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Apple iPhone 3GS


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Nothing else comes close


Jun 20, 2009 by weirdscientist

I have the 32GB. I live in the northeast and I get great 2G and 3G coverage. I came from an iphone 3G. The most noticeable physical difference is the screen. It is more resistant to smudges and fingerprints. It also seems to have a more refined resolution, especially with movies. I downloaded The Dark Knight and it looks amazing. The headphones have greatly improved sound quality and volume. 3 mp camera is welcome upgrade. Video recorder is nice addition. But you can only email videos no larger than 25 MB. You can not edit videos without permanently deleting certain clips. Hopefully, Apple will address this in a future OS upgrade. The compass app is okay, but it's primary usefulness is in combination with google maps. It's nice to be able to be properly oriented without having to walk in the wrong direction. Voice memo is a useful recorder. Voice control is gimmicky at best. It only recognizes a limited number of commands outside of voice-controlled calls. Executes erroneous commands more often than not. It can only follow one command at a time and then it shuts itself off. Kind of lame. Should be addressed in a future OS update. Landscape texting is much more convenient. Spotlight search is pretty useful with finding emails. Reception and call quality have been reliable for me, overall. I do get occasional drops, but nothing unexpected. I won't complain about delayed MMS. I have no problem emailing my pics. Tethering is not something that I rely on, either.

The 3GS is superb. Apple wasn't kidding when they emphasized the phone's speed. The beefed up processor performs very well. Web pages load faster, apps open and run faster and smoother. This is more appreciated with larger, graphic-intense apps. Jury is still out on battery life. I've been an iphone user since the original, have even jumped ship a couple of times, only to come back within several days. Nothing else comes close. I highly recommend it.

Incredible update!


Jun 20, 2009 by bleekerbaby

I love the speed of this phone! The internet is blazing on this thing, especially over wifi. Furthermore, graphic-intensive apps open up MUCH faster than on the original 3G.

I also find that the keyboard lags less than the original 3G, and the accelometer is much quicker.

The video camera works great in low light, and is damn excellent under normal circumstances.

If you are eligible for an upgrade, DO IT! The 3GS is worth it!

Worth the upgrade!!


Jun 20, 2009 by Clay330i

I have owned a 3G for a little over 4 months and I was impressed coming from WM 6.1/6.5 OS. I was honestly contemplating on foregoing the upgrade because I figured, like everyone else, that if I get the 3.0 OS then it will be the same. I was very wrong. The speed is the biggest difference. From loading apps, to entering the settings menu, to frame rates in apps, loading music or movies and especially web access. The web pages load much faster across the board. The voice recognition is very cool and the directional feature in google maps is very nifty, yet helpful as well. I almost forgot...the camera! The increased in pixel count and auto focus have improved photo quality significantly. Images are sharper and have better exposure. I've compared both phones side by side and the 3GS is clearly (no pun intended) the winner. I can't comment on the battery life, but it's at least the same if not better since I'm still on the first full charge. I expect it to get better though. The Nike feature will be welcome to joggers or gym rats. Lastly, the anti smudge screen does it's job, but it doesn't rid the screen of smudges completely. All of these upgrades may not seem significant, but once you start using the phone you will appreciate every aspect of the phone that Apple chose to improve upon. If the 3GS is within your budget then go get it.



Jun 19, 2009 by twkroberts

This iphone is the best one to date. The iphone is fast and works much better than its predecessors. Along with the 3.0 software and more storage (32GB). 3.0 Megapixel Camera and now video which is the best. This phone is hard to beat.
I really have nothing to say against the phone. This is an amazing device by Apple that does it all. Hopefully AT&T will step up to the 3g in other areas and MMS.

Great phone, very little dissapointment


Jun 22, 2009 by saa001

I switched to the iPhone 3g and I fell in love (I usually switch phones every 3-4 months). I got the iPhone 3Gs and with one exception I am very happy with (the upgrade is worth it to me for the camera and video reasons alone).

It has a better camera and now video, both things very important to me because of my niece. The phone is faster at opening apps. It still has all the great features of the original iPhone 3g.

One minor problem that I have discovered is the phones reception. Fortunately I live and work in an area where the signal is very good. I did notice at work today that in one place where the signal was OK on the 3g, it went into search mode on the 3GS. For this reason alone I did not give it five stars. If it had the same signal reception as the 3g I would have given it five stars (the only phone I would have done so).

It is a great phone and really shows why all others compare their product to the iPhone, it is the gold standard.



Jun 20, 2009 by eddietx

Most if not every vendor to compare to the iPhone, why? Apple makes a GREAT product, joined with AT&T service, makes an awesome couple. Never once have a drop call "Houston area", haven't lock up like Pocket PC and Black Berry. Once stuck in a elevator at the Austin Heart hospital and was able to make a 911 call since the service phone in the dam think was broken, others in the same elevator with other carriers "FAILED". I use to change phone every year, I purchased the original "2g" edge iPhone when it was first release and just know replacing it with a 3g S. Everyone will have his/her opinion. I've made believer out of many different carrier users to switch.

Apple invented a wonderful device, and to many want to be and look alike. Millions of Satisfied owner and users. :)

Great New Phone


Jun 20, 2009 by mike-mpls

Just picked up the new 3G S this morning and am pleased.

There is definately better speed and performance when launching applications and performing other tasks - something that is welcome.

The extra storage of up to 32gb is very nice as well - especially if you plan to shoot videos.

The new camera is also a nice update - especially the ability to shoot video - I'm really pleased with how the video's look for such a small device!

The new fingerprint resistant screen is awesome - it dramatically decreases the smudges and makes it much easier to clean with just a wipe or two on your pants or shirt if needed.

Battery life seems to be longer too - another welcome enhancement - no complaints from me - I love the phone.

I'm not going to whine about MMS or tethering - those are ATT issues - not the phones.

This phone is nice


Jul 12, 2009 by Steve143

First of all lets go backwards.

The ugly - The battery. Enough said about it.
- No themes, cant set fonts or size of text so
If your blind when you type don't get this
- Expensive monthly plan just to own.
- No expandable memory. Why?

The OKs - The camera n video are crystal clear and
very sharp but, ya theres a big but, NO
flash or light so go figure. Very dumb.
- The network is ok. I dropped a few calls but
I hear in NY/NJ its bad. Not bad here in
- I dont dig the phone call menu. No speed
dials? Strange. Visual voice-mails nice.
- Speaker is decent. Isnt no Nextel though !!!
- You'll need a protective case. Trust me.
- MMS. Late summer I hear?!?! You think?

The so
good. - Screen. Keyboard. Processor speed. APPS!
- Syncs great w itunes. Love the ipod. Video
streaming on here is great. Safaris menu is
nice. Love surfin on this mug! If i didnt use
my ipod on this thing I wouldn't need my
computer. This thing is like having a mini
computer in your pocket. Try it. You got
30 days to test it out but read AT@Ts
restrictions on the trial period.

Overall the Iphone 3GS is more of a lil Mac than a phone. One last comment. ATT best watch out because if Verizon Wireless ever gets a hold of this phone I will terminate my contract so fast Ill probably be of the many thousand dumba*s*s camping out to be one of the first ones to get a Big Red IPhone

Iphone 3g-s =winner


Aug 25, 2009 by afd1962

I was a verizon customer for 10yrs. I have owned all the "high profile" phones from verizon and they were good, but not an iphone-3gs

Simply put, it's the best data phone i have ever owned. I can text faster, the browser is amazing call quality is better than My last 3g phone(s) from verizon.

-everything about the phone i like.
-reception is great. I have good coverage where i live always in 3g.
everything, since im new to the iphone world
-video, copying and paste at a touch. I love it all
-I would like to multitask a little better but im fast enough and the other person will just have to wait...lol.
-calender, i would love to to have an option for every 3rd day. I had to manually put in my schedule for work while my wife on her blackberry does it in 10 sec.

I will follow the iphone from now on wherever it goes. I will go to whatever carrier. I'm happy i made the switch. at&t reps were nice and waived my activation fees since I cancelled my contract

thank you apple for this device

Bad Service or Bad Phone?


Oct 3, 2009 by nskeete

I have read many reviews on the Iphone 3g and 3gs. I have seen quite a few postings about the service of AT&T. I decided to put this theory to test. I do own a Blackberry Bold and also an IPhone 3gs. Carrying both phones for about a week at the same time. I noticed that my Bold will get coverage and 3g in places that my 3gs IPhone will not. I have came to the conclusion that it is the device itself and not the network. Maybe this helps.

1 Great interface
2 Responsive touch-screen

1 Horrible reception and spotty 3g coverage
2 Battery life is way short

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