Audiovox CDM-9900
My question is how reliable is 4/15. I am not questioning Originals rep, but rather the cust service rep who told him the 15th. Aldcon some of your new and dates have been reliable to us can you help at all? 😁
Any of us with any fone sense know that a cust srv rep's word is not to be written in stone. So what we need to do is get on the phones with our "peoples" tomorrow and maybe get some real answers. If I hear anything I'll post tomorrow gnight for now 😉
hey nine178
Waiting is really becoming quite annoying and discouraging. I just keep telling myself "well at least I'm not like that person over there, or that person saying- hello, hello, are you there, can you hear me, are you there" I guess we do have some reception and customer service benefits, but I want this fone. PaTIenCe 😎
Just needed to vent,have been following phonescoop for the last 3 months but recently set up account.
verizon "salesman" who make 2c an hour know less than a 5yr old
Is This Another Phone in Audiovox Clothes?
Big Factor
When? and what does the future hold?
You should all be aware that when you see a new phone appear on Phone Scoop, that realistically it is 4 to 6 months before you will see it being sold, at least by VZW anyway. Generally we get our trial units shortly (a few weeks to a few months) after they appear here. The trial units are just that, units that we use to test everything and if any problem arises, hardware or software, the phones will see a set back, and if the set backs are too numerous or complex it may be quit a while before the phone see's the light of day. Simple as that.
Yes, it's true
the same response back:
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Thank you for your email.
The CDM9900 is in the late stages of approval and we are waiting for Verizon to approve this model. We are hoping to release this model mid-April. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
Thank you and regards.
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So at this point, it looks like Verizon would
be the only source of any further delays, not Audiovox.
The CDM9900 is in the late stages of the approval process so we are
hoping to release this model by the middle of April. Verizon Wireless will
be carrying the CDM9900. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
Estimate of first quarter draws close
I've been waiting for a something with a speaker phone, color screen, good keypad, decent battery life, and hopefully a camera for quite some time now. I thought the Audiovox 8900 looked good on screen, but was disappointed by the "designer" keypad when I saw it up close. There was no way to dial the keys by "feel", something that is a problem for a phone you might need to dial when your eyes should be elsewhere. Also, the general construction of the phone felt kind of flimsy.
I went to the Sprint Store, and saw the 9950. I wasn't able to make a c...
To Aldcon