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Apr 19, 2004, 6:28 PM

Verizon Customer care, what a joke...

Get this, about 2 weeks ago, I dialed *228 to update the roaming capabilities of my phone....Unfortunately, I pressed option #1 (program phone), rather than option #2 update roaming capabilities....The call was terminated before the programming was completed.

Awfully coincidental, that never having another problem in a years service, now the phone is totally hosed.....Receives calls sometimes, and not others...When making a call, does not ring out directly, but hesitates, then says redialing.

After spending hours on the phone with verizon techs, and them claiming the problem was my phone, they were kind enough to offer me a refurbished unit for $50, which would of been OK. Problem is 7-10 days delivery time. Being self-employed ...
34 replies

May 2, 2004, 10:32 AM

Verizon always last in promotions, why?

😕 one other thing I never understood about Verizon, is not only do they come out with there phones late but they always come out with plans or promotion months after there competition has. Here in NJ almost every other company has had the mobile to mobile free for at least 6 month, VZW just started it about 1 1/2 month ago. I mean I know Verizon has a very good network, but I am starting to wonder not about the network but about the advertising and promotion teams. Are they really intouch with what is going on with there competition? or being that they are the biggest are they getting ****y and saying they dont have to do the same thing others do and people will still pay
5 replies

Apr 30, 2004, 2:03 AM

New Activation Fee

Is everyone aware that Verizon will start charging a $15 activation fee on 2 year contracts, effective May 10th? It applies to every line on the account, which is standard I suppose. This strikes me as a really BAD idea, unless they are pretty certain that the other national carriers who offer two year agreements are going to do the same. I mean, I know its not a lot of money, but people are dirt cheap and you know they will make a stink. If they weren't cheap, why would they ever take the free Nokia 2285 when they could have the Nokia 3589i for $30? Anyway, I hadn't seen any mention of it on the boards here, so I thought I'd ask.
36 replies

Mar 23, 2004, 3:55 PM

I lost my phone. Advice?

I'm hoping that I can get some advice. I lost my phone over the weekend and am trying to get a new one asap. Verizon is saying that I am not eligible to upgrade and that I'm going to have to pay full price for a new phone.

Is there any way around this?

I spoke with a Verizon reseller today and he told me that he think I should just try to get a used phone. Any places that you can recommend? Any older models that I should get or avoid?

I'm just trying to cover my bases and avoid getting screwed.

Thanks for helping a newbie!
9 replies

May 6, 2004, 11:35 PM

need new phone

i have had my v60 for over two years....i cant even charge the damn phone anymore...its getting so fustrated...but i havent upgraded because I want a new dual color display camera phone...not trying to be picky but I hate how verizon lacks in their selection of phones....does anyone know of any new phones coming out soon....i cant take this phone much longer and i really dont want to switch carriers....i love verizon but hate the phone...what should i do...any suggestions

3 replies

Apr 28, 2004, 1:47 PM

Warning to Potential New Verizon Customers

Verizon SUCKS at releasing new phones. Expect them to be the last one on the block with any new phone technology and always expect to be dissapointed by bogus release dates that will continually be pushed back MONTHS and MONTHS due to Verizon's "extensive testing" program.

If you like what they currently have and are content to keep that handset for a LONG time, then disregard this message and enjoy Verizon's "superior service."
70 replies

Feb 17, 2004, 10:59 AM

Cingular and ATTWS

Well I really hope VZW does something to get a lot of customers on board b4 the deal between Cingular and ATT is final. I'd hate to see VZW in 2nd place.

Cingular + ATTWS = 46 million people on one ****ty network getting horrible customer service. It's a lose lose in the end... but a big thing in the beginning.
88 replies

May 7, 2004, 3:00 PM

VX4400B gone

Well, now the VX4400B is off the web site. VZW is either adding new or reducing the selection even further. A customer service person that was trying to get me a VX4600 said that all current sale will be over on Sunday. Maybe new toys on monday (we can only hope)
3 replies
A is A

May 7, 2004, 10:59 AM

Out of Stock

Anyone notice all the out-of-stock phones at Verizon's website? Clearing the path for new gear? hmmmmmmm 😕
1 reply

May 3, 2004, 9:37 PM

question about new upcoming verizon phones any info helpful

I was just wondering if anyone knows if there will be an Lg tri-mode camera phone for verizon coming out any time soon. I really would consider getting an LG camera phone but would like it to be tri-mode. If anyone has any info please let me know. Thanks.
1 reply

May 5, 2004, 11:50 AM

Moto Experiment of 2004 Update.

Okay, got my first taste of the t730's quirks. Mine powered off inexplicably after I pulled the home charger out of its port. The phone was fully charged. Yay! This should be good.

May 3, 2004, 4:32 PM

Is GPS Navigation coming to Get It Now??

Yeah a buddy of mind has Nextel and they offer a GPS Nagation download on there wireless handsets. Will this technology be offered as a download for VerizonWireless soon?
1 reply

May 3, 2004, 6:21 PM

gerneral comment regarding comparing cell phone services

I am just wondering what is the most important thing when choosing a cell phone service. I currently have verizon and the most important thing is the service. Where I live the service is superior to other services out there. I live near Montgomery Alabama. I know some people complain Verizon is more expensive. I just don't see that. I believe that Verizon is competively prices with the other carriers. I really don't see much price difference between the carriers. One should just choose whichever service provides the best coverage in your area. This could vary depending what area you live in. Ulitimately all that matters is the service, not coolness of phones, or claim of lower prices.


Apr 21, 2004, 10:44 PM

release dates of push to talk?

does anyone know or heard any of the release dates of the new PTT phones?
1 reply

May 3, 2004, 10:26 AM

Best Camera Phone?

Hi all,
What do you guys think the best camera phone is in Verizon's current pool? I think the choices are the LG vx6000, an Audiovox that seems very similar, and Samsung, which seems like Verizon's newest.

My personal opinion is LG's phone is the best, but I'm concerned it's the oldest, therefore I'll be regretting having such outdated technology way too soon! I'm not too familiar with Audiovox phones, so I'd welcome any feedback (positive AND negative). And Samsung's phone - what's the real benefit to the higher sticker price? Same camera quality, just a swivel cover... phone seems the same. And again, I'm not familiar with Samsung's quality. I've only had Motorola, then LG, and I like them both (probably Motorola a little better...
1 reply

May 2, 2004, 3:53 PM

RIM Products...and their lack of antennas.

You know...I've always wondered WHY Verizon makes every manufacturer put external antennas on all their phones. But then again, what's up with the RIM products? They don't have external antennas.

May 1, 2004, 11:35 PM

For Whatever it's worth...

I am a Vrz customer, and I have to say I love my Lg Vx6000 camera phone. I use it mostly in Gainesville, Fl area and the phone works great!
The phone conversations are clear, and it has never dropped a call!
The camera is easy to work (though no flash).
And the menus make everything simple.
I have thought about getting the VX7000 or the VX8000, if they ever come to this area, but in the mean time, this camera kicks ass!
I am always hearing about how great Nokia phones are(being an ex Attws customer), but the Lg company knows what they were doing, maybe that is why Nokia stock is down.
As for Verizon customer care, I have never had a problem with them, they are always helpful.
If Cingular and Attws merge, who cares...

Apr 29, 2004, 1:40 PM

Starting out @?

I work @ t-mobile and am thinking of jumping ship. What do CSRs start out @ Verizon? 😈
2 replies

Apr 30, 2004, 2:52 PM

forgot to add this in my initial question about lg vx4600

will this phone ever be sold in any retail stores any time soon?
2 replies

Apr 30, 2004, 4:58 PM

Simple question

Just wondering if anyone has yet to figure out how to stop the VZW logo from flashing on the outer screen of the 8900. The logo on the main screen dosnt bother me but the outer one is kinda annoying.
1 reply

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