Audiovox CDM-8900
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Phone noises/messaging/service
Hi, I recently bought an Audiovox CDM8900 from my local Verizon Wireless place. I had some questions about it that I couldn't find the answers to in the manual, and I thought you guys might be able to help me.
Sorry if I'm repeating a topic that was already covered.
Does the etiquette mode turn off all sounds when it is activated? If not, how do I set the phone to stay muted all the time? How do I keep etiquette mode on? When I switch etiquette mode on, and turn the phone off, the phone forgets that I set it to it, and it makes that little tune and all the regular noises after I turn it on? How do I turn off that annoying tune when I turn off and on the phone? Also, will my carrier, Verizon, charge me money if I send pictures? W...
Can anyone help me? 😕
I also have the 8900. If you do not sign up fvor a monthly picture plan with VZ, ( and you dont have to) pictures sent or received are charged at .25 per. Hope this helps.
I have an 8900, and it doesnt send pictures... But i do not have the monthly picture plan... So I couldnt tell ya about that whole 25 cents thing... Im just havin troubles taking the cover off, haha..
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