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Motorola V710


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May 3, 2004, 3:37 PM


Where you getting May 21st. I called Motorola sales and they said there is no way in hell its coming out May 21 or even before July. I spoke to two people.. one in sales.. then I got a technical support person (faked that my V60 wasn't working) and asked him. They both said the same thing. I wish it was coming May 21st also but thats 3 weeks away and both parties at Motorola said they haven't even been trained on the product yet.. Sorry guys.

May 3, 2004, 1:49 PM

Knowing is half the battle....


Since I know you're all hardcore about researching your mobile phones I'm sure you all traipsed through the FCC applications for the V710 in which case you've already read the draft users manual cover to cover but I thought I'd post a link just in case someone missed it.

https://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/prod/oet/forms/blobs/retri ... »
1 reply

May 3, 2004, 8:43 AM

v710 Pricing?

Has anybody heard what the pricing will be for this phone (discounted to include 1 or 2 yr contract, of course)?
I was originally going to buy the LG vx6000, but then started reading about this Motorola v710. After reading about all its bells and whistles, coupled with the fact that the vx6000 has been on the market for over a year, I was going to wait for the v710 to come out.

It just dawned on me that this might be a $200-$300 phone, something I don't normally entertain... It was much easier to justify a $80 vx6000 to the wife! 🤣
Anybody heard, or can speculate?
2 replies

May 2, 2004, 9:50 PM

new odds

after deciphering further info, here, and howards and sources in VZW and others, here they are, as to who's coming first:9900 is 2-5 big fave,v810 is next at about 4-1. 7000 at 6-1. 710 at 10-1 and 670 at 20-1.
2 replies

May 1, 2004, 9:43 PM


😕 I'm looking to upgrade my cheap phone T720 that is retarted to V710 or A840 (same as V710 but, its world class phone) but I'm confused! Is A840 For Verizon Wireless ? And which is better ?
4 replies

May 2, 2004, 7:43 AM

Better be good

I just saw that Cingular has the v600, so I read the user reviews and saw some pretty negative reviews of that phone. I just hope that this phone is not a let down. Will Verizon just come out with Video and PTT phones already....geeesh.

Apr 30, 2004, 9:42 PM


I see that they now have the dimensions for this phone on this site, and it seems the phone will be quite large. Can anyone that has held the phone tell me if it is bulky, or if it can easily fit in your pocket. If someone could just comment on the size, it would be appreciated greatly.
Also, i have one of the v60's now, and i really like the metal casing. I see that the v600 also has metal casing and i was wondering if this phone had a metal casing too. 'Cause i find that plastic looks cheap, and i really prefer the expensive look of metal.

Thanks a lot
3 replies

Apr 29, 2004, 12:21 PM

? about PC Sync

Under the specs for the phone it says that you can PC sync using Mobile Phone Tools 2.0. According to the Motorola website you can use this software to transfer appointment schedules, images, ringtones, etc. between the phone and the PC.

I know VZW is really trying to push Get It Now as the way to customize your phone with games, ringers, and images. So my question is does anybody think they'll try to block this feature or will they leave it intact?

If they leave it, its just another bonus, if they don't I'm still getting it.

Here's the link

http://www.motorola.com/mediacenter/news/detail/0%2C ... »
3 replies

Apr 30, 2004, 8:43 AM

The V710 or the Kyocera KOI?????

i just looked at the kyocera phone, it looks awesome, what do you think???
1 reply

Apr 29, 2004, 11:42 AM

Just look at that!!!!

Hello! it's not what we all are talking in here but it's something to look at! i would like u to look at this web site! this is russian web site and everything is written in russian. but just look at the choice of the phones they have!!! USA is much richer country and i have no idea why they have all of those nice phones and we dont?????

http://sotovik.ru/catalog/ »

I know u guys cant read in russian but just scroll down a little and u'll see links on the left! u'll be able to read that. just click on a link and u'll see the phones on the next page! and so on!
By the way, i go to Russia at lest once a year and almost all the time i wanna bring a phone from there. can i connect a phone from there to Verizon if the standart of the phone...
5 replies

Apr 27, 2004, 9:08 AM

Bluetooth Usefulness re: Apple Isync

Hey folks. I just was reading the posts about bluetooth usefulness and it seems that some people are privy to info on its implemetation in the V710. What I was wondering (because I don't care about it working with headsets and sports cars) is:

Is there any indication yet that this phone will be bluetooth compatible with iSync?

I know that Apple must include a driver for it in a future version, but it seemed that a certain post said that the bluetooth in the V710 was less fuctional that some Nokia phones and that there was no data transfer protocol in the 710 planned..... so does that mean that syncing to a mac is not gonna happen or is this something I'll just have to wait and see for. I'm just not thrilled about upgrading to a Moto...
4 replies

Apr 28, 2004, 8:20 PM


Anyone even take a look at the 8100? It looks like a sweet phone really diffrent with the color and all my sister was wandering when it comes out she wants it.
2 replies

Apr 28, 2004, 9:04 PM

V710-nobody can tell when....

Today i looked at phonescoop.com and verizonwireless.com again hoping to find anything new and promising! Of course i didnt find anything and then i sent very angry email to verizon. that's what i got as the answer (no hope at all):

Thank you for contacting Verizon Wireless through our website. We apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry. We are sorry that you are not pleased with our phone selection, and the time it take for us to introduce new phones.

We are still testing the Motorola V710. We have a vast network. We want to make sure the phone work well and test well for all of our networks. Sometimes, it may take longer than we expected. We want to make sure that the phone is as reliable as our network.

11 replies

Apr 29, 2004, 10:46 AM

Some new info...

Well this is a little new info...The verizon store manager I know asked a tester that used to work for her at her store...

He said the phone is kick ass but just had to go back to Motorola so they could fix a software bug...Then it will be returned for more testing...

The dude said it shouldn't be a whole lot longer but had no dates or other concrete info.

I am sick of waiting for this phone to be honest...My phone is dying and the $100 ne2 credit is burning a hole in my pocket but I don't want to waste it on any of the current phones.

Apr 28, 2004, 10:33 AM


Sorry guys and gals

Motorola is now giving a July release date for the phone. I spoke to 2 reps at Motorola sales who told me they were told that the phone will now be pushed to July with no definite date. She said no sooner than July and that once they get a more formal day they will be pushing back the promotion. She told me it definitely won't be out any sooner than July. Her supervisor told them all in a meeting to give this new time frame.

20 replies

Apr 26, 2004, 2:29 PM

is it possible to upgrade phones early???

this phone supposedly comes out on may 21st but my year plan doesnt exprie til august..is it possible to upgrade early??? im with verizon...right now i have the v60p push to talk
13 replies

Apr 25, 2004, 9:51 PM

can you really record up to 3 minutes of video?

damn 3 minutes is a long time, you can record a girl giving you head ro sumthin on this phone, lol
7 replies

Apr 26, 2004, 10:33 AM

In late May, im goin on vacation to the Dominican Republic. I have my own account and so does my sis

In late May, im goin on vacation to the Dominican Republic.And rumor is that this phone comes out during that time. I have my own account and so does my sister. Is there a possible way she can upgrade the phone for me? I have asked 2 verizon stores. One tells me that with the Full Access thing that she can. But another tells me even with the Full Access thing, she cant. asked 2 salesman from the Verizon Store that had said yes. So is one store retarded?Does anybody have a definite answer?? I need to know. Please tell me thanks.
9 replies

Apr 27, 2004, 9:41 AM


onless you have some blue tooth items this phone has no purpose sorry other wise looks asome.
10 replies

Apr 27, 2004, 7:09 PM

Does anyone rememeber...

Does anyone remember the day when cell phones were either free or they cost a penny?

When was it that cell phones began costing so much?
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