Nokia N75
How do you unlock a phone?
New "tab top" OS is slow
and to be completely honest, i was like oh mess... i dont like it.
its way slow, i love the messaging format, having sent and received messages all on one tab... its alot easier to remember what i said 😁 but its slow, when i shut the phone on any tab but home, and then open the phone again it opens up in whichever tab i closed it on, and then takes like 2 mins just to get back to the home screen...
idk how many people have this tab top yet, but im having issues with the fact of how slow the messaging area of the phone is so slow...
I unlocked but firmware did not update
http://www.thegogglesdonothing.com/archives/2007/08/ ... »
but the phone still has AT&T characteristics like the login sh*t, etc. I followed the directions to the letter:
"To do this, start the software and hit "Scan" if your phone doesn't show up at first. Then press "Read" to get the current values from your phone. Then check the "Enable" box next to "Product Code," which tells the software that it's only that field you want to modify. Type the new code 0541358 into the box, and hit "Write."
Now we have a phone which is electronically indistinguishable from the $400 unlocked model that Nokia will sell you -- and thus we can use all of Nokia's software update tools to bring it up ...
You must unlock the N75 to make it better!
http://www.thegogglesdonothing.com/archives/2007/08/ ... »
To all with unlocked N75
This phone is FRAGILE!!!
Nokia N75 -Problema Configuracion SIP CALL-
N75 Battery Issue (More Information)
For those who are saying to use the BL-4B battery in the N75 - you are plain wrong. There are many sites out there who are saying it is the correct battery for the N75, but they are wrong. The BL-4B is only rated at 700mAh, while the correct battery is rated at 760mAh. (These are the NOKIA ratings listed for the batteries themselves. Beware, there are incorrect specifications listed everywhere on the net). The BL-4B will fit, and yes it will power the phone - but it has less capacity than the BL-5B.
The BL-5B IS the correct battery for the N75. This gets confusing as Nokia's own web site shows TWO BL-5B batteries (one with the BL-5BT label, the other simply as BL-5B). However, ...
What's the firmware number on the new "tab top"?
My Memory
My new Nokia N75
ok, so I love this phone-- just got it last night, took me forever to figure how to turn it on though after the battery went dead. I am used to my Motorola razor, and kind of miss how easy it was to use--
back to the point
Ummm I like to take my phone to work and with my razor I could just put it on vibrate or silent, but with this new phone, I don't know if I can do that, I have tried to turn the ringer off with no luck, I looked in the manual and played around with it but 😕 its not working...
can anyone help me??
Audio port
cust service will unlock your phone!!
Happy with N75 but perplexed by internal Display problem
Has anyone else had a pr...
Email Retrieval
ring-tones onto my phone. Maybe someone else has figured this out already, but I haven't seen it.
1 Connect phone to computer with USB
2 Set phone to PC Suite
On computer
3 Open Nokia PC Suite
4 Open File manager
5 Open "No Name" file
6 Open Sounds folder
7 Add your ring-tone in the white area below the Digital Folder & the ring-tone is added to your phone