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Mar 5, 2012, 10:54 PM

how many times have I given my screen the bird today?

100995654972154789784564598795452423896781263 748978453645687645346376810099565497215478978 456459879545242389678126374897845364568764534 637681009956549721547897845645987954524238967 812637489784536456876453463768100995654972154 789784564598795452423896781263748978453645687 645346376810099565497215478978456459879545242 389678126374897845364568764534637681009956549 721547897845645987954524238967812637489784536 456876453463768100995654972154789784564598795 452423896781263748978453645687645346376810099 565497215478978456459879545242389678126374897 845364568764534637681009956549721547897845645 987954524238967812637489784536456876453463768 .....

and a half hour to go
6 replies
Dog bit shark

Mar 2, 2012, 4:31 PM

Sad customer :(

So a lady came in today and discovered her husband had been cheating on her and took out a second mortgage then left with the new girl.
More digging and he had been paying her bills and was on a family plan with her so he had two phones!
I felt terrible. She was crying and all I could do was buy her a DP from the vending machine and put my hand on her shoulder ☚ī¸

I felt so sad for her.

10 replies

Mar 6, 2012, 7:05 PM

Your past your 14 days....

I never understand why some customers think that yelling and screaming about an item that they purchased 3 months ago and just now decided to return is going to get them good results. Are you people for real?

I had a woman ( and a use the term very VERY loosely) say to me that she wanted to return her items. She said this after she informed me that she thinks she should get a credit on her bill for having to wait in line 🙄 .
When asked for her receipt she says and I quote " oh, i didnt feel like looking for it but I am sure you can get that for me hun"
After politely informing her what my name is ( definitely not "hun"), that all returns require the ORIGINAL receipt. Somehow this heifer finds it in her oversized bag and I notice...
1 reply

Feb 28, 2012, 11:47 PM

Name the Stupid Reasons you've intentionally been late FROM break/lunch....

Someone called me and asked if wanted to smoke a bowl (cute person for extra points)

I was having a ****ty day and a Rolling Stones song came on.

I really wanted taco bell...

Lets hear your reasons.
9 replies
Dey Terkuh Jobes

Mar 5, 2012, 8:59 AM

Store reps - question...

Have you ever had a physical altercation with a customer? I've had a dude clench his fist and grit his teeth because he wanted to return his phone and cancel service within the buyer's remorse period, but he broke the screen. I told him that I was unable to accept the return and he was going to have to wait until the buyer's remorse period ended and pay the termination fee. LOL this guy was so pissed off. Sweating, red faced and all.

I also had a crazy crackhead lady basically slap a phone to my ear to see if it worked. She was obviously on drugs, so I told her to leave my store before I called the cops.

Good times in retail.
3 replies

Mar 5, 2012, 6:20 PM

a call has never gotten to me before.

I don't believe it. I don't understand it. I deal with morons and yuppie wankers on a regular basis.

This man made it his duty to remind me of what a proletariat peon I was next to his gaudy LA mansion with a pool. (Not literally, but I could tell he was the type.)

I don't like being cut off. Especially when I'm being sincere and trying to help. Makes me feel like a child.

I was a baby for 3 minutes, heh.

Mar 3, 2012, 8:35 PM

These people keep leaving these religious comics in the bathroom

And on days when my tum-tum isn't feeling so hot I like to throw them in the toilet.
3 replies

Feb 29, 2012, 3:55 PM

Text message from my boss

Cmon hobble, I'm really counting on you more than anything today.

me: I'm counting on you as well sir

him: Your counting on me?

Me: For my job apparantly

Me: It's hard to remain focused with that crap lingering in the back of my mind

him: Don't count on me for that hobble, you made that bed

me: Well I'll do my best as always. Just don't keep me hanging

him: You'll get an answer soon enough, hobble


I got a "final" writeup for having to leave the store and close it an hour early to pick up my daughter from the emergency room about 6 months ago, then a few days ago I slept through my alarm by my alarm.

I threw my last boss under the bus and backed over her a few times and i have dirt on thi...
7 replies

Nov 21, 2011, 6:43 PM

Smelly people suck

Seriously though, I'm constantly surrounded by pubescent girls who haven't been taught how to use deodorant, old people who just choose not to use deodorant, and target employees that don't use deodorant or brush their teeth. Eck.
10 replies

Mar 1, 2012, 11:13 PM

1 week zero new line sales

first time ever. and it's depressing.esp if that elusive sale gets disconnected and you cant reach 'em on a callback. makes me feel like im an incompetent agent who shouldn't be wearing THAT company jacket. ☚ī¸

i wish im still around when we get LTE.
10 replies

Mar 2, 2012, 5:09 PM

Scariest customer ever!

Just had an african american customer call in and her last name....Whitekiller! 😕 😲 đŸ˜ĸ
4 replies

Mar 1, 2012, 5:57 PM

No better place to ask this Uverse in AR question

If you have Uverse in Arkansas can you watch the Kansas City Chiefs on it? If it is a channel you have to order what is that channel?

Please and Thank you.
2 replies

Mar 2, 2012, 10:42 AM


customer calls in screaming and raising cain because his phone won't power on. I let him rant and scream for a minute, apologize for the issue and then ask him to remove the battery. This results in him screaming what battery??? This is a damned mobile phone!!!!
It's days like this that make me want to ask my doctor for a lobotomy...
4 replies

Mar 2, 2012, 9:29 AM

i need help evacuating my kids phone so she can use it

and i dont want to talk to a machine..

me: just a moment please will i get the ACTIVATION system up.. (dial activation automation and transfer)

and so it starts
1 reply

Mar 2, 2012, 1:43 AM


Im stuck taking calls with the slowest two agents tonight. It feels like I'm taking all these calls by my self...

Oh wait... I am, because the other two reps can take 1 call in the time it takes me to do 3 or 4

Feb 29, 2012, 6:35 PM

...just got back from break...

4 replies

Feb 27, 2012, 7:52 PM

I've had people

give me their SSN, birthday, and credit card number without me asking, and I've had people fight tooth and nail over giving it for an online order in a secure website. What's wrong with some people?
23 replies

Feb 28, 2012, 12:43 PM

OH grandma........

a grandma called today complaining about low signal in her house, she lives in the middle of a forest don't know where and she was asking if we can check the area an put a tower near her house because we it's important for her, and some people that have their ranches over there, how lovely grandma... 🙂
2 replies
Steve Jobes

Feb 26, 2012, 8:50 PM


I've been calling in this carrier repeatedly trying to get customers info. The US agenst aren't helping me, but the overseas agents are. They're actually helping me get other customers info so I can call the customer to start getting more info from them.
2 replies

Feb 27, 2012, 9:37 AM

grrrrrrrrrrr i dislike this

heres 88 hours of paid time off..

but you cant take it even tho you havnt slept in 2 days due to a migrane and its a white out blizzard outside.

im srsly going to be homeless march 21st if i dont get myself a new place.. they are not making anything easy for me here. Not easy to find a place on saturday and sunday, so i was going to use a week to find and move and a week to get married in october. better set the date now so i can "request" october pto now..
9 replies
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