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Re: How does Sprint not have the most coverage????
by Technologic    Feb 3, 2007, 1:08 PM
in the Rumor Mill forum

o.=.0? The first thing that came to my head was an image of those replicator things from Star Gate. They need to have some of those critters at each tower, and some how reprogram them to update the towers instantaniously, and send out a message or a voice mail telling people, "Yo, towers are update, get your **** fixed by going to a store homes."

Re: every sunday... (rant)
by jalanjalaning    Feb 4, 2007, 12:31 PM
in the Shop Talk forum

yeah, hi, i'm not open, i just don't have a cool gate to protect me from you people!

Re: Radio Shack Question - Sprint??
by ShackViperElite    Feb 23, 2007, 10:14 PM
in the AT&T forum

Radio Shack still does more Sprint sales than Cingular, at least in my district. Not by much, but the edge is still there. Back when we switched it was almost exclusively Sprint because a lot of associates refused to learn Cingular. That hurt us a lot out of the gate, especially when we had managers who downed Cingular as a sales tactic to sell Verizon. Thankfully I have always taken the road of not putting anyone down, just selling up what I offer. I won't tell you what that service won't do for you, but I will tell you what this one will. Up until the launch of the W300i and the CU400, if a younger person came in for a phone with a lot of bells and whistles, they most often left with Sprint. This was mainly because of the Power Vision phones. The Samsung A900 and A920 were awesome sellers. The LG Fusic was supposed to be, but it never really took off. Now that the media RZR is on Sprint and we still carry the basic RZR, that's an edge for Sprint too. As far as service, Sprint is better in some areas than Cingular and vise versa. It all depends on the customer, though Sprint's "all roam" feature really takes the guesswork out of things a lot. As for customer service, for Sprint it doesn't really matter much for Radio Shack customers. When they deal with us, we call our RS Customer Support line that we have with Sprint. If you know how to talk to the reps and are nice, you can get just about anything you want.

by J-Five    Mar 30, 2007, 12:07 PM
in the Sprint forum

$149 out of the gate... not bad. $99 later. Good phone, good price. Sprint's onto something here...

by Versed    Apr 19, 2007, 7:56 PM
in the Nokia N75 forum

I did the same as you, and honestly I think Motorola did a great job with it, OK the Razr formfactor is a bit old, but it does function flawless. As far as the N75, I'm tired of waiting, but doesn't mean I won't get this phone, and not sure I will get it right out of the gate either, might wish to see some of the reviews, or if there's problems which are inherit of all new products, no matter if it's a phone, car or computer. My 15 y/o is probably going to be added to my Cingy plan sometime around her birthday this coming June, if the N75 has been out, I will get the phone under contract at the time and give her the V3xx.

Sorry PPC Users
by vzw-csr21    May 9, 2007, 6:29 PM
in the Sprint forum

http://www.engadgetmobile.com/2007/05/09/sprint-pp c-6800-delayed-until-fall/ A May launch for Sprint's variant of the HTC Titan sounded too good to be true, and indeed, it just might be. We've now heard from enough individuals to give some credence to a rumor that the PPC-6800 has been pulled back into the shop to get reworked for an October release just weeks before it was supposed to hit store shelves. The reason? Well, it's a pretty good one, it turns out; Sprint allegedly wants to take the time to do the launch up right by launching its flagship Pocket PC with Windows Mobile 6 and EV-DO Rev. A out of the gate. Now to be fair, we see no reason why they couldn't go ahead and launch it with Windows Mobile 5 and EV-DO Rev. 0 on the original timetable and push out an upgrade come this fall, but we've been through too many launch delays at this point to be too surprised or disappointed by the news. Although i will say this is a good move by sprint. No sense in releasing an outdated product.

Re: vx9400 vs. u540 vs. 8300
by bajaed    May 11, 2007, 10:44 AM
in the Verizon forum

Bump again, still on the fence. I guess main issue is if the 9400 is an easy to use everday phone, then I can have the tv as a bonus. Would like to hear some more feedback from users before I decide. 8300 had a lot of bad reviews when it came out but now I'm hearing positive feedback. U540 seems to have very positive reviews out of the gate.

All you need to know about WiMax
by stoopered    May 28, 2007, 4:37 PM
in the Article: Sprint to Launch Commercial WiMAX Network In 2Q 2008 forum

You can go here and read more press releases: http://samsung.com/search/search_sub.asp?col=xn&la =en&qs=&ntype=pressrelease&qp=news_code%3APR&dt=ba &ayr=2007&qt=wimax SAMSUNG Demonstrated the Newest Mobile WiMAX Technology, 'Mobile WiMAX WAVE 2' at 3GSM 2007 Samsung's 'Mobile WiMAX WAVE 2' will be deployed by Sprint and other service providers in 2007 Barcelona, Spain, February 13th, 2007– Samsung Electronics Co., LTD, a leading provider of telecommunications network, demonstrated its newest Mobile WiMAX technology, ‘Mobile WiMAX WAVE 2’ at 3GSM World Congress 2007, Barcelona, Spain. ‘Mobile WiMAX Wave 2’ which supports Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) and Smart Antenna is a next generation mobile telecommunications technology created by the combination of Mobile WiMAX and 4G technology. It can realize 40 Mbps download and 12 Mbps upload transmission speeds in maximum. The demonstration in Samsung booth, Samsung Electronics used ‘Mobile WiMAX Wave 2’ systems and terminals to successfully demonstrate high-speed transmission of data at 34 Mbps for downloading and 8 Mbps for uploading. At this download speed allows the users to download MP3 music files (3 MB) in 0.7 second and a movie (700 MB) in 2 minutes and 45seconds. At 3GSM, Samsung will showcase Spatial Multiplexing (SM) function of MIMO technology through 4 Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) terminals. Operators can reduce CAPEX and OPEX, through the MIMO and Smart Antenna technology which increase the data through put and cell coverage compared to existing technology Single Input Single Output (SISO). Moreover, ‘Mobile WiMAX Wave 2’ can upgrade current platform to MIMO and Smart Antenna technology with simple software upgrade. In addition to the demonstration, Samsung also introduced its in-house-developed core chip for ‘Mobile WiMAX Wave 2’, attracting interest from the global telecommunications industry including mobile telecommunications operators. ‘Mobile WiMAX Wave 2’ is to be deployed by Sprint and other operators by late this year. Geesung Choi, President and CEO of Samsung’s Telecommunications Network business said, “We will continue to develop innovative technologies such as Mobile WiMAX Wave 2 and will accelerate the commercialization of Mobile WiMAX in global market.” Samsung Electronics is now pursuing Mobile WiMAX businesses with 35 operators in 23 countries globally. The company has already concluded commercialization contracts or is implementing pilot service with nine operators in seven countries including the US, Europe, and South America. Mobile WiMAX Wave 2 The Mobile WiMAX Forum is determining 2nd phase specifications of Mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e) to ensure compatibility among systems and terminals by different vendors. Mobile WiMAX Wave 1: Maximum download and upload transmission speeds: 20M/6Mbps Mobile WiMAX Wave 2: Maximum download and upload transmission speeds: 40M/12Mbps MIMO and smart antenna was added to Wave 1 (current Mobile WiMAX). MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) Technology that increases the reliability of data signals or transmission speed by simultaneously sending and receiving data by multiple antennas. The 2x2 MIMO system used in ‘Mobile WiMAX wave 2’ allows for twice the maximum transmission speed as SISO (Single Input Single Output). Smart antenna Technology that identifies the location of a user by signals sent from the terminal by the base station, and concentrates radio signals on the corresponding user (beamforming).

Re: I knew this would happen.....
by urnamehere    Jun 5, 2007, 9:38 AM
in the Article: HTC Drops New User Interface Into Touch forum

I notice making phone calls wasn't on your list. Probably an accurate statement. iphone has some nice innovation, but if manufacturers who have been making phones for 20 years can't get it right with half their new phones, what chance does apple have right out of the gate? i bet it'll be an awesome music and video player though.

Re: So....
by jestcuzzgrl    Jun 21, 2007, 8:53 AM
in the Shop Talk forum

Now you messed it up. That was their cover up and they wanted you to call back so they can track your location by the cell phone pings and then steal your star gate invention.

Re: VZW phone with absolute best reception?
by SystemShock    Jun 22, 2007, 10:13 PM
in the Verizon forum

GreyHairedKid said: My trusty Nokia 6256i is starting to flake out and I'm bummed. It's big, it's clunky, it's ugly, it has a lot of features I don't use, and it has the best reception I've ever seen or heard of. It drags in signals where nothing else does. You aren't wrong. I had a 6256i, and the digital reception was great. And I did use the analog a couple of times too... came in handy in Southern Oregon (in a small town where the VZW coverage map says you're just barely in digital coverage, but you're really not :( ). Too bad the stupid phone doesn't last much more than a year before it gives up the ghost. Nokia should be kicked in the crotch for making a phone that works so well and lasts so poorly. I guess they think everyone will just go out and buy another one. They can suck it. :evil: Everyone says go LG 8300 or almost any Motorola for reception. I wouldn't go with any Motorola that's only been out for a couple of months though... they always seem to be flaky out of the gate, with software problems and other glitches.

The stunning new iPhone is a winner out of the gate !!!!
by macking301    Jun 24, 2007, 3:26 AM
in the Apple iPhone forum

I am going to write a short summary of my impression of Apple's new iPhone. The product is groundbreaking in every respect. Its got OS X operating system which is rock solid-there will be no reboots of freezes! The included software is superb and the way the phone operates is simply unmatched by any other cell phone ever made! Remember, this is the first iPhone and in 6 months you can expect an upgraded iPhone along with more power and features. A lower cost model will follow. Folks, Nokia, Samsung and Motorola will all be watching not each other but Apple because this is a turning point in the industry. My only downside is I am not a fan of ATT-Yuk! :)

Re: The stunning new iPhone is a winner out of the gate !!!!
by MORTFE    Jun 25, 2007, 9:24 AM
in the Apple iPhone forum

Either am I, but look at it this way, VZW would have locked up the phone and made it a wreck.

Re: Apple users gets ready for updates!
by mjsla    Jul 4, 2007, 8:35 AM
in the Apple iPhone forum

this phone out of the gate is great. these updates will just make it that much better. other phones, like Windows, will always be trying catch the iPhone.

Vodafone’s extraordinary $160bn Verizon plan
by yesVZW    Jul 16, 2007, 9:46 AM
in the Verizon forum

Mobile phone group Vodafone has been considering a $160bn takeover bid for its American peer and partner, Verizon Communications — a deal that, if consummated, would rival AOL’s takeover of Time Warner and Vodafone’s earlier acquisition of Germany’s Mannesmann as one of the largest M&A transactions on record, FT Alphaville has learned. Vodafone has not yet approached Verizon with the plan and sources cautioned that there is no certainty the British mobile group will pursue the idea. Nevertheless, the move would be aimed, squarely, at settling uncertainty over the future of Vodafone’s US mobile interests — acquiring the whole of Verizon as the route to buying the 55 per cent of its mobile division, Verizon Wireless, that Vodafone does not currently own. The audacious plan has been discussed in recent weeks as Vodafone has considered whether to trigger a little-known put option it holds over part of its stake in Verizon Wireless — a move that, accompanied by an asset revaluation at the American company, could allow it to suck up to $20bn out of Verizon and distribute this to its shareholders. The extreme alternative of bidding for Verizon would create a business capitalised at around $300bn — bigger than AT&T, currently the world’s largest telecoms business. According to well placed financiers, in contemplating such a move, Vodafone has looked at a range of deal structures. These include a plan to buy the whole of Verizon and then simultaneously spin-off its fixed line interests to a private equity consortium. The company has also looked at whether it could part-fund the deal with the issue of a tracker stock for US investors. If pursued, the private equity side deal alone, valued at around $90bn, would constitute the largest leverage buyout on record. News of Vodafone’s ambitions — with its stubborn commitment to continued growth by acquisition — is likely to flummox critics who have pressed chief executive Arun Sarin to scale back expansion plans and focus instead on cash generation. Most recently, a growing group of rebel shareholders, including former Marconi boss John Mayo, has pressed for the sale of Vodafone’s 45 per cent holding in Verizon Wireless and the return of cash to investors. Such a move on Verizon would also be seen as a risky and hugely expensive catch-up exercise in the US following the failed attempt to buy AT&T Wireless in 2004. After a fevered auction, that business was acquired by Cingular Wireless for $41bn. An all-share deal for Verizon would be highly controversial amongst Vodafone shareholders, who in the past have had to digest some of the heaviest issues of new paper on record - culminating in the $183bn share issue used to buy Mannesmann in 2000. At the same time, part financing a deal through an LBO of Verizon’s fixed line business, would test the world’s increasingly jittery credit markets, which would be asked to fund around $75bn of debt. Nevertheless, Mr Sarin’s focus on the plan has been sharpened by the largely unpublicised put option agreement, whereby Vodafone currently has the right to demand that Verizon buy shares from it in Verizon Wireless worth up to $10bn. In assessing whether to exercise the put, which expires in the middle of next month, Vodafone has been re-evaluating its entire US strategy. One option here has been to press Verizon into gate-crashing the $27.5bn deal hatched by Goldman Sachs’ private equity arm and TPG Capital to acquire Alltel Corp, the fifth largest mobile operator in the US — a deal on which shareholders still have to vote. In the event that it were to exercise its put option, Vodafone has been working on the assumption that it could generate a tax free payment of $7.5bn from Verizon by reducing its holding in the mobile business to about 41 per cent. At the same time, a further $12bn tax-related payment to Vodafone could be triggered by an asset revaluation. This entry was posted by Paul Murphy on Monday, July 16th, 2007 at 11:05 and is filed under M&A, Capital markets, Private equity. Tagged with verizon, vodafone. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2007/07/16/5911/ vodafones-extraordinary-160bn-verizon-plan/

Re: Finally!!!
by stoopered    Jul 19, 2007, 10:26 AM
in the Article: Sprint, Clearwire Partner On National WiMAX Network forum

Yes I will repost a link on this website so you can read about it. Its a really cool technology. It has up to a 30 mile radius at 2mbps, but I think Sprint will probably go with the 10 mile 10 Mbps. The maximum speed achieved so far is 34 Mbps I am unaware of the distance. This technology is the same thing as WiBro and is already being used in South Korea and was used as an emergency communications device during the tsunami a couple years ago. You can go here and read more press releases: http://samsung.com/search/search_sub.asp?col= xn&la=en&qs=&ntype=pressrelease&qp=news_code% 3APR&dt=ba&ayr=2007&qt=wimax SAMSUNG Demonstrated the Newest Mobile WiMAX Technology, 'Mobile WiMAX WAVE 2' at 3GSM 2007 Samsung's 'Mobile WiMAX WAVE 2' will be deployed by Sprint and other service providers in 2007 Barcelona, Spain, February 13th, 2007– Samsung Electronics Co., LTD, a leading provider of telecommunications network, demonstrated its newest Mobile WiMAX technology, ‘Mobile WiMAX WAVE 2’ at 3GSM World Congress 2007, Barcelona, Spain. ‘Mobile WiMAX Wave 2’ which supports Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) and Smart Antenna is a next generation mobile telecommunications technology created by the combination of Mobile WiMAX and 4G technology. It can realize 40 Mbps download and 12 Mbps upload transmission speeds in maximum. The demonstration in Samsung booth, Samsung Electronics used ‘Mobile WiMAX Wave 2’ systems and terminals to successfully demonstrate high-speed transmission of data at 34 Mbps for downloading and 8 Mbps for uploading. At this download speed allows the users to download MP3 music files (3 MB) in 0.7 second and a movie (700 MB) in 2 minutes and 45seconds. At 3GSM, Samsung will showcase Spatial Multiplexing (SM) function of MIMO technology through 4 Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) terminals. Operators can reduce CAPEX and OPEX, through the MIMO and Smart Antenna technology which increase the data through put and cell coverage compared to existing technology Single Input Single Output (SISO). Moreover, ‘Mobile WiMAX Wave 2’ can upgrade current platform to MIMO and Smart Antenna technology with simple software upgrade. In addition to the demonstration, Samsung also introduced its in-house-developed core chip for ‘Mobile WiMAX Wave 2’, attracting interest from the global telecommunications industry including mobile telecommunications operators. ‘Mobile WiMAX Wave 2’ is to be deployed by Sprint and other operators by late this year. Geesung Choi, President and CEO of Samsung’s Telecommunications Network business said, “We will continue to develop innovative technologies such as Mobile WiMAX Wave 2 and will accelerate the commercialization of Mobile WiMAX in global market.” Samsung Electronics is now pursuing Mobile WiMAX businesses with 35 operators in 23 countries globally. The company has already concluded commercialization contracts or is implementing pilot service with nine operators in seven countries including the US, Europe, and South America. Mobile WiMAX Wave 2 The Mobile WiMAX Forum is determining 2nd phase specifications of Mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e) to ensure compatibility among systems and terminals by different vendors. Mobile WiMAX Wave 1: Maximum download and upload transmission speeds: 20M/6Mbps Mobile WiMAX Wave 2: Maximum download and upload transmission speeds: 40M/12Mbps MIMO and smart antenna was added to Wave 1 (current Mobile WiMAX). MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) Technology that increases the reliability of data signals or transmission speed by simultaneously sending and receiving data by multiple antennas. The 2x2 MIMO system used in ‘Mobile WiMAX wave 2’ allows for twice the maximum transmission speed as SISO (Single Input Single Output). Smart antenna Technology that identifies the location of a user by signals sent from the terminal by the base station, and concentrates radio signals on the corresponding user (beamforming).

Same company is targeting Sunrocket customers? Interesting coincidences.
by KG4PEQ    Aug 7, 2007, 11:20 PM
in the Article: Amp'd Mobile To Be Folded Into Prexar forum

A look at the Prexar web site revealed the name "USA Telephone." That name has also come up at SunrocketForums.com. For the uninformed, Sunrocket is a recently-failed VoIP service provider that went under about a week or two ago. Sunrocket's customers are being transitioned to some fly-by-night VoIP operation calling itself "Teleblend" which has claimed to be some sort of leader in VoIP services and claims to be well-known, yet nobody had even heard of them until a couple days after Sunrocket disappeared. All indications are that the Teleblend web site is brand new, the company has one or two monkeys (and admittedly no technicians) working for it, and is dropping the ball right out of the gate. Read up at SunrocketForums.com. Interesting that Teleblend is hosted with Prexar.com nameservers and resides two IP's above PrexarMobile.com. Also interesting that both are making sketchy (though not actually inaccurate) claims, ie, "national" and that both companies seemingly came out of the blue to take over customers of two companies that failed at about the same time. Interesting how Amp'd is reported to have seemingly squandered away its venture capital (those porn DVD's sure look like a wise investment now, don't they?) and Sunrocket was so horribly mismanaged across its entire existence. Rumors speculate that Teleblend is in some way tied to the people behind Sunrocket. I can't help but wonder if there's a common theme-- other than being run by idiots-- between Sunrocket and Amp'd and their shared demise, as there quite obviously is between Teleblend and Prexar. An "established communications service provider" indeed.

Re: DASH and accessing the internet "these days."
by shockopera    Aug 16, 2007, 2:17 AM
in the T-Mobile forum

In a way I did, but by and large, no: I had so many problems with my SDA right out of the gate and it was so "new" to T-mo, that none of the upper level support even knew anything about the device. I had to come here or other phone sites for 'support.' Once it was able to access, the browser wouldn't access some perfectly normal sites and kept giving me a strange error message (the exact message escapes me now). At any rate, the download was so slow that I seldom if ever used it. When I got the Dash, it seemed faster and accessed all sites well (mobile 6 perhaps? more ram?). True enough that the plan is still cheaper than most, but, without a doubt, the coverage and voice quality is the worst (and I've tried them all). I only chose Tmobile as a last resort and because of the data hack. V-town, I really appreciate you input, as obviously this was the specific answer I was looking for. You may be able to answer someone else's query of the replacement for the SDA better than I. I was on my second SDA when they offered me the Dash in place of it.

I'm not open!!!
by Cellfoneslinger    Sep 2, 2007, 1:04 PM
in the Shop Talk forum

What is wrong with people. Just because I am a kiosk and I am not surrounded by the same metal gate as all the other stores (were the only kiosk in this mall :cry: ) does not mean I am open! Don't talk to me and don't ask me questions, especially you, yes you, the guy that wasted 15 minutes of my life asking about our pre-paid service and if you come back and buy a gophone I am going to drop a bowling ball on your tiny genitals. Then there is the sheman who asked me a zillion questions about a phone only to tell me she can get it cheaper online. This day is starting worse then a dry party!

by Rich Brome    Sep 5, 2007, 1:14 AM
in the Nokia 5310 forum

Why? T-Mobile offers nothing but 2G phones now, and this is not a 3G phone. When they do start to offer 3G phones, it won't be 100% of their lineup right out of the gate. They'll still offer new 2G phones like this for a while.

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