Apple iPhone 3G
Average Ratings

this is the best phone ever created by man kind!!! you should def get this phone if you are in to games and all different things!!

Love it!!!!!
I fell in love with the I-Phone. I would consider myself a bit extreme when it comes to new phones. I love the latest and greatest.
I have had many of the latest and greatest phones from Verizon, voyager being the last. I bought it when the first I-Phone came out, to fill the void. I still have a contract with them, because of my two-year commitment.
I could not wait any longer to buy this phone. I have had it almost 3 months. It is seriously amazing. I LOVE this phone. The I-Phone is a mini laptop, except you can use it almost anywhere. This is the first year I didnât take my laptop with me on a vacation, because I had full access to the Internet on my phone. I know people have complained about the battery life, but if you are buying this phone, its not just for a phone, its for everything it does.
*The screen is beautiful.
*Battery is much better since 2.1 update and no dropped calls.
*Applications are awesome and many are free.
*Quality Internet.
*Technology amazing.
*Gps works great.
*Apple keeps you informed about updates to improve quality of phone.
*The programs work great that come on this phone.
*Everybody complaining about this phone is annoying.
*No video.
*Canât send pictures or receive (no mms), but you can email them.
In a nutshell, this is an amazing phone. I am so happy I didnât wait to buy my I-Phone it is worth every penny. You will always have something to do as long as you are carrying your I-Phone. If you are looking for a phone that does it all, not just makes calls, this is it. I did check out the new Storm, but nothing compares to the amazing I-Phone.

Simply Nothing Better.....
The only reason this phone received 4.5 stars is because of no cut & paste yet...And that's whats so good about this IPhone every couple of months Apple sends out a new update that just makes the phone better & better...I was going to get the Storm but after playing with the storm is doesn't compare with the originator. Every phone company is out to get the IPhone, I guess when your the best people are always going to take shots at you.
AT&T has improved dramtically in reception I have no issues
Features & Apps are amazing
Safari Nothing compares
Google Streetview...WOW
Touch screen great (once you get the hang of it)
Better Syncing emails using Active Sync then Blackberry
Speed (No Lag time)
Download Podcast wirelessly this is truly amazing!!
No Cut & Paste (hopefully soon)
Sync Tasks & Notes (Exchange Hopefully soon)
There is only one true Touch screen phone and that is the IPhone....There is only one Ferrarri of phones and the IPHONE is it....

3G iPhone WOW!
Best phone that i have had. It has it all and the screen is fantastic. The browser is the best.
I have had the 3G iPhone for 2 months and had the 2G iPhone for 6 months. There is a clear speed difference.
I miss to be able to copy and paste...

Extraordinary Device and Platform
I've had the iPhone 3G now for about 4 months. I've always been a tech gadget fanatic, having formerly owned: the first iPhone, HTC 8125, HP iPaq, Palm, Sony Clie, and several Psion PDA's...
As I said in my review of the original iPhone, this has got to be about the BEST electronic device of any sort I've EVER owned. No exaggeration.
There are two aspects which, I think, make it such an extraordinary device. First is ease of use. I'm talking drop dead simple, fall over on the buzzer, show your grandma how to e-mail a picture easy. As much as I like and use technology, I'd NEVER used anything with this level of user-friendliness before. It was like having only ever used DOS, and then suddenly being given Windows. Irrational, I know, but I was almost angry at the gulf between now and what had come before.
Then there's its versatility. Talk about a "convergence" device - this thing does it all! Time, date, notes, alarm, calculator, calendar, weather, maps, phone book, directions, traffic, address book, camera, photos, Web, e-mail, MP3 player, videos, alarm clock, aaaaaah!
And that's just some of what's built-in. Now with the app store, there's a whole galaxy of stuff you can download, and I mean, show your grandma how to download solitaire in 3 minutes easy. Now, my iPhone can be a carpenter's level, a digital heart monitor, a dictionary, an encyclopedia, a Rubik's cube, a chess game, a remote control, a Bible, a pedometer, a flute (no kidding, see Ocarina), a digital note/voice recorder, a unit conversion calculator, a sound level meter (no kidding), a remote computer control, even a flashlight (little bit of a stretch).
I mean, as networks' bandwidth increases, and these things get faster, the iPhone is an ambassador ushering in the day when we'll be able to pull a digital assistant out of our pocket, speak into it, and get anything we want out of it - video calls, television shows, reference information, show tickets. Truly a convergence device of the future.

Best phone ever...really. I am serious
I just got to use an iphone for the last 8 days and I loved every minute of it. My sister left her phone with me when she was on vacation. I played with it constantly. I wish I was not stuck on verizon. I have an itouch that I carry along with my verizon phone and use it whenever there is a wifi signal.
amazing screen
wonderful interface
super intuitive
unbelievable web browser
works as an ipod too
good call quality
you will play with it too much and drain the battery
no voive dial feature
Best phone on the market

Don't let the iPhone haters stop you from buying this device.
I have been using this device for 3 weeks now and I am ready to write my review.
I resisted the iPhone for a very long time because of small things like the lack of voice dialing and limited customization. I was also a little put out by all the iPhone haters that write poor reviews (even though they obviously never owned the phone). I did not want to give up my one touch-hands free- dialing on my built in bluetooth in my truck, nor did I want to lose the custom ringtones and graphics on my blackberry.
I finally broke down and decided to try it. I figured I had little to lose since I could just return it and cancel the service plan if I did not like it. I even arranged with the AT&T store that I would pay no restocking fee if I returned the phone.
After three weeks I am completely hooked. This is the most amazing cellular device I have ever owned (and I have owned a little of everything). It is not a perfect device but it is the best device out there. I am giving it five stars for that very reason. Not because it is perfect but because I truly believe it is the best available.
Before I go into pros and cons I do have to say that this device is a far cry better than the first iPhones which I played with for hours on end in the AT&T stores. The speakers are better, the features are better, and the hardware in general is better.
I will start with the negatives first...
Poor Bluetooth support
No true one touch voice dialing
No Cut & Paste
Browser sometimes shuts down (rare but happens)
Everything else
The best browser on any phone anywhere
The best video and music playback available period
Much improved speakers and ear piece
Much improved reception
This phone is truly like having a mini computer/ multimedia communications device in your pocket. Calling it a phone is a true lack of understanding of what it real is...a true marvel of technology. I hope it continues to advance and improve. I cannot imagine how good it will get.

Once again Apple has done it
Coming from the older Iphone, the 3G version is definately an improvement. The UI is much faster than the older iphone with the 2.0 upgrade, The previous iphone seemed to struggle to keep up with the 2.0 software especially when using new apps and emails. GPS is standard like most phones.
The phone much lighter and easier to manage with a much brighter clearer screen .The older Iphone with metal back seems "clunky" and heavy.
Lighter design, thinner feel
Faster GUI
GPS Enabled, some nice apps take advantage of GPS
MUCH improved call/sound quality
Battery with 3G enabled is less than a day with average use as compared to 2 days with edge on previous phone.
Stil no MMS, cut and paste or voice dial
Email capabilities still cumbersome

I have had some of the best and some of the worst phones. I wasnt to excited for the 3G to come out only bc i had the 1st gen and traded it within months bc of simple features like no mms biggestt of all no fowarding i could live with everything else.i didnt like how they switched the back from aluminium to plastic bc i thought tthey were being cheap but love the change for sure. I have had the 3G for 2 months now with no real problems the biggest being the texting, when to many programs are running the texting tends to lag although i am hoping this update covers it(installing tommorrow) but for the most part it doesnt do it. As for the battery all i hear are complaints. My stance is, is that the battery is exceptionally good. Do you understand what this phone is doing its lighting a 3.5 inch screen runnning 3G, Full data downloaded on the internet unlike most phones with zip files to save on data download. Not to mention push email constantly running. im sure there is alot more but for what it does the battery beats any other not to many phones do this. i had the tilt and it was no better so stop complaining. Every phone could use improvements and this phone is no exection but by far this has the best touch screen out there the dare or instinct dont compare with thier touch resitant screens ha use a iphone then go to a dare its agrevating. This is not a buisness mans phone by far that is a blackberry(love the curve!!!) If anyone has any questions or hesitant on buying this phone or want to argue feel free to email me im always good for a clean debate or honest review.

An awesome phone!
Boston, MA Area with AT&T (obviously)
When the original iPhone came out I didn't get it due to the fact that I hate Apple (even though my wife has an iPod) and I hate AT&T (even though we sell AT&T here). It was an awesome phone but that stopped me from getting it. This time around the addition of 3g and GPS made it a little more attractive (not to mention the $199 price for new customers). So, here's my review of the new iPhone 3g.
-Awesome sound quality (even with one bar of 3g inside of Costco)
-Very nice 2MP camera (everyone complains that it's only 2MP but in reality as long as you have good lighting and you hold your hand steady it takes awesome pictures)
-Web browser is unparalleled (even though it shuts itself down sometimes, this will probably be fixed with an update)
-App Store is amazing (lots of free apps such as AIM, MySpace, Facebook, Loopt, etc...)
-Touch screen is still the best (no haptic feedback but at least when you hit it, it responds)
-3g speeds are amazing (inside of Costco or any other buildings it's hard to have GREAT 3g coverage but in ideal conditions I received 1.7 mb/s)
-Calendar feature is awesome (reminds me when to call back customers and also allows you to write notes so you can remember information pertinent to that event)
-GPS addition is very nice (a blue dot follows you on the map when you navigate but there is a downside, see below)
-Battery life is sub par (coming from a Sidekick 3 that had a battery that was shot, the iPhone 3g's battery is worse but I'm not complaining because this phone is a powerhouse)
-Mentioned this earlier but the fact that the GPS isn't audible and doesn't update as fast as you go
-The web browser sometimes randomly shuts down on you
-Sometimes the backspace will erase everything you just wrote if the CAPS lock key "locks up"
-Lack of copy & paste (would have been convenient)
Overall an awesome phone, I give it a 4.5 out of 5!!!