LG VX-6100
Average Ratings

The LG VX 6100 is a simple stylish phone. The camera is nice has zoom, and flash. No it's not photo quality, and no it wont zoom to the same extent of your digital camera but it's nice for keeping in touch with friends and family. The battery life is fine giving me close to 2 days. I like the new travel style charger instead of the old desktops. The screen has nice resolution, I had a 4500 for about a week and the screen was so light out of the box that I had to worry a bit about longevity. Overall it's size is nice, and stylish and has all of your calculators, scheduler, and other things that a nice phone should have. This is not a PDA and will not replace one, I recommend this to anyone looking for a nice phone with a camera!!!!!

Good Phone
I must say as a confirmed "Audiovox user" I was pleasantly surprised with this phone. I destroyed my Audiovox 8900 and the insurance company did not have it in stock so they wanted to send the 8910 and that was not going to work as that is an all digital phone - don't believe the hype stick with trimode!! So instead they sent me the 6100 and this is a great little phone, the driving mode is a wonderful and the speaker phone is awesome. So if you are looking for a good phone at an affordable price - get one.

I recomend this phone
I live in New England and have service with U.S. Cellular. Reception is not the best up here considering how rural we are. This has however been improving. I recently purchased the VX6100 and couldn't be happier. I like the call quality and the design is a plus as well. In the past I have used some poor and some good phones(Nokia5165,SonyT206,Nokia3586i,LGLX5550,and LGVX6000) I do have to say I really liked the design of the VX6000 but I continually dropped calls in my home, and I don't have a land line. When I heard the 6100 was coming I couldn't wait to test it. I have been extremely happy with it. It has all the features my 5550 had and more! The quality of the call sound has been amazing and there are no volume issues. I need tri-mode in this area and it provides that as well.
speaker phone
outer display always shows signal strength
great reception in rural areas
easy to read large main LCD
very good camera quality
flash is very helpful
ear piece too loud for me(hurts a little)
Same ugly wallpapers
same boring ring tones
front display a little fragile (I already have a small crack in it)

don't get this piece of junk
I really hated this phone camera gave me too much of a problem, reception was horrid, and speaker wasn't great thank god my contract soon was over and went to sprint and got audiovox-8920 and so far impressed

GoOd PhOnE
this is the phone of the year. Its the Pimp phone with pics i can arranged all my girls with a click of a button

lgvx6100, a good buy
solid phone so far, first lg purchase for me. replaced a samsung a-670 primarily due to lack of speaker phone. graphics are superior and screen is bigger. very easy to use and set up. excellent signal reception (verizon) with nearly 6 bars all the time even in my basement where I work from my office. samsung a-670 usually on had 2 bars out of four, on occasion 3 bars from the very same locations within my home. camera seems to be comparable to the a-670. mobile web 2.0 is far superior to verizons mobile web 1.0 (text only), but just as painfully slow.
cons: same volume bug others are experiencing. also, an instance or 2 where the other party cannot hear me clearly. the volume bug upon incoming calls MUST be addressed by lg. get it now from verizon is lacking in applications, however i understand new applications are to added soon. speaker phone is sometimes difficult to hear when driving at higher speeds. the whole speaker phone experience is not satisfactory with this phone thus far. it just sounds tinny for the most part. when setting an alarm, default text is T9, not abc...not too big of a deal though.
overall experience is very good, and to the consumer on the fence, i'd say make the purchase. but the motorola razr looks pretty cool too.

Great phone
Returned samsung 670 after 2 hours...
Exchanged them for lg 6100... had the
lg 4400b before upgrading my contract.
I am very happy with this phone...
No problems worth writing about.