Audiovox SMT 5600 / SPV C500 (HTC Typhoon)
Average Ratings

This is Phone is wonderful
Review this phone is wonderful I like it better than my blackberry,great every thing
www.orb.com check it out
copied from www.howardforums.com
Ive got ORB setup on my home computer with media center, so when im on the road travelling, or waiting somewhere, i connect to ORB, and can stream LIVE tv from my house, any channel anytime. and the quality is very watchable, and a perfect stream over GPRS, hardly any buffering with ORB, as it senses your connection speed, and then streams accordingly.
A camera, to snap the occaisonal pic, and a video app to take short videos if necessary.
Using ORB, ive got a webcam pointing to the front of my house, I am also able from the smt5600 to login to orb, and view whats going on around the front of my house anytime, and from anywhere ( i know im such a nerd ) in live motion video with sound.
So my conclusion after using this phone for a week, and loading it up, and trying to maximize on its functionalities I really have to say that is the most multi functional phone I have ever used...even when i compare it to the p900/910, and the MPx in my opinion of course. I can do so much with this phone, and did i mention how small this phone is???? Very pocketable, and good battery life.

Cool Phone!
Just got the Treo 650 couple months ago. Very nice phone, but a little buggy. When I saw this phone coming out, (SMT5600) I had to take a look at it. Man am I glad that I got one! It's small and packed with goodies. It comes with everything you'll need except a car charger. It does come with a very nice little belt case. Great screen, easy sync and bluetooth. Cool little device! I'm a gadget guy and I like neat phones. I go through different phones every few months (when the next neat and cool model pops up), so I will be back soon I'm sure to talk about others. Go ahead and get yourself an SMT5600, you'll be glad you did.

Well execute smart phone
I'm impressed by how well this phone works. It's an intelligent design: it's clear that a lot of thought went into making the phone both capable and usable. For example the phone has different profiles for different situations. When using a headset for example, you may not want the ring volume so loud, etc. So you can configure the phone differently for the different profiles. When you plug in a headset for hands-free use, the phone automatically switches to the headset profile. It's that attention to detail that impresses.
The phone is amazingly small, the screen pleasantly big and clear. The voice quality is good, even the speaker phone.
The voice recognition is quite good, making it useful (for once) to voice tag contact entries for voice-command dialing. The similar ability to voice tag programs (making it possible to start solitaire by saying "solitaire") is another example of a well-thought-out device.
The "enter" (or "action" button) is a middle press on the up-down-left-right joy-stick-button. I never like these designs, since it's too easy to hit "up" (or "down", etc.) rather than "enter." That's my biggest complaint so far.
Other cons:
1) I wish it were possible for the time to be set by the provider network, like most GSM phones. This doesn't appear to happen with the Audiovox. The time is set when syncing to a computer.
2) I wish it were possible to turn off the blinking cell/bluetooth reception LEDs. Too distracting while watching a flick.

Windows Smart phone, that is both small and stuningly beautiful.
I am a wireless adviser, so there for i buy dozens of phones a year, I have used almost every service provider so i can give an accurate observation to make sure that everyone gets the best out of their wireless service, so i will give you an out look on the Audiovox version of the SMT 5600.
AT&T Wireless released this as their last windows smart phone before they gave up the business to cingular, unfortunately there wasn't enough time for the AWS stores to stock up on these phones, yesterday I went into the cingular store to my surprise they had the new phone, I asked them if they had one and the said they held one just for me.
This phone is rare to come upon at this time if you want it from a wireless carrier but is an excellent smart-phone
If you are going to use this phone with cingular wireless you will see that the internal antenna is weaker that in other devices, but still delivers.
The INTERNET explorer gives you and awesome wireless experience on the phones crisp bright screen, the only thing that was a disappointment to some people if you are going to use this phone with Macintosh you must buy a 30 dollar application to use this, doesn't give you as good as a multi-platform sync system, as palm OS, but it still delivers as a smart phone.
If you are in the market for a smart-phone that delivers anything you need from a cell phone, then this small packaged, compact and greatly designed Audiovox SMT 5600 is the phone for the mobile or the multimedia freak, or just the cellphone lover, no matter what market your into, you have to give a look at the Audiovox SMT 5600.

Great device with just a couple of failings.
The SMT 5600 is my first real dive into the realm of "smartphones" so please bear with me.
This is without a doubt one of the best handsets I've ever used. The Windows Mobile 2003 SE OS is plenty fast and stable, and very easy to get used to. I've copied over some MP3s to listen to while we're slow at work, and the sound quality through the stereo headset is great. ActiveSync works very simply with the USB cable but is kind of a pain with bluetooth. The screen on this phone is big and bright. The keys are kind of flat, but I've gotten used to them. Call quality is as good as all my other phones that I use with Cingular here in Saint Louis, crystal clear with no drops. ( I unlocked the phone for 38 bucks; worth every penny ) I've had only a couple of minor problems with it. Clicking down on the 4 way nav gadget takes some getting used to. You can easliy push up or down when you're trying to click an item. For some reason, since I unlocked it, the phone won't display the cingular Alpha tag. It only shows the carrier code. (310410 i think) Not a big deal. Also my particular phone stays in headset profile all the time. I can't use my loadspeaker because of that. I sent the phone back to Audiovox, and they took care of it with no problem.
All in all, this is a great device. Very easy to use, and should be considered by anyone thinking about getting an MPx220 or a bulky PDA style Windows powered smartphone.
Small phone/LARGE SCREEN!
Stable OS
Great Battery Life
Easy Syncing via USB
Windows Media Player 10!
Expandable Memory
A whole bunch of applications available
Great Customer support from Audiovox.
Cons: (hence the 4.5 score)
Pushing down on the Navigation key is tricky
Bluetooth snyc is a pain
no automatic keylock
no edge
my phone had profile issues. (fixed by manufacturer)

Have To Send It Back
In summary, this is a wonderful phone from an O/S perspective but seems poor from the standpoint of normal phone functionality.
Ease of use (setting up email was a breeze for instance)
Feature Rich
Very Good Software Package On Board - browser, email, media player, etc.
Wow Factor - most people have not seen it and it looks different than just about everything else on the market
Too many missed calls - some of this is a function of my browsing the web or checking e-mails but the phone does not bother to tell you a call is coming in or that you missed on. I understand that is a common failing but unforgivable given that it has call waiting. some of the calls just don't seem to make it through to the phone and voice mails (thanks AT&T, you won't be missed) don't show up for hours.
Interference - phone seems to create buzz when near TV, other phones, etc. not disastrous but not so pleasant either.
It is a wondrous product but if you need a phone that is equal parts communication/PDA/email, this will not cut it. If talking is an afterthough, go for it.
Unfortunately, I need to be reachable on my phone for business purposes and this device is sabotaging my career. After a month and a half of equally mixed awe and frustration, its going back.

Insane phone!
Recently purchased the SMT 5600. I tend to be picky on what kind of phones I like and wanted to try out this one.
Large screen.
Mobile Windows-call me a sucker for gadgets, I always wanted a smart phone for things like internet and email.
Windows Media Player with a 256 MB memory card puts Motorola to shame when it comes to MP3 players.
The menu is user friendly if you know Windows.
Nice form factor and sturdy. It sells solid and not fragile. The phone looks like a regular phone without the feeling of looking weird.
Reception. Compared with the GSM phones I've had in the past I could get good reception with one bar of signal strength without the call dropping.
Internet browser. If you use the mobile internet as extensively as I do, the quality of the webpage comes close to the real thing.
Instantly synchs with your computer. No problem here.
The menus can be a little slow at times and a bit buggy. Just a nuisance.
The ring and volume could be louder. A call could come in if I'm in a noisy area and I wouldn't know it.
Not a flip phone. I prefer flip phones due to the clam shell over the bar phone. I really hate having to unlock my keypad every time when the phone presses against something and locks the keypad .
The rocker takes some getting used to. You could accidentally double-click on a wrong menu item. Again just a nuisance.
I really like this phone since it grows on you for the first time.

Not so fast my friends
OK look, this phone is a good overall product, however for the price at 319.00 I think Audiovox is a little to proud of it's unit. Lets start with the basics, best features are as follows easy sync mehods, quick charge and quality of screen display. But let's not get to carried away the overall reception from this unit against my Nokia 6200 is far less. The sound quality of the mic is poorer than my nokia and the camera.... Well if you are looking for a camera this is not the phone you are looking for, as I had to run ambience in night time to get a decent picture in the day. Unlike the last review I am selling this unit at ebay, I am swithching to the Nokia 6620. Bottom line you get what you pay for, don't sacrifice quality for Price, there is no comparison between Audiovox and Nokia.

Nice phone!
Pros: Windows compatible, Windows Media Player, clear screen and camera, excellent audio and call quality.
Cons: Key pad a little small, no flash, memory card is under the battery.
Overall one of the BEST phones I have ever owned.

Phenomenal Phone...
This phone is the best. My Motorola MPX200 finally died on me, so I had to get a new phone. I considered numerous models, including the RAZR. However, the ease of use with the Windows Mobile simply made me want to stay with that platform.
I got this phone, skeptical at best. I LOVE IT!! It is the perfect phone! People at work ask me all the time what it is. They all want to get one too.
The signal strength is good, it is easy to use, and the style is good too. It fits well into my pocket.
I have no Cons to report. It has every feature I need, and more!