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Nokia N75


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May 13, 2007, 1:07 AM

N81 and N82

Now that the waiting game for the N75 is over, it appears Nokia has plans for N81 and N82 with much better specs that the N75.

http://crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9718611-1.html?tag= ... »
1 reply

May 13, 2007, 7:49 AM

in store

has any one in the midwest get it from a store. My store just recived the dummy phone.

May 13, 2007, 1:16 AM

CTI Miami?

Is CTI Miami a reliable web site to purchase unlocked cell phones? Has anyone had any experience in dealing with them? Thanks.

May 11, 2007, 12:10 AM

phone review

Ok since everybody is bashing this phone, let me be the 300th to say that you people are insane. This phone had holy expectations, so there are of course gonna be the few idiots out there like nokiagoth who don't know anything about phones. Joseph, as much as I hate him, got this right. This is an awesome phone. The battery life is fine, I've just transfered 200 pictures and 30 ring tones through bluetooth, sent 187 text messages, and talked on the phone for two hours and fifty seven minutes, and it is now day two and I still have two bars left for the battery life. And it is on my first charge. The applications menu has a slight delay but seriously who cares, how busy are you that you can't wait 2 milliseconds? And the reception is a...
5 replies

May 12, 2007, 7:39 PM


is there a way to turn off the 3g i think thats what eating up my battery.....i really like the phone its a shame...

May 12, 2007, 4:14 PM

N75 Convo

First, I have to agree with several of the opinions, good and bad, expressed on this forum. After having the phone for 24 hours i see the plus and minus's. NO PHONE IS A KILLER DEVICE!

Now, on to my latest question... I can't get my corporate email to be pulled like I could on my BlackJack. Has anyone tried this and is there something complicated that I'm not understanding in this set up versus how it was on my BJ? Is there an app that's a better email client that allows for email, calendar, and contact pulling from an exchange server?
1 reply

May 12, 2007, 4:22 PM

Call Quality Issues ...???

Am I the only one have call quality issues???

I've had mine a little over a week - and about a third of my calls are fine - another third are "iffy" (muffled, etc) - and the last third are terrible (choppy, broken up, etc.).

I want to think it's a network problem - 'cept I never have any of those problems with my 6230 or 6102!

Anyone else ...?
3 replies

May 12, 2007, 3:25 PM


how can you turn of 3g if possible.
1 reply

May 12, 2007, 7:59 AM

Bluetooth hands free

I had a 6620 and I could receive and make calls from the bluetooth hands free in the Toyota Prius with the phone locked.

But with the n75 I can only receive. If I try to make a call with the phone locked I get "see phone".

I can only make calls hands free when this phone is unlocked. Kind of makes it non-hands free ๐Ÿ™„

What changed from the 6620 to the n75. I made the Prius passcode 8 digits long (its max) to no help.

know of any workarounds

Thanks in advance
2 replies

May 11, 2007, 7:06 PM

Bluetooth A2DP

I talked at length w/ tech @ Cingy re a2dp. He put me on hold and called nokia. Nokia tech told Cingy tech that the N75 is only b-tooth 1.2. (duh) thats the problem. Cingy tech said he would escalate to 2nd level @ Cingy to get me an answer. They called 2nd & finally 3rd tier @ nokia who finally knew something. Cingy called me back & said nokia is aware & will provide a firmware upgrade, not a simple software patch, to be available on the nokia website (not Cingy) when they have it ready. Nokia said they did not have an exact eta but indicated it should be available soon. I've heard that word "soon" before.....
1 reply

May 11, 2007, 11:26 AM

How much better is the N75 over 6682?

I have a 6682 and love it greatly! How much better is the camera, menus, screen on the N75. I use my phone primarly for talking and text messaging (and ocassionally check sport scores). So can someone tell me if the N75 is really that good. Please be honest! Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
1 reply

May 11, 2007, 1:07 PM

Alarm reminder

Does anyone know of a 3rd party reminder program that is compatible for the N75? What about a wallet program? I miss teh wallet app that came with my 6620...
1 reply

May 6, 2007, 11:43 AM

Problem with BMW bluetooth hands free

I can pair the N75 to the BMW, but they never connect. Anybody having a similar problem or know how to fix it.

Looking around this appears to be a prevalent problem with a lot of the Nokia S60 phones.

My old Nokia 6230 works great in the car.
Hopefully I can get this fixed, this is a deal breaker and the phone is going back if i cant get it working.
8 replies

May 3, 2007, 8:45 PM


12 replies

May 11, 2007, 12:57 PM

using music player on airplane

Does anyone know if there is a way to turn off the phone so the music can be played during flight?

Thank you.
1 reply

May 10, 2007, 9:00 PM


2 replies

May 10, 2007, 10:26 AM

What were people expecting from this phone?

I have been reading this forum for awhile now and not commenting. Just like everybody else I have sat and waited for this phone to come to light. It's a phone, it does it's job of making phone calls that should be priority. Did people expect for this phone to babysit their kids, solve world hunger issues, or drive their car for them? As far as I am concerned this phone is better than most out there on the market no matter what carrier you have.
6 replies

May 10, 2007, 4:54 PM


Can anyone tell me how to set the phone ringer to vibrate at the same time. I keep looking for it and download the user manual as well and still having no luck.
1 reply

May 10, 2007, 1:50 AM

Cost of Nokia N75

Wednesday afternoon amazon.com had this phone for sale for $149, tonight it is on wait-list selling for $49, both with a 2 year contract. Only a $50 mail in rebate at cingular.com.
My question is...what is the difference in where you make the purchase, excluding the $$$?
Is amazon.com a reputable place to make the purchase? What is the catch, anything? Any return issues at amazon?
Or is there a better place to make the purchase? Thanks for all responses.
8 replies

May 10, 2007, 7:44 PM


I bought this phone about a week ago. I'm pretty happy with all it's functions. The biggest problem (I've had) is the battery life. Which is a pretty BIG problem!!!!! My cell is my primary phone. If it can't hold a charge what good are any of the bells and whistles?

I'm seriously thinking about trying a 6290! It looks a little more logical in it's layout. i.e. camera on the front, larger stereo speakers, headphone plug on top, mini usb etc...

But I'm worried I'll pay $350 to have the same battery problem?

1 reply
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