Audiovox CDM-8900
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I have been told by a lot of people that this phone is horrible. That it has dropped call glitches, caller ID/pic ID glitches, is this true. I also found out that VZW is supposed to be pulling the 8900 off the shelves due to all the glitches within the week. I was thinking of getting this phone, but is it worth it?
Apr 21, 2004, 11:56 AM
I have the Audiovox 8900 and love it... Sound quality is the best of all the Verizon phones I have used over the years... Plus, I have yet to drop a call... Nor have I missed a call... The color screen is acceptable, and I love the phonebook...
People complain about the speakerphone, but I found that if you put the phone on a table, or just turn the phone around and listen from and talk into the speaker, it works great... Not super loud, but functional...
People complain you can't see the outer display in the dark... Well, that is how all phones are... Just press the up volume button and it lights up...
The camera.. Well, to put it bluntly, sucks... But hey, it's a camera phone... At this stage of the game, a novelty...
On the d...
i definately agree... the speaker phone kicks butt if u set it on a table or something.. and never have i had a dropped call or glitch or anything... the only probly for me is, i dont like the blue lights on the side... and half of whats on here, i have no idea what it is... lol like can u get vibrate for a text message alert? and how to take off the face plate... haha
every ph manufacture has made bad phones ive had the 9000 and the 9500 by audiovox the 7868 and 120 by motorola and ive had people say the they are all crap hasnt happened to me you have the wfg on the phones and 15days to try them out put it to the test is my answer
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