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Apr 14, 2005, 11:47 AM

New Sprint PCS phones...

Sprint is coming out with a Sanyo 2300 and 8300 early 3rd quarter... anyone know where I can find a picture?? Kind of curious since I just bought a Sanyo 8200 6 months ago.. haha!

Mar 23, 2005, 9:13 PM

vzw and the audiovox 9900

Sorry, I was hibernating for the winter and missed it. Why did vzw stop carrying the Audiovox 9900, since they haven't replaced it with a newer version? I've heard a lot of good things about it [although eek, a couple of bad things!]. Anyone got the skinny?
13 replies

Apr 4, 2005, 2:14 PM

verizon threatening pullout of MCI deal

20 replies

Apr 4, 2005, 12:45 PM

LG8100 and Verizon Wireless.

Hi anybody knows if Verizon will come out with LG 8100 by the summer 2005?
1 reply

Mar 16, 2005, 8:01 PM

New Sanyo Phone

I have been told by two different Sprint representatives at two different local stores that there will be a new phone called a "Sanyo 200" being release by Sprint in early April 2005. The only information they have available on this particular phone is that it is a flip phone, it possibly has a camera, and that it comes in pink. Is there any truth to this? Has anyone heard of this "Sanyo 200" or can anyone obtain more information? I am in desperate need for a new cell phone and I would really like to purchase a Sanyo. If I could obtain more information about this "Sanyo 200" I can decide if it is worth waiting for or if I should just purchase what is available now. Can anyone help me????
8 replies

Mar 31, 2005, 10:24 AM

New PTT for verizon

I just got the new LG VX4700 for Verizon, and its good and all, but im kinda nuts, I like new phones, anybody know if verizon is planning on any new PTT's besides the ones they just came out with, Maybe on with a camera??
2 replies

Mar 31, 2005, 11:26 AM

Qwest plans on submitting tender offer for MCI -Altman group contracted

10 replies

Mar 31, 2005, 12:02 AM

nextel's i 930

does any one know when nextel is going to release the i930, I hear april,may, and now i hear december. If any one has any info please post.

Mar 30, 2005, 2:52 PM

Motorola V635

For Cingular, what phone(not PDA) is better overall than the v635. I personally have only been selling phones for about 5 months so I am not really an expert on too much when it comes to phones, but it looks to me that the v635 is pretty nice.
3 replies
from tha streets

Feb 7, 2005, 8:22 PM

i love nokia phones

does anybody make better phones then nokia?
11 replies

Mar 21, 2005, 12:46 PM

Samsung SCH-i730

Does anyone know for sure if there will be a non-camera version of this phone?
7 replies

Sep 6, 2004, 5:22 PM

TV Tuner in the Phone?

I was reading on the Samsung site that they are trying to develop a phone with a television tuner that will allow you to watch tv. Could this be true? And, when do you think it could happen?
7 replies

Mar 7, 2005, 11:20 PM

Motorola v810 for verizon???

Does anyone have any info on whether/when verizon is going to release the moto v810. A verizon rep told me soon but who knows. Anyone got any info????
12 replies

Mar 19, 2005, 1:27 PM

Moto A630 Question...

When will this phone be available for Cingular? Given I'm a VZW rep, but I still have service with Cingular as well and would be interested in this phone. It is still only available for T-Mobile in this area and I'm curious to know if it is already out for Cingular in other regions. If not, what is the ETA for Cingular? Also, does anyone have any better suggestions for a ohone with a built in/hidden keyboard for text messaging (available or soon-to-be-released)?

Thanks guys!
4 replies

Feb 8, 2005, 2:20 AM

Plam size Windows Mobile for Pocket PCs phone

I'm looking for a palm size Windows Mobile for Pocket PCs phone. About the size of a treo 650/600 . Dont matter witch carrier. I like the widows phone but they are to big. any help.
2 replies

Mar 5, 2005, 10:51 PM

buying service/phones from amazon

amazon has some really great deals on phones, some even have rebates that pay you to use the phone. sounds a little fishy to me, but then again i dont know how they can do it. can anyone direct me towards it or away from it?
2 replies

Dec 28, 2004, 9:00 PM


someone posted saying the p777 will come to cingular. is the same phone as the d500? anybody no any info??? 😁 thank you
6 replies

Feb 24, 2005, 3:45 PM

Sprint/Nextel Merger

Hey, I have been doing some research on this rumor I heard about Sprint and Verizon merger. My friend heard it on the radio but i told her that Sprint and Nextel merged. Can anyone clear this up for me. Is Verizon going to buy Sprint or are they going to merged with Sprint before things are final with Nextel?

I read this article on Sprint and Nextel but it was awhile ago.

https://www.phonescoop.com/news/item.php?n=1035 »

Sorry if this has been asked before but I am new.
27 replies

Mar 11, 2005, 7:48 PM

Qwest sweetens New Bid for MCI. What will Verizon do?

http://finance.myway.com/ht/nw/bus/20050311/hlm_bus- ... »

this comes at time when the SEC is ready to take a chot at the highest Qwest executives.

I think if necessary Verizon will up the $. Ultimately I think Qwest is too week compared to Verizon even will some lopsided dollars.
9 replies

Mar 4, 2005, 8:08 PM

V330 avail date for T-Mobile?


Looks like a pretty sure thing that the V330 will be replacing the V300 at T-Mobile USA (apparently accessories packaging is already starting to say V300/V330, for example, and the article at mobilegazette.com backs this up nicely).

I really want this phone (I like the V300 but can't stand the keypad).

Anyone know when we can expect to see this one available for purchase?

2 replies
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