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Nokia 6010


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Destruction Resistant!


May 27, 2009 by hepresearch

I got my Nokia 6010 from Cingular back in 2005, and have had it unlocked since (just for fun). I still slip my SIM card in it from time to time just to see if it still works, and it always does, even after 4 years of extreme abuse. My 6010 has endured falls from third-floor balconies, submersion in puddles in my wife's old Volkswagen Jetta with a broken sunroof on a rainy day, and even once having pent up anger taken out on it unfairly in a fit of rage (it wasn't the poor phone's fault, either). My 6010 has outlasted everything, including the T-Mobile Dash I had purchased since then.

- simple design and operation
- "Destruction Resistant!", known to survive just about anything, including a fall down the stairs or an accidental swim in a pool
- good signal strength in Harrisburg, PA, area on either T-Mobile or Cingular/AT&T
- good sound quality

- very few features

Someday when the nuclear holocaust finally happens, I won't be looking for the cockroaches to survive; I'll be keeping my eye out for the Nokia 6010's!

Nokia 6010, the most reliable phone ever


Jul 3, 2007 by tlw99999

I had this phone for 13 months and am finally writing a review for it.


+ VERY VERY VERY durable
+ Battery Life, I like to play with my phone constantly. On average, this phone lasted for a week and a half. Also an amazing talk time.
+ Never a dropped call (Cingular)
+ Games
+ Reception, almost always full (Denver area)
+ Bright Screen
+ Key Lock
+ Price (free)


- A very basic phone
- Very slow internet
- You get bored with it fast

If you want a basic phone, this is the best one.

6010= THE BEST


Aug 15, 2006 by hoopsmaniac

had it for years , super loud , unbrekable, super durable. great for anyone.

Your Mileage May Vary


Jul 27, 2006 by GravityFails

After reading the positively nuclear reviews about this phone's "reception," I eagerly locomoted to my nearest Cingular store and purchased what turned out to be their very last one. Since this phone has been discontinued through Cingular, the rep and I shared a bittersweet moment; we laughed a little, but mostly we cried and reminisced about days gone by.


While it seems a bit pointless to review a phone that's not readily available anymore (other than on Ebay), I thought I'd throw my not-inconsiderable weight against the subject and chime in with my own 6010 experience, which, thus far, has been eye-gougingly ordinary.

I don't know if this is a case of the emperor's new clothes among my fellow reviewers or if it's just a difference between networks or what, but I've found the Nokia 6010 to be painfully average when it comes to signal strength. It can't touch the clarity of the V190 or the V557 in my area, but among the other phones that I've tried it's neither better nor worse.

The phone's build is sturdy and creak-free, which I appreciate, and it's large enough to be comfortable for someone with big mitts. The buttons, again, no problems--clicky and responsive is how I'd describe them, with a light undercurrent of coffee, cherry, and asparagus.

Battery life has thus far been impressive, but use has been light, too.


+ Impressive collection of ringtones
+ Well-built
+ Works as a phone
+ Won't give you bird flu
+ Impressive earpiece clarity, not to be confused with quality of reception


- Screen a bit dim
- 2.5mm jack uses 3-band headset

All in all the 6010 comes off as competent, if not terribly ambitious. You could do worse, but don't expect miracles.

Love this phone!!


Jun 3, 2006 by sue124

Until I purchased this phone, I was never able to get any reception at my home. I was told by my Cingular rep that this phone pulls in a signal better than any phone they have ever carried.

I can also hear who is calling with this phone. Not only did my phone fail to pull in a signal at home, but even when I turned up the volume to the max you could barely hear who was calling no matter where I was.

Now, I know it doesn't have mp3 capability, play Cd's or DVDs, but it does do it's job exceedingly well.

I found two of these phones on eBay. The very sad thing is that Cingular is no longer selling this phone. I am hoping they will reconsider and work out a new deal with Nokia since this phone needs to be carried for those of us who want a good, basic phone.

Simple, powerful, almost indestructable.


May 30, 2006 by japhy

The smoke was still clearing from the last explosion, when Mobitex realized he was still alive. Debris pinned him to the ground and he could feel that both his robotically enhanced legs were shattered: the hydraulic fluid was mixing with his blood as both pooled beneath his shattered body. His cyborg arms were also heavily damaged, but there was a chance he could still pull himself free.

The sound of approaching footsteps told him he would never get the chance.

Mobitex twisted vainly, scrambling to avoid the doom he knew was coming.

"You're too late, Mobitex. Your reign of terror is over." He didn't need to turn his head to know it was Jack Baker, his human arch nemesis. He faced Baker & scowled. "Damn you Baker - you've beaten me this time!" Mobitex was about to spew a vile curse when he saw that Baker held something in his hand. Baker followed his gaze, & held up the small blue device.

"It's my Nokia 6010", he said with a smile, "It's the reason you're down there & I'm up here."

Mobitex struggled again, but had trouble concealing his confusion. Baker smiled & went on.

"It's their most simple phone, but it's more reliable than anything else I've ever had, except for my 3595. It's nothing more than a phone & it does that excellently."

"Goodbye, Mobitex - it's too bad all the evil in the world won't die with you. Baker started to walk away, but then paused, turned around, and said:

"By the way, this phone is even tougher than me. Watch!" He pressed & held the 2 key, which called his favorite pizza place, then with the call still on the line, Baker threw the phone at Mobitex. The last thing he heard before the rock solid little phone shattered his skull, was a crystal clear voice asking him if it would be for delivery or take out.

As the brains leaked out of Mobitex's broken skull, the voice asked several times if anyone was there, then hung up. The screen flashed a message saying the call was disconnected after 38 seconds.

OK Phone!!


Mar 19, 2006 by pramodmeee

I had this phone, and it was OK!! acctualy i never had problems with it. but the display could be much better.(almost all old nokia phones have low resalution displays)
Could have a RADIO,

Good Battery Life,
Good Signel,

Display is small and resalution is bad.

Good basic phone


Mar 15, 2006 by bascom

-easy to use.
-good ringtone selection. Has about 25 and I like 5-10 of them.
-good size. It's not too small, not too big. Keypad is big enough for my fingers.
-has a sturdy feel
-low cost

-on/off button is hard to use.
-no side keys to adjust call volume. It can only be adjusted during a call using menu buttons.
-no Loudspeaker.
-not a GPS phone.
-backlight kind of dark and goes out quickly. I have to press a key to turn light on again.

-Internet capable but I think you only get a few sites and I don't want to use it and pay for that service.

The on/off button is the biggest problem. Otherwise, it's a good basic phone if you get it at a low price.

The phone is great!


Dec 15, 2005 by MBDSG47741216

I love the Nokia 6010! I mean you definately have to give the phone some props. There are a few things that I did not like 100% but the phone is still great itself.

Different face plates
Good battery life
Good reception
Keys are a pretty nice size
Address book allows more than one number per person

No speaker phone
A little bit larger than I had wanted

The phone is a great phone and I am very happy with my choice!

Excellent reception!


Jun 10, 2005 by gogol

I am a T-Mobile customer, and live in Cambridge, MA. This is my third cell phone I've had with T-Mobile (Samsung R225 and Sony Ericsson T610 were the two earlier ones), and I think I am going to stick to this one for a while. I've had this phone just for a week now.


1. This phone has awesome reception. My earlier phones never used to get any signal in my office, but the 6010 gets 3 signal 'bars'! I like the "nokia tune" ringtone, and the clarity and volume of the ring is much better than the annoying "ascending" ringtones of the T610 (a feature that cannot be turned off on the T610!).
2. It has Yahoo, MSN, AIM and ICQ, my previous phones didn't have all 4 of these.
3. The keys are large and flat, and its very convenient to use; except the two little keys above the "call" and "end" buttons on the top, which could have been made bigger.
4. Holds charge easily for two days, with moderate use of the phone.


1. Its slightly larger in size than what I would have liked.
2. I haven't yet been able to figure out how to set it to 'just vibrate', but not ring, when taking incoming calls. The 'silent' mode just makes it completely silent, whereas if I set the 'Vibrate alert' on, it rings alongwith vibrating.

This is by far the best phone I've had so far, and I think I am going to stick to Nokia's, just for their plain good reception!

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