Audiovox CDM-8900
Reviews 100+
Phone unlocking...Free Service?????????/
I've heard something about pressing #5625* + END to get the unlock code for the phone. I got the code and I put it in. But what is that supposed to do? I heard something about getting free service? I'm confused. Can someone please tell me what "unlocking" a phone actually means? And please explain this free service thing to me.
2 replies
I have been told by a lot of people that this phone is horrible. That it has dropped call glitches, caller ID/pic ID glitches, is this true. I also found out that VZW is supposed to be pulling the 8900 off the shelves due to all the glitches within the week. I was thinking of getting this phone, but is it worth it?
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It's in
i'm in nyc and called the closest verizon store to me and the 8900 came in today!!!
18 replies
Phone noises/messaging/service
Hi, I recently bought an Audiovox CDM8900 from my local Verizon Wireless place. I had some questions about it that I couldn't find the answers to in the manual, and I thought you guys might be able to help me.
Sorry if I'm repeating a topic that was already covered.
Does the etiquette mode turn off all sounds when it is activated? If not, how do I set the phone to stay muted all the time? How do I keep etiquette mode on? When I switch etiquette mode on, and turn the phone off, the phone forgets that I set it to it, and it makes that little tune and all the regular noises after I turn it on? How do I turn off that annoying tune when I turn off and on the phone? Also, will my carrier, Verizon, charge me money if I send pictures? W...
3 replies
MP3 ringtone and more for your Audiovox
Juat find out Fry's electronics now carry Handset Manager! With Handset Manager, you can upload a Mp3 to set as ringtone (if your phone supports MP3), and also you can upload,download, edit the pictures from your cell, the file manager function is nice for transfering data and files...many great features are in one pakage (cable is included) Tired of your ringtone and wallpaper? Handset Manager is something you should get.
1 reply
backlight problem
my 8900 backlight stoped turning on. has this happend to anyone else and if so can it be fixed.....thankyou 🙂
will the Audiovox 8900 play MP3's for a ringtone
I'm curious if I can send a MP3 file to my phone and use it for a ringtone? If I can what is the procedure? Please give detailed information. Thanks
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Connecting the data cable!
I have Bitpim and Brewsky for my 8900, but the problem is that I cant connect it. What is the problem????
help with text messaging
Can someone tell me what it means when you are checking your outgoing messages and the little envelope symbol is green colored?
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Help!! ....audiovox8900 or the motorola v810
I am having trouble deciding on which phone to buy. It is between the audiovox 8900 and the Moto v810...please give me some help with any suggestions asap!!!
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getting pictures off camera
How do I find out what software I need to get my pictures of this camera? I can't seem to find any info on it on the Audiovox site. I have the USB data cable already but no driver or software for the camera itself. Any info on this? Thanks.
As far as the inner display of this phone on mine I have a large rectangle block that shows the time and date on the bottom of the screen. It block a portion of my picture and looks like crap. Any suggestions?
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I accidentally locked my phone last night and I figured my voicemail password would work but it doesnt. Neither does the last 4 digits of my number, 1234, 0000, 9999, 8888, ect. Is there a way to get it unlocked or do I need to go to the verizon store?
How many pictures?
Just got this phone and I am wondering how many pictures it can hold.
Does anyone know?
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Download Games Free on the Web?
Is there anywhere to download BREW games on the web for free? I bought a data adapter for my phone and am getting kinda sick of paying like $7 per game
Which Cellphone Should I Purchase?
I have the choice of a Kyocera SE47 or a Audiovox CDM-8900. Which one do all of you suggest?
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Can i Download ringtones to my Pc and send them to celphone?
I bought the data cable, and would like to know if there is a way to download ringtones to my PC then send them to the phone. If so can someone tell me where i can download ringtones to my PC.
1 reply
8900 usb driver
I need a USB driver for my 8900. My pc did not recognize like new hardware.
Please Help Me!!!
6 replies
sb42Sep 6, 2004, 11:20 PM
8900 vs. LG4500
Will be switching to VZW in a few weeks. Trying to decide between the Audiovox 8900 and LG4500. Both phones have a speakerphone. The 8900 is tri-mode while the 4500 is all digital. Speakerphone on 4500 is much better. Will I miss analog if I go with the 8900. I live on Long Island and frequently travel to Florida and California. Which phone do you recommend??
3 replies
Bad switch??? Phone got wet.
Four days ago, I hit some tennis balls against the wall the other day, it started raining, and I picked up my 8900 from the ground and the phione acted crazy. It now works but the off/on/hang-up button does not work right. I can terminate a call by closing the shell but, all day today cannot even turn the phone on.
Any tricks to truning phone on w/o using the on\off button???
Verizon 611 sent me a Verizon store where they saw the PINK DOT on the battery apparetnly indicating that the phone got wet (how did that happen?) and they said therefore the warrany was VOID.
If the only issue is this one butto and I can figure a work-around, I do not have to replace the phpne. Any ideas appreciated.
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