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Motorola V600


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May 4, 2004, 12:24 PM

Cingular V600 @ Best Buy...

Anyone have a guess or idea as to when Best Buy might carry the Cingular V600?

I figure if you gotta shell out $$$ for a non-new activation price, might as well get the BestBuy service plan and use the ole Best Buy Plastic too...

Thanks in advance
1 reply

May 4, 2004, 2:01 PM

Front cover blue light timeout problem

I have my phone on "vibe and ring"...which means for the first maybe 2 or 3 rings it only vibrates, if i don't feel that it goes to the ring...but by the time it gets to the ring the blue light on the front letting me know who's calling goes off by then...is this a problem anybody else is having?? if so can we stop it?

Bill πŸ˜• πŸ˜• πŸ˜•

May 4, 2004, 1:59 PM

Screensaver timeout?!?!?!

why does the screesaver come on for about 10 seconds then go dark? anybody know how to stop that?

Bill πŸ‘Ώ

May 4, 2004, 1:35 PM


my phone has been deleting the pix i took automaticly. it would be in my phone for maybe about 2wks and then it'll be gone. 😈 is there a way i can stop this. also, i categorize my pix and my phone would re-arrange it by itself. pleasa somebody HELP! 😒

Apr 26, 2004, 11:56 AM

Sending via BlueTooth

So far I noticed that I am able to receieve just about anything via Bluetooth, however I cannot seem to send using Bluetooth.

Is there some option I did not take notice of or what. I would love to send some midi or pictures using Bluetooth.

Thanks in advance.
3 replies

May 2, 2004, 8:24 AM

New Site - Unique MP3/Wav Ringtones!

If you’re looking for the finest cutting edge electronica Mp3 / Wav ringtones available try this new site http://www.mp3tonelab.co.uk/ All have been tested and optimised for optimum playback on Motorola VXXX range!
2 replies

May 4, 2004, 11:10 AM


I want to find out how to transfer games (from rousso.net) to my phone. I am using phone tools, and I understand how to do ringtones and stuff...but what folder do games go into?? Or does it go into a different place all together??


May 1, 2004, 7:12 PM

Bluetooth Hell!!!!

Was happily using my bluetooth for the past two days when my v600 suddenly said "Bluetooth module not attached." This message appeared as I went through "Settings,""connections," then pressed "Bluetooth link."

I called ATT and they said to call Motorola (closed over the weekend).

What the heck happened? Any tips?
1 reply

May 3, 2004, 10:16 PM

How to unlock ATT V600?

Is there an easy way to unlock the att v600, and what exatly are the pros and cons of unlocking the fone?
1 reply

May 3, 2004, 11:08 AM

Got V600 Today Cingular!

I got the v600 by calling cingular with no contract for 349.99..... Now im just gonna sell my v400 on ebay...
3 replies

May 3, 2004, 4:41 PM

Where to buy in DC area for Cingular?

The Cingular stores here in the DC area do not have the V600 yet, so I will probably order it online somewhere. But I was wondering if anyone knows of any other stores here in the area that are carrying the V600 for Cingular so that I can buy it now and not wait for shipping. Thanks.

May 3, 2004, 10:31 AM

BT Headset!

Does the HS810 headset allow you to voice dial? And what is the major difference between the HS810 and HS820?
2 replies

May 2, 2004, 3:39 PM

Question? about Motorola V60v.

I don't know if any of ya have some info on this phone (V60v) its on the Motorola website on the (Motonext) page as coming soon.

The question is if this phone is (CDMA) or (GSM) cause on the webpage it does not give that description and it states coming 2nd. Quarter 2004 which does not mean that will be the case knowing Motorola we should expect it next year , but Iam still curious about this phone, would like to know more about it.

Iam also wondering why (Phonescoop) does not have this phone on there list of moto phone in most cases they have the phones here in (phonescoop) before they are even on the moto website thats weird, or on a other cell phone website,(gsmarena, howardforums etc.) none have any info on this phone so once again...
3 replies

May 2, 2004, 3:56 PM

Question??? On the Motorola V80

Same as before on the question on the Motorola V60v But this one is on the Motorola V80, this phone is not on the Motorola website, neither on phonescoop list of Motorola phones but you can find this phone on other websites such as gsmarena, and just-talk.com and on both websites it states as coming soon, but on just-talk.com it states (estimated time for availability 33 days as of today) the price is not flattering at all $799.00.

On this phone I do know that it is a GSM phone, But would like to know more info ,such as if it will play video-play back just like the V600 and does any body else know of when this phone will be available besides what it states on just-talk.com and on the price$$$ cause $799.99 is just to much for this phone,
2 replies

May 3, 2004, 9:52 AM

Prove me wrong.

Alright Fisch, you're so eager to give out the guys number, that's fine. But not neccesary. You want to prove you work for T-Mobile corporate? All you need to giveis your name. That is it. Your first, and last name.

I don't want your number, email address, or anything else. Just your name. I have a friend in T-Mobile corporate, and if you're telling the truth I will admit I was wrong about you.

But, as it stands right now, especially after reading your post on other boards, you work for an Authorized Dealer. On a Samsung board, you yourself wrote that you work at a location that sells everything. You also deal with an "account manager"?

I am not calling you any names or slamming you. This is very simple. Just prove me wrong. All I ...

May 3, 2004, 12:37 AM

Cant make a connection with the v600 phone and headset. HELP

I goto settings, connection, bluetooth link, and then hands free. Theres only 1 option and it says look for devices. At this time I have my bluetooth on but when the phone seachs for a device, none are found!! anyone know how to fix this? its really pissing me off. πŸ‘Ώ
2 replies

Apr 28, 2004, 2:29 PM

Free Moto BT headset

I recieved an email today from Motorola saying that I was one of the first 600 to reg and win a free BT headset and that it would take 8 to 10 week from the date of the email to recv in the mail. πŸ™‚
16 replies

May 1, 2004, 12:12 PM


Hey everyone just thought i'd update you guys on the status of T-mobiles V600. I found out a few cool things about the T-mobile relase of the v600. As you know whenever t-mobile releases a phone they Do it with style. The T-Mobile V600 Will be Bundeled With The Motorola HS810 Bluetooth headset as well as a Custom Motorola Pouch for the phone! T-Mobile knows how to take care of their customers =).

PS this was verified by a National Retail Manager so no replys... PLEASE keep this strickly and Info bord not a debate!

4 replies

May 2, 2004, 2:00 PM


Im new to this stuff and I was wondering where I can get flexware for my v600 so then when it becomes outdated or knock on wood I have a bug. Also is it pretty easy to install? Im pretty good with computers so Im thinking it cant be that hard. But if anyone can tell me, thanks in advance! 😁

May 1, 2004, 4:02 PM


how much better is the v600 as opposed to the v400?...besides the fact that there is bluetooth.
3 replies
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