokia 3100 vs V400

I was recently in Europe and want to pass on the fact that when using the Nokia 3100 vs the Mororola V-400 there is a big difference in reception. I had both phones with me and changed SIM cards to see how the phones differ in reception. The 3100 was MUCH WORSE than the V-400 in picking up signals. And I did the test over and over again.

Not sure if it's an inadequate antenna on the 3100.
1 reply

Nov 23, 2004, 8:30 PM

Carriers and phones

I'm pretty new to all this, so please forgive my ignorance, I'm working on it!

Phones listed here on PhoneScoop have this "Offered By" section on their "Specifications and Features page.
Is this the list of carriers that will sell you the phone directly (or will sometimes throw it in with a phone service deal)?
Or is the full list of every major carrier that would let you use the phone?

For example, the Nokia 6600 is a GSM phone.
It lists only T-Mobile in it's "Offered By" section.
https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=338 »
Does this mean that T-Mobile is the only major carrier to sell this phone?
Or does it mean that T-Mobile is the only carrier that this phone will work with?
I know that Cingular has a GSM network, and ...
9 replies

Dec 1, 2004, 1:54 AM

Could a platform be added to the Phone Finder?

Looks like a tiny handful of phones run (or will run when they're released) on Linux.
The Motorola E680 is the one I'm thinking of.
Could Rich or someone add Linux to the Platform/OS section of the 3 Phone Finders?

On a total other side note, I kinda like the "Check Spelling" feature for posting.
Could the names of the manufacturers and carriers and technologies be added to it as valid words?
Prolly a huge list of things really...
All those different companies, words like "USB" and "Bluetooth", etc.
It's no big deal to ignore those words really, but if someone out there's bored enough to fool with it... ;-)
2 replies

Dec 4, 2004, 6:31 PM

prepaid wireless card machines

Hi all. We are a wholesale distributor of prepaid phonecards. we also distribute pos machines for prepaid wireless cards (T-Mobile, Boost Mobile, AT&T, et cetera).

i'm looking for stores to place the machines. unlike others in the market, the machines are free.

i will happily pay a referral fee of $25-$50 (depending on first month's sale of cards) to anyone who helps me find clients. Once again, the machine is free and the percentages are reasonable. We provide good marketing material. lastly, the pins do not print on receipt paper like others, rather on thermal cards. impressive.

if there's someone who'd like to do this as a job, we're interested as well.



Dec 4, 2004, 12:23 AM

sd cards

does anyone know if there is a workable limit to the size of sd card you can use for a treo 600----I'd like a 1 gig card but I dont know if it'll work

Nov 17, 2004, 5:38 PM

Debate: Stubby vs. Internal vs. Extending Antenna????

What is better for reception?? I hear from the engineers that extending is better....What new technologies are out there that will make the internal antenna better than the extending?
Lets hear it! -Cellgirl
11 replies

Nov 29, 2004, 1:05 PM

stylish bluetooth?

hey all!
since this is phone scoop, what do you all think of motorola's bluetooth devices? I think that the headsets are actually pretty stylish. also, have you heard about the motowish sweepstakes? hellmoto.com/us/bluetooth has all the details/devices.
see ya around!

Nov 24, 2004, 7:50 PM

Some co.'s not listed here on PhoneScoop?

There's a phone listed here:
http://www.mphone.co.uk/pda/sp3i.html »
It's an "i-Mate SP3i" by a "mPhone Ltd".
(I guess that co. really loveS mEssed uP caPs, eH?)

There's no mention of mPhone Ltd here on PhoneScoop.
I guess it's probably a non-US company and PhoneScoop only covers the US ones?

I think I asked this same question just yesterday, but just to hammer down the point:
if a phone is a GSM phone with the right frequency support and it's a brand new phone straight from the factory (with no carrier-locking funny business going on), should the thing work here in the US?
4 replies

Oct 24, 2004, 12:01 PM

2 simultaneous bluetooth connections

is anyone aware of a phone - regardless of carrier - that would support two simultaneous bluetooth connections? i.e. dialing from my pda while the phone is also conected to a blutooth headset
2 replies

Nov 23, 2004, 5:08 PM

Measuring Phone Reception

I feel almost certain I'm wasting people's time, network bandwidth, and electricity, but I've got to ask:

Is there a way to compare the reception on different phones yet?

Good reception has got to be at the top of a lot of people's list when they're searching for a cell phone, yet comparing phone reception is something I'm finding impossible!

There must be a dozen technical specs that could be scientifically tested, published, and when all of them were considered, you should have some good guess as to how good the reception is on a particular model.
But no one seems to publish any of these specs.

How could such a crucial feature of cell phones be so hard to find?

A year ago Rich Brome himself pretty well sai...
8 replies

Nov 14, 2004, 10:49 AM

Question for Rich Brome

I have a customer who looses service at his home. He just purchased a Motorola v180 and I was wondering if there was an external antenna that is compatable with either that model or these models. Motorola v220, LG C1300, or Nokia 3120.
1 reply

Nov 21, 2004, 7:16 PM

Nextel Bandwidth Upgrades

I currently have 2 i860's, when Nextel finally upgrades its service from 800Mhz to 1.9Ghz will I have to buy new phones or will there be some way to upgrade them, at the same time will they be upgrading to a better technology (cdma), If they go to CDMA then I already know I will have to get new phones, and if that is the case are they going to offer their new phones at a major discounted rate for current subscribers to their service that will be forced to upgrade. Does anybody have a timeline as to when any of these things might happen?
5 replies

Nov 24, 2004, 1:40 AM

A phone with "Java" and a memory card and no mp3 player??

How's it possible for a phone to have a Java engine and freely accessible storage space like you'd find on flash memory cards and NOT have an mp3 player?

The only other thing I'd think you'd need to play mp3s would be a speaker and well, I don't think you can have a phone w/o one of those :-)

I've never went looking for an mp3 player written in Java but I think I'd faint if I couldn't find a dozen in 10 seconds.

Are phones like the Nokia 3620
https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=392 »
somehow crippled and you can't load up just any old well-written truly-platform-independent Java app on them?
Or they didn't implement a way for the Java engine to access the memory card maybe?
2 replies

Nov 22, 2004, 10:51 PM

Entry Level Phone

I was reading reviews on a couple of phones, and some people use the term "good entry level phone".

What the crap is an entry level phone?

Is it a phone for someone to learn how to use a cell phone with?

How is it different from a 'professional' phone and what are the professional phones?

How do I know when I should no longer use an entry level phone?

Why is this such a totally idotioc, rediculous thread?

3 replies

Nov 23, 2004, 10:59 PM

Cell phone for US and Japan.

I want to buy cell phones that will allow me to talk to friend in Japan. I plan to buy my friend the same phone, if it's necessary. I'm not sure that matters.
What will work both here and there and which carrier should I pick-TMobile or Cingular/Att?
2 replies

Nov 17, 2004, 8:33 PM

gsm question

I am on the east coast of florida, and was wondering about the 1900 band coverage for cingular/att. I am intersted in the sl65(as no sl66 seems to be coming soon), and was wondering about coverage. I looked through the gsmworld maps and there seems to be adequite coverage, but I wanted some opinions from those in the know. Any help is appreciated.
1 reply

Nov 23, 2004, 3:00 PM

growing number of cell phones exploding into fire.

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