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LG VX-8100


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Mar 4, 2006, 1:43 AM

LG8100 & Motorola Bluetooth

I have a LG8100 paired with a Motorola HS850 earpiece my problem is: When I have my phone connected to the charger in my truck I have trouble hearing the voice prompts approx. 90% of the time, however if I disconnect the charger, the Bluetooth and phone work perfectly well, obviously I know what the simple answer is, but I would like to know why this happens or if anybody else has a similar problem.
thank you
1 reply

Mar 3, 2006, 7:58 PM

Mary: trouble connecting

After flashing phone to v07 on 2/28 I'm having trouble connecting to phone with data cable. I use BitPM as well as the software that came with my cable and neither is able to connect. Any suggestions?
2 replies

Mar 3, 2006, 7:16 PM

Create MP3 ringtone and txt'ing it to your phone

OK, this question may have already been asked but I searched for it and found nothing:

Q: I just created a ringtone with dbpoweramp and then sent it to my phone via txt message. After saving it, it goes to My Sounds, instead of My Ringtones. How can I move it to My Ringtones in order to set it as a ringtone? As it is now, it is not able to be set as a ringtone, I can only play it.

Thanks in advance!
1 reply

Aug 21, 2005, 11:28 PM

question to a common question

did the update fix the ringtone problem under my sounds for setting any of those ringtones as ringers along with any other downloaded ringtones. or do you still have to hack it ????????????????????????????????? 😕
5 replies

Mar 2, 2006, 3:12 PM

MP3 / WMA Queastions

I have my phone's MP3 capability turned on. When I hold down the front play button it says that there are no somgs in the memory card ( This is becauise I haven't put the card in yet). With this information said, I have the following questions.

1) When ripping CDs with WMP, they are saved to a folder. Should I copy the folder or the individual songs to my memory card?

2) Considering how I have my phone setup, should I be saving these songs as MP3 or WMA> I am guessing MP3.

Thank You
4 replies

Feb 22, 2006, 3:29 PM

GIN Ringtones using V07

Could those of you who have V07 and use GIN to get ring tones, tell me what programs you are currently using to get ring tones? Ex. VZW, Sony Music Box, etc.
I had problems with GIN ring tone apps making my phone reboot with my current V04 firmware.
Thanks 🙂
3 replies

Feb 26, 2006, 2:07 AM

WMA music help

Anyone been able to add wma files to their miniSD card and have the VCAST music player able to read it? I can't use WMP10 since I keep getting "server threw an exception" error whenever WMP10 tries to resample my audio file, apparently it doesn't like the combo of SW I've got on my system, so I tried converting to wma and vcast still won't play it... anyone else had same issue and been able to fix it?
10 replies

Mar 2, 2006, 5:07 AM

usb driver for 8100

Does anyone have the usb driver that they can email me. I have the driver for the 6100/7000 but it won't recognize the 8100. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My email is rick1831@yahoo.com. Thank You.
3 replies

Feb 18, 2006, 9:22 AM

Question About The HMB-300 LG Bluetooth Headset

Has anyone used this headset and does anyone know if it is any good???? I currently use The planttronics 640 and it is ok but I am looking for one that is way better. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I am also new to this site. Thank agan!!!!
6 replies

Mar 1, 2006, 11:13 PM

Headset Question

IOGear Bluetooth Wireless Headset Class 2 - GBE201W7

I bought this headset the other day. Overall I like it a lot. I have been told that I sound good on it. Of course that depends on where the microphone is.

My question is, has anyone when turning on their headset, had the phone go directly to Voice Commands?

It seems that I have to hold the headset's button down to get to the connection mode, then hit it once more to have it connect, but at that point it goes to Voice Commands.
1 reply

Mar 1, 2006, 6:57 PM

Mary Help Please !!

Mary you seem to be the lady with all the answers. I have songs on WMP-10 how do I convert them to wmp's. and get them transfered to the card? A Verizion Tech told me how to do it without using bitpim. But I must have the start of Alzheimers, I forgoten what he told me before I got home. LOL. Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Thank You
4 replies

Mar 1, 2006, 9:46 PM

video length?? someone please help

I know that a bunch of people have asked this question and im hoping that someone has the answer. I want to take the video, but i want it to be longer than 15 seconds. I know people have asked this before but i have looked at them and have never got an answer from them. so if someone could give me a clear and simple answer cuz im still learning this phone, that would be great. just want to be able to take a video with the phone and taking a video longer than 15 seconds. thankx

Mar 1, 2006, 1:35 PM

IOGear Bluetooth Wireless Headset Class 2 - GBE201W7

I bought this headset the other day. Overall I like it a lot. I have been told that I sound good on it. Of course that depends on where the microphone is.

My question is, has anyone when turning on their headset, had the phone go directly to Voice Commands?

It seems that I have to hold the headset's button down to get to the connection mode, then hit it once more to have it connect, but at that point it goes to Voice Commands.

Jan 30, 2006, 12:04 PM


i'vE REAd SOME thREAdS ON thiS fORUM dESCRibiNg hOW 2 tRiCk thE 8100 iNtO ALLOWiNg U 2 USE thE SpEAkERphONE WhiLE CLOSEd by diSCONNECtiNg A hEAdSEt dURiNg A CALL bUt, i hAVEN't hEARd ANybOdy SAy WhEthER thE UpdAtE ALLOWS thiS W/OUt USiNg thE hEAdSEt tRiCk thE WAy tHE SAMSUNg 950 dOES. hAS ANybOdy tRiEd thiS?
12 replies

Feb 23, 2006, 2:35 PM

Power Save Mode

Ever since I upgraded to v.7 I cant turn on my power save mode. In fact I dont even see the option on my phone. My battary is losing juice way to fast now. Does anyone know how I can turn it back on?
8 replies

Feb 28, 2006, 10:39 AM

Anyone have South Park or Seinfeld .3gp or .mp4?

I am trying to find South Park or Seinfeld episodes already in .3gp or .mp4 format so I can put them right on my card and watch them on my phone. Specifically I am trying to get any Seinfeld from season 6 and up and any South Park really, you know good episodes from both. Thanks in advance guys.
1 reply

Feb 27, 2006, 12:44 PM

Viewing Pictures on the Front Dispay.

I have heard that you can view saved pictures on the front display of the 8000. Is there a way to do it on the 8100?

I wish that when taking pictures, They wouldn't be visible on the front display. Any remedy for this?
4 replies

Feb 27, 2006, 7:47 PM

Bluetooth Visibility

I have been trying to get Cingular ringtones sent to me Via Bluetooth but i can't cuz the cingular phones wont' find my phone even with my visibility on. Plaese help.

Nov 8, 2005, 7:15 PM


can you edit your phonebook with bitpi?
any help cool 😁
6 replies

Feb 27, 2006, 5:29 PM

Adding Games / Getting Full Buddy List. PLEASE HELP!


Any help would be appreciated.

Can you put games on the 8100 with the Data Cord or the MiniSD?

My full AOL IM buddy list does not show up on the phone (about 20 of my 120). Does anyone know how to fix this.

Thank you in advance!
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