Phone Scoop Review
Oct 16, 2008 by Eric M. Zeman
Here it is. The "GPhone". The Google Phone. The HTC G1 is the first phone running Google's Android platform. Does it pass muster? read review ›
User Reviews
Average Ratings

Great Google phone
Okay, so by today's standards the G1 is not a fabulously powerful and fully featured device. I will give you that. However, for its day, it gave features and potential that few could rival. I purchased one the day it was released and have used it as my "backup" device once I bought an updated handset (hardware).
PROs: Full integration with Google services (mail, contacts, tasks, schedule) for free (other devices were, and still do) charge extra for synchronization with their servers. Broad range of apps to choose from. You can do anything from find low gas prices to track your bank balance. Excellent full sized keyboard (I still have trouble with devices that lack this feature). You can easily unlock the phone and load custom ROMs, which really makes this device shine. You can partition your micro-SD card to have both ext3 and swap file systems on it and the Android software will use it for those purposes (making the device faster and allow app storage on SD card).
CONs: Battery life could be better (I keep a spare or charging cord with me). Camera is not great. Lots of plastic makes it feel "cheap". Not everyone likes the "chin" to the right of the keyboard when typing on it.
Speaker phone is okay, but could be better.
This was the Google developer phone and is so easy to customize. Now-a-days it is slow, even with custom ROMs installed to speed it up. But, still, what a great phone!

When I 1st got the G1 I thought I was garbage, but it turned out to be a good phone. When I 1st got the Behold II I fell in love with it. they were both identical but the Behold to was slightly easier to use. Most peoples complaint with this phone is the battery life. My complaint is the battery, the touch screen and the way they made it slide sideways. To fix this battery problem i just downloaded PowerMax on both phones and the battery jumped from 8hr max to 22hrs on the Behold II, and from 6hr max to 20hrs on the G1. On the Behold II it was the battery life and t-wiz and i just replaced the t-wiz with LiveHome and if you read me Behold II review you'll see other add-ons. Overall both phones are good but the Behold II wins when tweaked. Not even the 2.1 update makes the G1 better, and tweaking it doesn't either. Behold II takes this battle if you just follow my instructions on tweaking it.

I just got this phone after i lost my curve 8900, and i am very impressed. The OS works great, the hardware is solid, and my only real complaint is battery life. The apps are great and easy to obtain, browser is very quick, camera works great, even though the take picture button on the screen sometimes bugs me. i am sold on htc phones and the android OS.

Incredible phone!!! The Locale app alone makes this phone worth having. It silences (changes any settings on) your phone depending on your GPS/Wifi location, time, battery, etc...
Anyone who rates this phone poorly either doesn't know quite what their doing, that an app exists to solve their problem, or an update/app is coming soon to solve their problem. SEARCH THE ANDROID MARKET OR GOOGLE AND YOU'LL FIND SOLUTIONS, PEOPLE!!!
- Android is constantly being improved upon and updates are received automatically
- Android Market app store is great!
- Syncs perfectly with your Gmail, Gmail Contacts, Google Calendar, Google Docs, etc
- Corporate/Business email syncing is now available with Exchange by Touchdown for a one time payment of $25
- Beautiful, extremely responsive screen
- Couldn't live without the physical keyboard
- Updates are coming soon to provide an onscreen keyboard, video recording, MMS saving, stereo bluetooth, etc
- Battery life is a little short, but I have chargers at home, in my car, and at work so this is never, ever an issue
- It's a little clunky, but I think it's beautiful all the same...

T-Mobile's G1
This phone rocks. Love the syncing feature with google calender, contacts, and much more. I was able to download many applications the first day. By it being on the andriod open platform, developers can come in and create more applications for this phone such as games, tools, and other phone software.
I used the mda for two years and thought the wing was a waste of time and money for basically the same phone with a couple more features. I purchased the shadow back in Dec 07 only because the mda was outdated, but i was still unsatisfied.
The google phone out did them selves for their first phone. Always had a feeling T-Mobile would come through with a blazing device, just took a lil time but it was worth it!!!
This phone is excellent for what I do as a music producer staying connected with my buddies and potential customers. Also good enough to replace the sidekick:)

AMAZING.... but you gotta be tech friendly
I am an extremely tech friendly guy and I love this device. T-Mobile's service is great and this device only makes t-mobile that much better. 10x's the phone that the iphone is. My buddy got this device and let me play with it...10 minutes and I had it figured out. if you write a bad review about this device its only because you don't have the know how, want to, or time to figure it out. there are so many applications and even without the 3G it is blazing fast. so many free apps on the market. with the you tube streaming videos and the imeem radio. I do beg of HTC to put out an extended life battery for it. while getting used to the device the battery will diminish significantly but like all things as the device gets older you wont be playing with it 24/7 lol. the touch screen is great I dl'd a paint program for it and was able to make pictures no problem with my sausage like fingers. the icon apps make the home screen completely customizable. bravo htc, google, and T-mobile for the great device however I would like to suggest one of these days HTC you will have to install a flash on one of your phones especially to back up the 3 mp camera. all in all I am extremely happy with the direction we have taken. am going out to purchase the device tomorrow at full price and cant wait to see what is coming out next.
Thank you HTC for the wonderful product. and if you take the time to buy it.....please read the manual before leaving a bad review. every bad review I have read so far could be a good review if you just take the time to read or get yourself computer smart.
if you think its too slow learn how to over clock it.......(not recomended)

Great Phone, Great Device
Having had the G1 now for 3 weeks, I think that it is appropriate now that I can submit a review.
Let's start off with the cons:
Poor battery life.
Even after cycling the battery, I get poor to moderate battery life. I usually use the phone for texting, browsing, and listening to music, and after a full charge in the morning, I'm down to about 65-70% by noon.
Lack of Task Manager.
I come from a T-Mobile Shadow which of course is a WinMo phone. The fact that this phone has so many features is a double edged sword. With apps running in the background like music and a web browser, that can really eat at your battery. You can switch between apps, but it would be nice if we could close them.
Build Quality.
I'm a bit concerned at how the sliding mechanism will hold after some serious use. I've now had three G1's. 1 was white, had a loose feeling slide and terrible back-lit keyboard, one was black and had a "creaky" screen and I'm now on my 3rd phone. That said though it feels much better than it looks and it's actually very solidly built, I just think all sliders have that problem.
Great form factor, Excellent screen HVGA 480x360(iPhone) resolution, visible in direct sunlight even on lowest setting. Capacitive screen is amazing.
Great Applications in the Android Market even though they're free. Great QWERTY keyboard. Keys are spaced very well
Expandable memory, supports up to 16GB micro SD.
Great call quality, sound quality, and when used with good headphones, the audio for music is fantastic.
GPS works as advertised, was able to triangulate my position while I drove up to northern California. Google Maps very cool as well, Street View with compass mode works with accelerometer.
Widgets work very well nice to be able to place apps and shortcuts on the desktop.
Recognizable as mass storage when mounted to a computer.
There are too many good things about G1 to list, but rest assured, there will be some amazing things to come.

Google HTC & Tmobile all in 1 bag.
I'm on the g1 right now writing this review.
Cons: 3.5 jack..., no flash for camera.
Back in the day when I had the sidekick 2 or 3 I went to the mda, and was disappointed this was the phone I was looking for the tmobile g1.
Sleek, fast and powerful, everything from scanning bar codes to listening to songs and identifying them
The g1 is amazing and seamless
The Internet is top notch no flash yet or more powerful java support but updates updates.
3G makes the g1 really strong the design and concept are great keyboard just like the sidekick,
And where it counts loud speaker phone and great sound quality nice and loud, this phone is amazing and software gets better and better can't wait to see what's in store for the future.

I love my G1
I received my phone on Monday and I have fallen in love. It is so awesome and everyday I am learning new things about my G1 I kept holding out from purchasing IPhone with hopes that Tmobile would come out with a comparable phone. The wait was worth it. I have the Wing and the G1 is like night and day.
I only have a couple of cons. I have yet to see settings for the camera. I don't know how to save contacts from the call log and when I am on a call the keypad keeps disappearing.
The pros are that the phone has a beautiful screen. The 3G is quick. I love the programs and the maps feature is AWESOME. I went out of town and I was able to locate where I needed to go. The sound is clear and its just great.

T-Mobile G1
My Review of T-Mobile G1 3G Phone:
I purchased this phone once it hit the San Diego Market. 10/21/09 I revd it and fell in love with it.
For those of you wanting to know PERFORMANCE of the phone instead of this [...] stuff for looks and feel of the phone...here is my review!
Touch Screen is flawless, moves at a flick of a finger and responds immediatley. The Rolling mouse like the blackberry's have works perfectly. The speed of response to programs is very fast and can still view in broad day light outside. The features that come with the phone are awsome as well. I had the WING previously to this. If the wing had what the G1 had, i would have never touched the G1.
Pros of the phone:
The entire Phone!!!!!!!!!!!
with the open Android Market it leave is open for downloading any software
yes even SYNC and for your Windows email!!
well i do have to say that the Camera does not allow video....YET but they are currently working on it. no Flash.....however the camera take BEAUTIFUL pics and very CLEAR...VERY VERY clear!!
Ihave never had the phone shut down on me or freeze....look for a program called MEMORY UP...it keeps the system running at a low memory and save the battery. [...]
Ed. note: removed profanity and email address