LG VX-6100
Average Ratings
Good Phone
Lg Vx6100, is in general Terms a Good Celular Phone.
* Excellent Signal.
* Louder Ringtones.
* Great Menu.
* Camera is Aceptable, for a Celular.
* You can use 2 nam (That mean, you can activate 2 diffent numbers y with 2 companys )
* No Games.
* No Front Picture Id.
* Battery life should be better.
* The Voice Commands, are difficult to use.
Still Strong
I have carried this phone for almost a year. I bought it the day it came out and have not found a phone that I like enough to replace the 6100.
Awesome vibrate!
Extremely loud! (or quiet when you need it to be)
Big display
So easy to use! Going from any phone to this one is so simple!
Call quality is the best of what we offer for phones.
Charging port is not a hassle like the Motorolas we carry.
Battery life is excellent.
Very durable! I've gotten mine wet and dropped it more times than not and it's still hanging on with me.
I would like a color display on the outside, but not crucial.
I don't like that I can turn on vibrate and my camera with the phone closed. (I don't like to lock my phone because it's a hassle when I want to do something else with my phone.)
Even though we have carried this phone for so long, it's still the one I advise customers to purchase. There are the a few that have speaker problems and we have to send in for repair, but it's nothing like the speaker problems of the 5550 or the 262. I love my LG 6100! I will always be an LG fan because of the awesome job they did with this model.
LG VX6100
I am a VZW employee, and I personally carry this phone with me, great as far as reception, features, etc... but incompairable to to some of the new stuff Verizon has put out, so I give it a 4.5
also, I dont personally like most of the ringtones that are preloaded into the phone
Phone is poop
I have been with verizon for just about six years. I live in Seattle, Wa and never had any problems with any phone at all. Untill the lg6100 that is. I tried 3 different phones and everyone had horrible call quality. Simple as that, worst call quality ever of any phone. Got the motov710 for me and my wife. crystal clear. Had another friend call me on his lg6100 couldn't hardly hear him.
Great Phone
Hey this phone is one of the best phones ive ever had. Ive had most of em for verizon and ive got to tell you this phone is great. i gave it a 4.5 b/c i feel the samsung a670 is the best phone since the startac.
the motto for this phone should be " its not more then you need, just more then your used too" yeah its GM's quote but it does this phone justice as well.. ( In verizon's case anyway)
*Speaker is as good as the v60's/p Not crap like the Audiovox phones
*Battery is great
*Signal is awesome
*Voice commands need not to be programed
*no need to download expensive song ringers on "get it now" when you can make a voice memo a ringer... just put the fone up to your speakers!
*camera could be better, not as good as the 670 but wayyyy better then the moto710 and anyother phone on verizon's lineup
*Ear piece sometimes makes conversations choppy ( but i have a cheap ear piece so that might have something to do with it)
Overall... Great Phone verizon put out.. Verizon is starting to have an excellent lineup .
love it
I just wanted to say, that I got this phone yesterday, and I love it. I have uscc as my carrier. Previously I had the Motorola v810, I had 5 of them and they were all lemons. That Was five of them since Nov. 2004. I also had the LG 4400, it was OK.. I absolutely love this phone, and I get great reception, even in places where my v810 would lose a call. I would highly recommend the vx-6100 to anyone.
Very Impressed
I was a loyal fan of Motorola until about a year ago when I won an LGVX4400 in a contest at work. I had that phone for a year and just recently purchased an LG VX6100. I am pleased with this phone. I have a hearing dissability and need a phone that has a good loud sound. This phone covers that and then some. It is an easy phone to work. I think it may have a bug in the earpiece. Sometimes when I receive a call the sound is very low but after 2 to 3 seconds the sounds returns to normal. Overall this is a really great phone. I am in the cellular industry so I see many phones come and go. I do hope this one stays around for a while. I have sold many upon my personal recommocendation and have not had one dissatidfied customer. Keep up the good worl LG.
the best phone ever created
i got this phone for christmas and absolutely love it i get great service from where i live and i just love how it has flash and zoom camera lense i also love the fact that u can take pictures whenthe phone is shut. i recomend this phone to any one who wants a better phone then any one else
Great phone
I just switched to Verizon from T-Mobile, and decided to get a VX6100 despite the reported "volume bug." Yes, it does exist, but it's not as bad as some make it seem. The first second of an incoming call is just a little quiet and then becomes loud and clear for the rest of the conversation.
An important thing for me is the call quality. T-Mobile doesn't have a network quite like Verizon does in my area, so that could be the difference, but the 6100 is fantastic! In my first week of service, I have constantly had full bars and have yet to drop a call in my first ~300 minutes.
I love the driving mode! I thought GSM phones had great features, but this is really handy. Flip open the phone and say a command, such as "contacts." After that, you just say a name that you want to dial from your phone book. Don't have the number you wish to call in your phone book? Just say "digit dial" and then say the digits of the phone number! I haven't even trained my phone, but the voice commands work perfectly! I have never seen voice commands work so well before with any product.
The camera is pretty nice, too. The flash is kind of worthless, but the pictures come out pretty good compared to other camera phones I've used. The pics are pretty clear and not grainy. I like being able to send them to PixPlace too :)
I only have two complaints. 1) If you are using Mobile Web and somebody calls, it will go straight to your voice mail. I understand it uses air time, but come on, we get call waiting with our plans! I don't know if this is just a 6100 thing or VZW thing, but it is annoying. 2) Battery life. Coming from the GSM world, I'm not used to needing to charge my phone every night. But, I guess that's what I get for having better service :)