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CTIA Wireless 2003

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Here are a few more international phones that were on display at the Qualcomm booth. This is the Korean phone on which the new Audiovox 8900 is apparently based.

The Motorola V741, which appears to be the rough basis for the new Motorola V810.

A nifty Korean LG phone. A trend is starting to emerge for phones with mirrored faces or displays. This is certainly one example. No U.S. counterpart just yet.

The Nokia Digital Pen with Bluetooth. It uses Anoto technology, so special paper is required. Nokia offers two types of pads with the special paper: a large notepad and a smaller MMS pad. The pads include a flap with special boxes you can tap to change the line color and thickness.

A Nokia 3650 displaying a sketch sent from the Digital Pen via Bluetooth. The sketch can be saved or sent via MMS. Nokia's announcement of the 3600, (a GSM 850/1900 version of the 3650,) should mean much wider distribution of this versatile phone here in the U.S.

The new Nokia 6585 next to a 7210. The 6585 is Nokia's first small, color-display CDMA phone, and possibly the first CDMA phone for North America with a built-in FM radio.

The 6585 is slightly thicker than the 7210, but does add a 2.5mm headset jack. Don't let the photo deceive you, though - the 7210 is a really thin phone, so the 6585 is still a very nice size.

One of the booth reps also let slip that Nokia is planning a CDMA camera phone similar to 6585 for Q1 2004. I assume this would be a similar form factor to the recently-announced 6220 EDGE phone for Europe.

I was able to ask Nokia spokesperson Keith Nowak about Nokia's future directions, and see a live demo of Nokia's PTT (push-to-talk) solution.

One thing I hear a lot is "why doesn't Nokia make a folder-style phone?". So I asked... and I was told that folder-style phones still aren't on the horizon, but "look for some new, innovative form factors [from Nokia] in a few months." Interesting!

The Push-To-Talk hype was definitely at a fever pitch at this show. It was the phrase on the tip of everyone's tongue. The Nokia Push-To-Talk demo was interesting, although not the most impressive PTT demo at the show. The demo featured two modified 6200s. Even though the 6200 is an EDGE phone, the demo used GPRS. Nokia's PTT solution works fine over GPRS, which is good. It had about a 2-second latency, which isn't bad, considering it was supposedly relaying through a server in Finland. Sound quality was hard to judge due to the high ambient noise from the show floor.

Although it works over GPRS, Nokia's PTT solution will not run on existing hardware - it will require special new phones, which Nokia plans to have available in the first half of 2004.

More from the "Fashion In Motion" wireless fashion show. Here are models showing off the LG 6000 and 5350.


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