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Motorola V600


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May 11, 2004, 9:39 AM

Changing the Right Soft Key

Is it possible to change the right soft key from the default "t-zones"? I cannot find anwyhere to do it. Changing the left one is no problem. Thanks, Chris.
5 replies

May 8, 2004, 8:05 PM

Transferring Photos to V600???

Has anyone successfully transferred photos from a Palm or PC to the phone. my photos sent via bluetooth to the phone from my Palm Tungsten T2 say that the file is corrupt. This even happened with a photo i sent from the Phone to the Palm and tried to send back.

Any advice?
1 reply

May 11, 2004, 7:03 PM

can any cingular users tell me how to connect to aol and yahoo messenger???

I'm kind of a computer novice. I don't even know if the phone is compatible but can anyone tell me how to connect to aol and yahoo messeger and stay connected even when the phone is closed.

May 9, 2004, 2:03 PM

SonyEricson Z500a vs. Motorola v600

šŸ™‚ Do you guys here think the SonyEricson z500a is a better phone than the v600? I've been comparing the the two and so far they seem to match. Though the v600 has a little more features, but in overall rating. I think SonyEricson is a much better brand. My last 3 motorola cell phones including this one (v600) have not been such a good product. I regret so much buying this v600, and now I cannot even sell it for a close price to what I pay for. Sux really bad. What do you guys think? All opinions are welcomed.

1 reply

May 10, 2004, 10:26 AM

Outlook Sync questions...switching from ClipOn Organizer

It's time to upgrade my old StarTac. I've used the ClipOn Organizer with it and loved it because it sync'd so well with Outlook. It brought EVERYTHING over...notes, to-do, all lines of contacts, everything.

So....I've learned that Ericsson phones sync, but they don't bring over the 'notes' part of contacts. I need to happen.

Does the V600 do this? The rep at ATT said no, but I just off the phone with Motorola and he said Yes.

All I want to bring over all calendar and all details from contacts and I'll be happy. Thanks for any help.

May 9, 2004, 1:41 PM

How to Disable/ change the tone that plays when phone is switched on/off


The motorola V600 plays a tone when the phone is switched on or off. I hate the tone - how do i change it or disable it????

May 8, 2004, 4:15 PM

Back orders arrive in NYC and there's more.

After weeks on back order a new batch of V600s finally arrive in ATT retail stores in NYC. How long will they last in stock? Not long Iā€™m sure. I actually heard one representative complain to somebody over the phone that they needed higher volume in order to meet the demand. I suppose the shortages will continue. Interestingly enough a friend and I noticed a difference when we compared both the quality and the KB size of pictures taken with a v600 from April and one from May. In many cases pictures taken with the latter are sharper and brighter than those taken with the older v600. Is it possible that Motorola tweaked the JPG compression ratio? Perhaps, but since we only compared two phones within a 5 week stretch our observations are hardly...

May 7, 2004, 5:48 PM

Referb Phones

Does anyone know how to tell if your replacement phone is a referb. Much appreciated.
3 replies

May 8, 2004, 9:57 AM

cingular s/w

forgive me if this has been posted as I've been off for a while, though I did search for this info in earlier posts and didn't see it. What is the software version that Cingular is shipping on their phones? thanks.

May 2, 2004, 11:15 AM

Question about charging a battery

My v600 is on the way. My question is, what is the best way to charge the battery so that i can get the full usage. everyone i talk to has their own methods but i always seem to screw up and it seems like i don't train the battery well. thanks.
6 replies

May 1, 2004, 5:53 PM

how to turn off low battery alert sound?

The sound can become bothersome until the unit is plugged in. Anybody know how to turn it off?

1 reply

May 5, 2004, 2:47 PM


guess i'll keep posting this till i get some replys

I have my phone on "vibe and ring"...which means for the first maybe 2 or 3 rings it only vibrates, if i don't feel that it goes to the ring...but by the time it gets to the ring the blue light on the front letting me know who's calling goes off by then...is this a problem anybody else is having?? if so can we stop it?

1 reply

Apr 26, 2004, 2:38 PM

when u buy the phone what comes in the box with the phone?

when u buy the phone what comes in the box with the phone? is the usb come with it?
2 replies

May 5, 2004, 1:35 AM

front silver lining crack!!!

only had the phone for 2 weeks and i just noticed the silver lining on the outside (the trim section adjacent to the removable faceplate) chipped! sameday, walked to att store, and the floor model had a chip in the same place, wth?

i need to get a new case. i was using the oem motorola case, but i'm thinking about getting a case that actually stays on as whereas the one i'm using now, i have to take my phone out of the case everytime i make a call. sigh. maybe i should report the phone stolen =P
19 replies

May 6, 2004, 4:07 AM

T-Mobile Branded V600 for sale on ebay

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&catego ... »

Leme guess Hot_md_guy this is also fake?
2 replies

May 1, 2004, 3:33 AM

Is the Cingular v600 unlocked?

I know that Cingular's previous "World phones" came unlocked, did Cingular continue the trend with their recently released v600?
12 replies

May 4, 2004, 4:43 PM


I don't recharge my phone until the warning low battery indicator comes on. Now when I do charge it, it seems like it takes an eternity for the phone to charge (2-3 hours). Is this normal? Also is the connector to the phone on the charger cable a little loose when it is connected to the phone?
2 replies

May 4, 2004, 2:29 AM

Bluetooth headset

Wat up yall..jus wanted to let you guyz kno that i got the email confermation yesterday..and i got the headset today....soo...they were pretty fast about it...
2 replies

May 4, 2004, 5:45 PM

v600 firmware for cingular???

Hello to all.
How can I go about getting the firmware for my v600 (unlocked) phone to match the service? I know there is some sort of firmware or flexware out there to correct some bugs on the phone, but even that software has bugs in it. Can you help us (unlocked) guys out.

thanx. šŸ˜¢

May 4, 2004, 8:24 AM

AT&T V600 Pricing

Even though AT&T and Cingular are effectively the same company now, to me, it seems that AT&T offers better service plans, particularly when it comes to GSM coverage and free roaming on their national plans.

Sadly, Cingular is currently offering the V600 for half the price available from AT&T. I am wondering if any of our resident AT&T employees have any insight into upcoming price reductions for the V600 from AT&T.

1 reply
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