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Nov 30, 2007, 12:52 PM

LG 8700

How do I get mp3s to where music player will
see them? I transfered a couple of songs via
bluetooth but they landed in my sounds folder where they can't be accessed by music player.

Thanks in advance.
1 reply

Dec 3, 2007, 12:35 AM


My Razr has finally conked out and, with the awful service I'm getting from "the new!" AT&T, I refuse to purchase any other services from them. With that, I'm buying an unlocked phone.

And, looking at new trends in cell phones, I am absolutely loving dual-sliders and the form factor of the Helio Ocean, although that only works on CDMA networks.

Can anyone think of a comparable phone that's not that awful new Pantech?
8 replies

Nov 27, 2007, 1:02 PM

Program that converts my Samsung I-760 to a Universal Remote?

Is there a program that I can use out there that will allow my Samsung I-760 to control my TV, Receiver, DVD, CD, Cable Box, etc.?

Please let me know.

1 reply

Aug 20, 2007, 10:42 PM

Can send video, but reciepent cant get them!

Im able to send videos from my krzr, but the people i send them too, dont recieve them. There phones says GPRS Active but it never comes through! Any ideas on whats going on?
3 replies

Nov 19, 2007, 3:45 PM

Do existing iDEN (Nextel) need to get new phones?

I read up a bit on Nextel's shuffling of iDEN 800mhz frequencies to comply with the FCC's order to cease and desist interference issues with public safety channels.

Because the frequencies are changing, will existing Nextel users with iDEN need to get new phones? Or are the phones capable of "tuning in" to the new 800mhz frequencies automatically?

Anyone have any idea?
3 replies

Nov 22, 2007, 7:18 PM

Sprint RAZR question??

Hey, Ok I have a Red RAZR V3m with Sprint. I just got it about a month and a half ago. My question is, has anyone else had problems with the Red RAZRs from Sprint being Notoriously Slow? Like I have a total of 5 pictures, and it literally takes the phone like 7, or 8 seconds to load 5 pictures. I only have 1 ringtone on the phone. When i push a button it takes it at least 2 seconds to appear on the screen.

My bestfriend, has a RAZR V3m from Verizon, and her phone is alot faster then mine, and she has more pictures and tones on her, without the memory card. My other friends all have RAZRs from different networks and they're all faster then mine, and they have alot more stuff on theirs.

So, my question is, is there something wrong w...
2 replies
Guy Montag

Nov 8, 2007, 1:40 PM

Free Directions, Kinda Cool

Dial Directions
Lost? Simply dial DIR-ECT-IONS (347-328-4667) on your cellphone and answer the automated voice prompts about your current location and your destination or a business you're looking for, such as Whole Foods. You'll receive directions instantly via text message. Using MapQuest's database, the free service is available in several American cities and will go nationwide before the end of the year.

(From Popsci.com)
7 replies

Nov 27, 2007, 2:03 PM

Anyone using Digg text alerts?

Anyone getting these Digg text alerts?
http://dgm8.com »

I just signed up, seems pretty neat.

Nov 9, 2007, 5:53 PM

Is this really true?

I have heard that in order to keep cell phones from ringing in movie theaters, the theaters send out a pulse or a signal to actually block cell phone reception to insure that phones wont get signal or ring. The reason why I ask is that I am a HUGH movie fan. I love going to the movies, but I work in a profession where I am on call 24/7 365! I havent been going to the movies cause I get no signal with my cell (Cell One) or no signal with my pager! (Verizon) Yeah I have a pager! Is there anything out there that will boost up signal for more reception, or is there a specific carrier that has great reception to the point that it will work in the theater? Has anyone who has been to the movies lately, seen if there phones have signal? Any help wo...
10 replies
Keeva 403

Nov 14, 2007, 10:52 PM

HTC touch - Agenda view in Calendar

Hi all! I realize that this might qualify for the dumbest question around, but here goes: how do I get the Calendar to display the Agenda view in the HTC Touch. No matter what I have tried, all I get is the day version. I have tried Menu>View>Agenda, so many times, I am surprised that the smart phone doesn't just tell me I am an idiot and shut itself off 🙂 Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
2 replies

Nov 19, 2007, 4:06 PM

Syncing 2 Windows Mobile Devices

Here's my problem. I have a Blackjack with my contacts and calendar synced from my computer. My computer crashed and now my new Windows Vista computer will not allow me to sync my calendar and contacts to the computer. What do I do?

Also, I need a new phone anyway and would like a Treo 750. Can I sync my data from the Blackjack to a 750?

Thanks in advance,

2 replies

Nov 6, 2007, 1:29 PM

Geeks create first ever MMO on mobile platform.

Ran across this story on Digg, thought it was very cool, what does everyone else think of it?

http://digg.com/gaming_news/Geeks_create_first_ever_ ... »
3 replies

Nov 6, 2007, 9:53 PM

please help real fast question!

Should I get a sidekick 3 or the LX? Im just wondering if the extra 100 bucks is really worth it
2 replies

Nov 10, 2007, 6:26 PM

Is there anyway to use other phones for verizon??

Im just curious as to know if there is anyway I can use a different carrier's phone? I was hoping there something like unlocking the phone as it works for t-mobile and some other carriers.

Also, is there anyway of knowing future phones for verizon


Nov 10, 2007, 1:08 PM

New Features

What are some things you would like to see phones be able to do in the near future?

What are some new things you would like to be able to make a part of your plan that are not yet available?

Nov 9, 2007, 5:41 PM

Helpful hints, tips, tricks, and websites.

Ok. I like to read about the new things carriers are doing, the new phones coming out, and most of all threads in all of the forums.

I have noticed that alot of people have found some interesting websites for general information about cellular devices of all kinds. So here is your chance to post a link and look at other posted links left by people so that they are easily accessed.

Phone unlocking including the iPhone and purchasing unlocked phones.


Nov 8, 2007, 11:59 PM

GSM/Edge to 3G roamng

I just bought by first 3G phone. The Moto Q9h. I was just curious regarding how well does 3G phones roam from a 3G signal to GSM/Edge signal while on a call? Does the call drop or is it seamless? Just want to understand the technology so if I drop a call and I notice I was on 3G before the drop and after the drop notice that I am on GSM/Edge.

Thanks for any info.
2 replies

Nov 7, 2007, 9:17 PM

Best time of year? Taxes?

2 questions...

1. What is the best time of year to buy a cell phone and plan (most likely through t-mobile with the t-mobile dash)?

2. For a 34.98/month plan, what will the price of taxes be each month? I live in Detroit if it helps at all.

All comments are more than welcome!

Oct 17, 2007, 12:40 PM

Is it possible to use a VZN phone with Sprint?

Is it possible to use the chocolate phone with a sprint contract? Like could I get it unlocked or something?
6 replies

Nov 6, 2007, 7:22 PM

Can the Data plan from Tmo be used on the Cingular 8125?

I'm about to purchase a Cingular 8125, but I have T-Mobile, and was wondering before I buy it if this phone would be able to use the Data plan that TMo has. Would I be able to access the internet and be able to take full advantage of my data plan from TMo?
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