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Jul 16, 2007, 1:37 PM

Battery life tests show why Apple skipped 3G on iPhone

"Without a doubt, current 3G implementations do require more space and consume more power than simply outfitting a phone with support for EDGE. Using the Samsung Blackjack as an example, turning on 3G reduces battery life by around 25% under web/email use. The biggest impact of all is, surprisingly enough, talk time; with 3G enabled, the Blackjack's talk time is cut in half, with absolutely no benefit realized from the higher bandwidth standard," Anand Lal Shimpi reports for AnandTech.

"At the same time, Apple's choice to include 802.11b/g support in the iPhone makes a lot of sense. Battery life actually increases with Wi-Fi over EDGE whenever the data connection is being used, not to mention that performance goes up tremendously as well,...

Jul 15, 2007, 10:39 PM

My review of the Iphone

I had it for about a week and returned two of them. I think the phone has potential to be a very good device. Volume and voice activation are a must fix, otherwise, this phone doesn't make the grade. It has a nice browser(slow I might add) and cute little features. Outgoing call quality is horrible....yes my friends, start asking that question when you call people. For now, the phone is not a functional business device nor do I think it's for the everyday user. From what I have heard, the majority of buyers are Apple Computer users and the most revealing of all...is that the majority of buyers are under 25 years of age. Those stats mean nothing to me. I am fair and balanced and I will give the Iphone a chance once the updates come out(...
1 reply

Jul 14, 2007, 11:51 PM

Not bad

I played with it today. Its pretty cool, I would like to have one, but im not paying 600 bucks for it. Its the first one, and the did a good job for that being true, but its still not 100% ready. So stop dissing it and just say whatever if you don't like it. its a phone.

But its an interesting idea....
hope to see all the improvements on the next one, but in the same design.

Jun 27, 2007, 12:07 PM

I was going to get the iphone then i found out...

-The mobile version of OS X takes up 700MB of the device's capacity.

-There's no way to cut, copy, or paste text!

-No A2DP support. (bluetooth stereo)

-Music can't be used as a ringtone -- even if it's just a raw MP3. No additional ringtones will be sold at launch.

-Document file reading -- but not editing -- for PDF, Word, and Excel (only).

-It will take snaps, but won't record video.

-No MMS(pict text)

-No Removable Batt

-No SD slot

-No Sim slot

-No 3G

-No Keyboard

-No Insurance

-No Mail in rebate

for $600 there sure are a lot of NO's
40 replies

Jul 14, 2007, 12:46 PM

would like to address a few things..........

First things first. Truthfully we cannot compare this phone to allot of the pdas or any of the plain phones for that matter. Considering it was not designed to be a PDA. then again it wasn't really designed to be just another phone either. This would be allot like what RIM did when they first launched their devices for nextel. One word: REVOLUTIONARY. You can kind of compare it to the blackberrys I guess the fit into almost the same category. Though the BB was designed predominately for business and are just now adding wifi. This is where marketing comes into play. If you create a phone that does EVERYTHING then no one will ever upgrade. We will probably never see a phone/PDA/mobile device that will have everything, however from what I've fo...

Jul 14, 2007, 10:06 AM

Lock iPhone

Can you lock your iPhone with a password? Or can you lock certain applications?

Jul 14, 2007, 8:02 AM

Time Flies

Only 23.5 months left on my contract. 🙂

Jul 12, 2007, 6:54 PM

E-Mail With Yahoo

I am thinking of getting the iPhone and already have a Yahoo IMAP account, but I have a few questions. First, is the push e-mail POP only? If so, when you delete an e-mail on your iPhone does it also delete it on the IMAP server or just from the phone memory while leaving it on the server? Also, can you sync your Yahoo contacts with the iPhone? Do AOL/AIM accounts work as well?
1 reply

Jul 2, 2007, 12:01 AM

Can I keep my current rate plan?

I have a rate plan from 5 years ago and I have been just renewing it every 2 years. It is way too good to change for what I'm paying.

If I get an iPhone can I still keep my current plan?

I pay extra for Media Max $30 for it.

6 replies

Jul 2, 2007, 5:24 PM

Verizon vs Iphone Att

Get a grip people Iphone offers NOTHING NEW at all!!! NOTHING AT ALL.

The LG Prada was the first and is better than the Iphone. but its only in europe so people dont know about it.

verizon passed on the Iphone. Why would apple come to verizon first if att was better? hmmm

Evdo has bigger coveage than ATT 3g.

Edge has alot of coverage but it sucks!!

And if you want to get technical Nokias are the most advanced phones.

VERIZON RULES, yes the phones are boring but whats the point of a cool phone when its slow and bad coverage.
20 replies

Jul 1, 2007, 4:12 AM

I have never seen so many user non- reviews from non users!

The new iPhone in 24 hours has already changed the way we view our sell phones.

It's got Verizon, Sprint and T-mobile all worried and the defamatory reports on Phonescoop are a first. Is this phone that scary to all of you who have other interests to defend?

I wish that every comment by a non-owner be wiped out and then we can all decide what "real owners" of this marvel think.

From what I can see from "real users" and not muckrakers, and after reading 30 reports from all major media, this thing is truly a "game changer"!

Now if you idiots who are scared and paranoid of Apple's home-run, scared of real facts would let purchasers state what they are enjoying about the new iPhone we would all be allot happier.

A phonescoop Fan! ...
10 replies

Jul 12, 2007, 12:41 PM

Unlock the iPhone (iPod/PDA without AT&T)

Use your iPhone as an iPod and PDA without signing up AT&T service. The iPhone will not have phone capability, but the iPod and WiFi will work.

http://www.pqdvd.net/iphone-unlock-toolkit.html »
1 reply

Jul 12, 2007, 9:34 PM

Can I tether the iphone to my computer for internet?

wondering if i can tether the iphone to my computer so that i could use the internet on my computer. I guess its not really that necessary but would b a nice feature. Any help greatly appreciated. Just demo'd it in the apple store and was blown away.

Jul 12, 2007, 7:39 PM

iPhone & Acura BlueToorh


Dos anyone out there know if the IPhone is totally compatible with the BlueTooth system in an Acura RL (2006)? I'd hate to purchase the phone and have to pay a restocking charge only to find the phone won't work!

Jul 12, 2007, 5:38 PM

iPhone Question

I recently bought an iphone and was wondering if you have to completely close out the internet and map application for your battery to last longer? If so how exactly do you do that? Any input is appreciated, thanks.
1 reply

Jul 3, 2007, 2:24 PM
over in the "Review: iPhone" discussion:

Unlocked - Europe?

The review is VERY well done - thanks much!

I assume the iPhone is or will be available in Europe. If that's the case, has anybody read anything that tells whether there will be an unlocked version available there, or does one of the major European carriers have exclusivity there like ATT does in the US for a period of time? Is it two years, or just one, of exclusivity?

I want one, of course; question is whether to wait until the next revision which will undoubtedly add more features, fix bugs, and add capacity (and when my Verizon contract is out of the penalty phase - counting the months 🙂 )

17 replies

Jul 11, 2007, 3:49 PM

iPhone Application List

A good list of iPhone Application List:

http://iphoneapplicationlist.com/ »

Jul 9, 2007, 8:37 PM

Nano-based iPhone coming soon!

Apple may launch Nano-based iPhone
iPhone manufacturer could release a smaller, cheaper version of the touchscreen phone later this year, JP Morgan analyst says.

NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Apple Inc. plans to launch a cheaper version of the iPhone in the fourth quarter that could be based on the ultra-slim iPod Nano music player, according to a JP Morgan report.

http://uk.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idUKN09 ... »

Apple (Charts, Fortune 500) filed a patent application document dated July 5 that refers to a multifunctional handheld device with a circular touch pad control, similar to the Nano's scroll wheel.

Apple spokeswoman Natalie Kerris declined comment.
iPhone 5.0: What's next

Long lines of people turned out J...
5 replies

Jul 1, 2007, 4:27 PM

I really want to get an iPhone but......

I am sure everyone knows the below. Like to see if others feel the same way or perhaps correct some issues or errors in my comments re iPhone

-Hard to type without hitting wrong keys. Will take practice of course. Perhaps it is me being late 40's. Do not have stubby fingers. I doubt you could be a fast typer but may be over time.

-Must press hard on screen at times. Not a big issue. Just wipe screen at times. Still a lot of nice features.

-No multitasking in apps that I saw. You use one at a time I believe. I do not think you could download a YouTube video (dumb example) while browsing the Internet or using the calculator. But then again I had limited time to play with the phone.
However of course if a call comes in, then you can a...
3 replies

Jul 11, 2007, 11:53 AM

There is a company that will insure the iphone

There is a company that will insure the Iphone called Wireless Works #1-877-967-5799 but you need to call them directly i think it's like 7or 8 bucks a month
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