HTC Touch (CDMA) / XV6900
Should i get this phone when my 3rd LG Dare freezes up??
This is my 3rd one in 5 months and i think it's time 2 move on.(I know this 3rd one is going 2 go downhill also.)
I want this phone but the guy @ verizon said " oh no, you dont want that one... trust me, you dont."
I guess NC just has terrible phones..or I have bad luck.
I really wanna know if this phone is going 2 freeze up on me like my other 2 LG Dares.
Strange problem I have been encountering
xv6900 question
XV600 and missing calls
When my phones backlight is not on, my phone will not ring or get text messages.
When i turn the phone on, all the missed calls come in at once.
Is there an upgrade somewhere that will work with the Verizon phone? I know sprint just released one.
Also will that upgrade fix this problem?
Running Windows Mobile Professional 6 currently
Thank you
Can you send pitcher's thew the phone to other people/Providers
NFL Mobile Live for WM & BB link inside ... FINALLY !!!
http://softwarestore.sprint.com/wap/NFLmobile.php »
đ đ đ đ đ đ đ đ
need helping watching vids from internet
txtng with no keys?!?!
If you could just let me know how the txting is or what it looks like (full qwerty key pad...?) that'd be great! thnx
Perks of this phone.
Where to get Verizon's xv6900 upgrade to Windows Prof. 6.1 NEEDED
Can anyone please help me. I think i have to upgrade in order to use a program called "voice commands 1.6".
I really do not want to "voice tag" all my contacts.
Please help this Newbie.
Bluetooth issues after Windows 6.1 upgrade?
Sprint Touch/WM 6.1/Goodlink
Help with Sprint GPS???
I recently upgraded to Windows 6.1, and it seemed to cure alot of the problems that i was having with my touch... except for one.
When I use Sprint Navagation, for driving directions, it will tell me that i have a weak GPS signal after sitting stale for about 3 minutes... it tElls me to move to an unobstructed area, or check my settings (which, I wouldn't know if they were bad in the first place.)
can anyone who's Sprint GPS is working post the default settings so I can check mine or post any helps/ hints?
Thanks in advance.
Problems Syncing???
i recently tried to install the software that came with my touch... the users manual installed fine on the first attempt, but the device center hung at 99% complete install like 5 times.
i'm running vista, and now it seems to be installed somehow, but every time i connect my touch, it isn't recognizing that it's there, and winds tries to install generic drivers for it.
is there something i'm missing or is there a trick to making the phone visible to the p.c.? all i really need to do is sync with my computer to transfer mobile software. any help would be appreciated.