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Motorola C332 / C331g / C333 (GSM)


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This phone is CRAP!!!!!


Feb 21, 2005 by 17Scarz

I work for a major wireless carrier and I gotta say this is the WORST PHONE EVER!!!!
Motorola should really be ashamed.

If you got this phone free, YOU PAID TOO MUCH!

The only pros: if you run over this phone with a truck, it smashes and gives you quiet satisfaction.

The cons: the battery lasts for about 25 minutes of talk time, the phone sux, the ringtones are stupid, when talking to someone the volume is NEVER loud enough, you need a degree in logistics to navigate your way through the menu, the phone rings quiet when someone calls but when you goto turn it on or off WABAAAMMMM the loudest damn noise ANY phone ever made?????, the keys stick and dont register, the games are from about 1972, i mean snood 21 and moto racer WTF????
Okay im better now.....


****** BUY NOKIA ******
******** BUY NOKIA *******

If anyone says anything good about this phone they either work for motorola or just upgraded from a 1990s model, YOU would have to search hard to find something good to say about this phone, and for all my suffering, I sincerely hope motorola goes out of business

bring some towels and some garbage bags


Aug 5, 2004 by urban_urbane

because you will want to bury this phone. the motorola C333 is a real piece of work. it was my first ever cell phone and now i languish with a land line rather than pay another dime to the service provider who thought it was okay to sell me this phone.

my boyfriend thought this phone was "cute" and since he was buying i didn't protest. after about a month and a half with it, the internal battery proved to be completely worthless. i'm not talking about needing to charge the phone up everyday, even; the phone would die on the second ring whenever anyone called me. because of this phone i:

got lost in chinatown
had to hobble around the UVA campus on crutches for three weeks
had to rely on intuition in places like train stations, bus terminals & airports

when the battery wasn't completely dead, i could rest assured that i would miss 9 out of 10 calls, due to the ridiculously quiet ringer. in contrast to the ringer, the "low battery warning" that would go off as soon as you unplugged the phone from the charger was irritatingly loud to the point of being painful. in between missing calls, dropping calls, and the phone just flat out dying, i would find that i would suddenly have five voicemails when just a few minutes ago there were none. and there was never enough battery to check them.

in order to have this phone fixed, suncom expected me to mail it to texas, and sit around on my laurels for four weeks waiting for them to send me a new crappy C333 so i could start the process all over again. i just got used to it being a house phone, which was fine except in the situations mentioned above. the final demise of my motorola? the charger itself, the very lifeblood of this piece of trash, broke too. i have no idea if the SIM card inside means that when i do get a new phone (a NOKIA) i can transfer my phone #'s. i hope so.

i'm never buying a motorola again as long as i live.

Not such a bad phone. Or is it.


Dec 24, 2003 by trey1475

I don't know. I just got this phone. I got this phone because my old motorola started to act up (probably beacuse I had that phone for less than 3 years). I liked Motorla - One is, You can buy a radio earpeice and listen to the radio on your phone. So far I have had no problem out of this phone. I didn't know I was going to buy this phone, I just walked into this cell phone shop and bought one. I would of never bought this phone if I would of read the review first (SMART ME). But since I had it for only one day I haven't had no problem with it. The phone also comes with some nice polyphonic ringtones compared to other headsets. I like the games and the size. My phone never frozed up so far. Sound quality is great-never had a dropped call so far. I wished I new that this phone had a built in battery. Thats Stupid! I didnt realize that untill i read the reviews. Well I have to wait and see if this phone is good or not in the future. The only thing I hate about the phone is that the ringtones doesnt ring loud enough. The battery life is not up to par either. Other than that I think this a very good phone.



Jul 22, 2003 by BOBBY JONES

This phone is not a very good phone, a lot of dropped calls, bars of signal are always at 2 at the most. can't call my girlfriend when she tells me to becuase my stupid phone doesn't work and then she gets pissed off at me. thanks MOT for making my life harder

I hate that phone


Jan 22, 2003 by ralph read

I'm a Cingular employee and the gave us the C331g as a employee phone. I was so pleased with my Sony Ericsson T60d that when they decided to change it to a C33ig i just couldn't take it. The battery is dismal. The ring volume is mediocre, the interface is not friendly. The.....Ahhhh i hate it!

Ok phone, If it's free


Jan 9, 2003 by Ehssan Farrokhi

As a current employee of T-Mobile, I would recommend this phone to those who want to get a free phone. Under wise, there are better phones out there. This phone has a few built in games. However, MotoGP is a demo. It also includes polyphonic ring tones that are decent for a free phone. Built in mini USB port and changeable face covers. You can also access the T-Zone, which makes the phone even better. The only downside about the phone is that it has a built in battery. The keypads are way to small for a person with big fingers, and the phone freezes every once in while. Personally, if I was looking for an inexpensive yet a decent phone, I would get the Sony Ericsson T300.

Needs Some Work


Jul 8, 2003 by Julie P

i must say this phone is not too bad, for a free phone but i say that it definatley needs some work. To be honest, if i had read the reviews about this phone before i got it, i probably would not have bought it.
You really can't do too much with the phone and if you do decide to download the ringtones available, you can't hear it ringing! I bought the phone because of its size..i admit the size is great but the rest is not. I don't think i would reccomend this phone to anyone unless they need it for only emergencies, and even then i would have doubts!



Jun 14, 2003 by Justin Anclam

Small yes and the Gray scale display is cool too... but a built in battery is the dumbest thing Ive ever seen. Good thing its GSM otherwise you would not get much life out of this battery.

Is that my phone ringing?


May 28, 2003 by Cedreka Johnson

So what if this phone can download ringtones and is small and compatible.. I CAN'T HEAR THE STUPID THING RING!!! The battery only last 3 hours so by the time you make 5 calls it's time to charge it again! I work for cingular and it turns my stomach to have to suggest this phone to a customer. This is one of the most pathetic pieces of equiptment we can offer. It only gets a 2 because I work for cingular.

Pretty Pathetic


May 6, 2003 by TomZ

This phone (331g version) has some serious issues.

Pros: It's got cool ringtones and lights up nicely--that's about it.

Cons: Where do I start?! It's definitely not Motorola's best product, although I don't think it was designed to be. It's far too fragile of a phone and can't withstand much of anything. The battery is inaccessible which makes it even harder to service the phone's many power issues.

I give it a 1 just because I like its polyphonic ringtones and backlight.

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