Audiovox CDM-8900
Reviews 100+
sending pictures...
i got sprint pcs... and a sanyo 8100... and my girlfriend has the audiovox 8900... metro pcs... she can send pictures to e-mail... as can I... but we can't send pictures to each other... anyone know what's going on?
2 replies
Feb 6, 2004, 2:57 PM
email capabilities.
Anyone know does the CDM8900 have email capabilities thru Verizon Wireless?
Feb 6, 2004, 2:56 PM
National Access
Does anyoone have any problems with the CDM8900 not having National Access?
8900 hacks?
Has anyone found a way to make the fron LCD better? THE FONT SUCKS, and the VERIZON thingy blinking sux...SOMEONE DO SOMETHING PEASE!!!!!
1 reply
Does the battery charge when you talk on it?
I am going to get this phone and was wondering if it charges when its plugged in and you're talking on it?
Also if it vibrates when it rings?
buttons on the 8900
i just ordered the Audivox 8900 but haven't received it yet... i was wondering if someone could tell me, are the buttons flat like on the Audiovox 9500? or are they raised like they are on the LG 4400?
1 reply
Just got it, and have questions
First can you set the outer display so it doesnt blink verizon wirless and only shows the time?
Second, can you change the tone and logo when the phone is powerd on and off?
If not it is going to have to go back!!
5 replies
8900 is back
I am in NY area and the 8900 is back on the VZW web site
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I have two questions about this phone?
1. Does it charge while you are talking on it
2. Does it vibrate and ring at the SAME time?
*Thanks* 😉
Off the website again????
Why has verizon taken this phone off the website again?
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Updated 8900???
people if the phone was fixed of its problems. How come when you call verizon for the phone they wont sell it to you. And they have no record of the phone being sold anymore????
8 replies
My first though was its Great...then
When i got the 8900 i thought it was gonna be great, so many feautures. My only set back on the phone was the front display. It is way to dim and the font is to small to see anything. I had to get rid of it. And the phone book is very confusing!!
Audiovox CDM 8900 - Backlight
I just got the CDM 8900 and I noticed that when I have the phone flipped open for more than 30 seconds the backlight as well as the keypad light completely go off. They don't just get dim...they shut off entirely. Is this normal? Every other phone I have seen these lights will dim. I am still within the 15 day trial period that Verizon offers so if anyone can help me figure out if this is normal I would appreciate it.
where to get/see this phone?
I saw this phone and wanted to see it and play with it before considering buying it, but verizon store says they don't have it, the verizon 800 number says they don't carry it, and stores like best buy/circuit city don't carry it. Where did all of you get yours and when?
2 replies
8900 Vibrate
I have the updated softwere audiovox 8900 and it is a great phone! Sound is 10000 times better then my V60 and the construction of the phone is very solid. However the feature it does not have that I need is the vibrate and then ring. Also it needs to vibrate for text messages and voice mails which I can not get it to do. Does anyone know if the 8600 will do that and or if there is a way to get the 8900 to do what I want it to do?
5 replies
Has anyone been able to input a greeting message on their phone at menu, 7,2,4 and have it appear on display? If so,,,, what is secret?
3 replies
I have decided!!!
VERIZON HAS THE WORST GOD DAMN phones in history!!!!!!!!!!!
Just got it!!!
I just got the phone....AWESOME!!!!!! My friend had the Korean version of the V810 and it blows it out the water. In pictures the 8900 looks like a peice of cheap plastic.....i was like wow when i got it. The camera and screen are 100 times better than my vx6000. And the speakerphone works just as good as any speakerphone ive ever had.!!!!!!
I am passing on the v810 , the no speakerphone made my desision when i saw the 8900. It was that nice!!!
8900 vs 8600
Hello All,
I just perchased my NEW (updated softwere) 8900 and it is great. However I also really like the looks of the 8600. Can anyone give me a comparison from personl experience?
PS-I couldent care less about this stupid camera. I wish the 8900 dident have one but oh well.
1 reply
9900 info
I spoke to AUDIOVOX they said the phone is already being sold. But not official by Verizon....i jumped the gun on that one. they said VERIZON hasnt even begun testing the phone i was wrong on that