Nokia 6682 / 6681
Best place/price to buy Krusell leather case for Nokia 6682??
Couldn't order 6682
for $149 at ... »
worth buying from them??
Nokia Site Updated
Only in stores
Available from: Cingular,2803,,00.html »
Anybody know what accessories come w/phone?
Wayfinder & Bluetooth GPS
Anyone used the krusell leather case for nokia 6682??
Just bought one at store!
On the way!
Picked up my 6682 2day
It will be carried by Cingular(market decision).
Hang in there if you have been planning to get one, it is worth the wait. If you are into Nokia, you'll like this.
My training was rescheduled from July 20th to Sept 7th. I wanted it as bad as anyone here and was not feeling good about the delay either.
Possible reason for delay?
The 6620 will be discontinued.
Cingular banner remover from
More and more this phone appears to be dead in the water as far as Cingular is concerned, and I believe one should plan on buying a different phone if he has been waiting to buy this one.
Cingular Sucks!
Cingular still sucks!
There are Nokia print ads in national magazines (Wired, Popular Science, etc.) featuring the phone along with the tag line "available at Cingular," and unofficial release dates have been bandied about for months, yet nary a Cingular rep has any inormation about this phone or its release date short of that which is published here!
I hate to break the vicious circle, but when some of you call Cingular and ask about the release dates of new phones, they "jump" to said phone listing on this website and repeat the mostly inaccurate drivel spilled herien. Then the proccess repeats itself indefinately, or until it becomes abundantly...
Logical replacement for my 3650? Help the new guy!
I use all the formerly yummy features on the 3650 and am now wondering how many of you like this phone.
Plus i will be using it for Tmo so which one is for me 6681/6682?
Input would be fabulous, please! đ