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Jul 24, 2007, 7:09 PM

Before you buy or activate your iPhone, READ this!!

You can’t purchase a iPhone from a AT&T/Cingular reseller or activate it if your sign up with a reseller of AT&T/Cingular. So if you didn’t sign up for AT&T/Cingular directly from them you cannot activate a iPhone.

Jul 14, 2007, 7:28 PM

Defect in iphone construction?

on the back of the iphone where the black plastic begins and the light gray ends....if you squeeze it together (on the side of the phone) it feels like it might move a little.....do you think this is where they might open th ephone up to replacea bad battery or something or is the phone i saw defective?
3 replies

Jul 16, 2007, 10:11 PM

iPhone Bluetooth Headset

I was looking for the iPhone Bluetooth Headset. Can't seem to find them in any stores. Does anyone know if they are out yet?
4 replies

Jul 22, 2007, 6:25 PM

Vs. N95

I bought the Nokia N95 a few days before the IPhone came out from Dell Small Business.

You would have to be a fool to get the IPhone over the Nokia N95.

IPhone - May work, but very limited.
Nokia N95 - Works so well you can use it in your car and control it with a good car stereo head unit like the Pioneer. We are not just talking cell calls here either. You can play AND control the playback of your music on the N95 from your stereo!


Computer access:
IPhone - Very limited
Nokia N95 - Drag and drop, synchronize, PC Suite, share and steam files, (music, video and data) to or from any PC on your network.


IPhone - Works!
Nokia N95 - Works!


2 replies

Jul 23, 2007, 8:29 PM

Question for cdavid811251

I don't understand where do you have all that info about LG Prada. My girlfriend she works for verizon at the corp. office and they don't have any news about that phone. And i was in Italy and my cousin is using the LG Prada. Please do not put wrong information about the phone and we all know that you work for Verizon so please stop putting bull **** about other companies. FYI i don't work for Apple or Cingular, so i careless but its very childish and stupid to put things like that online. People come here to read reviews not to see what company makes how much and who is in whose butt. Thank you

Jul 11, 2007, 1:16 PM
over in the "Review: iPhone" discussion:


I finally got an iPhone yesterday and boy am I disapointed. Here's a few reasons why.

1. No 3G. You would expect 3G from the best phone ever developed, and from AT&T.
2. No personalized ringtones? Ok, this is just sick. Damn apple, they just wanna pickpocket you in the future when they start selling ringtones on iTunes.
3. No games? I was pretty sad when I realized this lol. "Revolutionized touchscreen" and no games, not even Bejewel, not even a damn demo. Another way Apple's gonna rob you later when they start selling games on iTunes.
4. Ok, the internet, yeah it's pretty nice, but it's kinda 1994 if there's no Flash Player. So this will limit you a lot of things on the net. Also, without Flash, it will limit you to a lot of videos as...
4 replies

Jul 23, 2007, 12:34 AM

Internet issues?

is anyone else having this prolbem with their iPhone? So sometimes I go on the Internet and after awhile the screen just goes black and quickly switches back to the main screen. If I restart the phone it won't do this for awhile , but after putting that kind of money out for a phone I want it to work properly. By the way I wrote this on my iPhone 😁
2 replies

Jul 23, 2007, 2:51 PM

Greatest website for the iPhone!

Just found this for the iPhone:


You can stream millions of songs right to your iPhone and it functions just like an iPod all for free!!

sorry if this was already posted

Jul 19, 2007, 3:30 PM

what should i get for iphone case?

my iphone needs a case.. any recommendation?? or good reviews on them? I like crystal clear cases. Thanks!~ 😉
2 replies

Jul 21, 2007, 10:21 PM

Transfer photos from iPhone to PC?

How do I transfer the photos I take with my iPhone to my PC?
6 replies

Jul 18, 2007, 8:10 AM

Hotmail on iPhone

Is it possible to set Hotmail up on the iPhone? If so, how?
7 replies

Jul 19, 2007, 2:49 PM

stereo docks?

if i were to buy a stereo dock (a bose or what ever) would it work with the iphone? I would think being they have the same port at the bottom..but i just wanna check.
7 replies

Jul 21, 2007, 5:10 PM

Awsome music site for the iPhone.

You can stream tons of free music from this site:



Jul 13, 2007, 4:53 PM

Convert DVDs to Iphone?

What program does everyone use to accomplish this?
1 reply

Jul 6, 2007, 12:09 PM

Verizon could care less

All you people who are leaving for the iphone. Verizon really doesn't care. They have 61 million customers and I am sure they anticipated loosing a few to the iphone. Believe me, by canceling your account with them them your really not hurting them one bit so don't think you are.

Also verizon already knows more than half these people who left for the iphone will be back soon enough. There are plenty of negative reviews for both att service and the iphone already. So for all you people that waited in long lines, slept outside, and did silly things to get a electronic device called an iphone, most of you will be selling it on ebay within a few months. You will realize every single thing the iphone does, many many many many other phones on t...
36 replies

Jul 3, 2007, 4:01 PM
over in the "Review: iPhone" discussion:

Thanks for a VALUABLE review ... won't buy iPhone

Phonescoop writers:

My deepest thanks for your review of the iPhone.

Right now I use an LG Prada phone under TMO, and I'm NOT under contract with TMO (contract ended in April). I was seriously thinking about buying an iPhone at the end of the month.

Your review did dispel rumors, biggest of which was that the ATT SIM card COULD NOT be removed and used in another phone.

But I am VERY GRATEFUL that your review revealed one thing: that the user cannot install ringtones; and that you're limited to the 25 or so preloaded ring sounds.

My feeling is that for a $500 phone with song capability, it's odd that the iPhone doesn't allow you to assign an uploaded MP3 as a ringer when a certain contact calls.

As innocuous a feature as it ...
5 replies

Jul 19, 2007, 5:40 PM

will it work with ihome?

will the iphone work with my ihome stereo/radio system???

Jul 17, 2007, 7:56 PM

2nd gen. iphone allready!

I saw this link on engadget mobile. It's alot cheaper:

http://www.engadgetmobile.com/2007/07/17/second-gene ... »
1 reply

Jun 29, 2007, 6:50 PM

Is This True???

Are they really refusing insurance on a $600.00 device? That seems to be an overwhelming reason to wait. 😕
12 replies

Jun 22, 2007, 9:26 PM

Iphone offered to verizon First

people remember that Iphone was offered to Verizon wireless First and they balked at it. They have there own Iphone killer on the way.

There are reasons they passed on it. Apple wanted to much $ and it wasnt all that.
79 replies
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