Nokia 6101 / 6102
Echoing when speaking on 6102
I have had this phone for 2 days, I'd upgraded a week ago to the SE Z520a and had to turn it back in because there were times I'd be talking and would get static through the ear piece, static which the other person could not hear and I could. So, since my last two phones were Nokia's I decided to try this one.
However, I have noticed that when calling or getting calls from some people I get a distinct "echo" when I speak. I was wondering, what is causing this? I have service through Cingular.
Would purchasing an ear piece (ear bud) fix this problem? This seems to happen consistently when calling my friend to her land-line. However, I've spoken to other people on landlines and have not had a problem.
Any informa...
If your talking to someone cell-to-cell, you can sometimes hear yourself esp if the person your talking with, has their volume turned up.
GSM systems relay your voice, so it is also possible to get an echo during a cloudy day or inside buildings. The Satellite can be tricky at times.
Have agreat week. Don't hesitate to reply with questions.
Max Brooks
World Wide Wireless
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