Audiovox CDM-8900
8900 vs. LG4500
sb42 said:
Will be switching to VZW in a few weeks. Trying to decide between the Audiovox 8900 and LG4500. Both phones have a speakerphone. The 8900 is tri-mode while the 4500 is all digital. Speakerphone on 4500 is much better. Will I miss analog if I go with the 8900. I live on Long Island and frequently travel to Florida and California. Which phone do you recommend??
I have the Audiovox 8900 and it is great.The reception on this phone is super good.I live in Nashville,TN and just recently traveled to ohio and the phone worked just like it does now.My friend had the LG 4500 and traded it yesterday for the Audiovox 8900 and he said he likes this phone much better.The camera is great and really works...