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LG VX-8300


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Sep 12, 2006, 11:33 PM

something cool

haven't seen this posted anywhere yet but if you take a picture in black & white mode and then go to view it just slowly tilt the phone forward the picture will become colored.
pretty cool.

Sep 12, 2006, 9:52 PM

saved audio file

i recorded a voicemail on my phone and transferred it to my computer usin a micro sd...the file format was *.qcp i was wondering if anyone knew of a program that can actually play this file??? thanks

Sep 12, 2006, 12:20 AM

Jabra Bt325s?

Has anyone tried these on the vx8300? I was thinking about getting them and thought I would see if any of you have tried them or not. Jabra says they are bt v1.2 compatibile so they should right?

Sep 11, 2006, 2:32 AM

8300 Data Cable & Kit Questions

I'm considering an ugrade from an LG 4500 to the 8300. However, my local Verizon rep just said there is no Mobile Office Kit (MOK) for the 8300 and not likely to be one. I really like the 8300 but don't want to lose the functionality of my current setup with an LG VX4500, BitPim, and the MOK (w/ data cable).

1) Will the Music Essentials Kit's (MEK) data cable suffice for the following on the 8300, or should I buy the official LG data cable online? (I understand to look for the new MEK that also lists the 9800, not sure if the 4500 cable would be compatible after shaving the nubbies off.)

I use the MOK primarily to backup/transfer the 4500's phone numbers between two 4500 phones. I've also used BitPim to transfer a few ringtones as ...
2 replies

Sep 10, 2006, 12:53 AM

video and music formats

I can now play most of my mp3's (the phone claims some of them are not mp3 format...???) Any idea what that's about?

I can transfer pictures as long as I scale them down.

now video--what video format does the 8300 recognize? and is it possible to convert video formats?

Sep 3, 2006, 12:40 PM

Music on the card

I have loaded wma's & mps's on the MICRO CARD that fits inside a SD card. I have a SD reader that sees the MICRO CARD & I put the music on it without using the cable & USB kit. I am having trouble getting the phone to see the music to play. Is this something they did to make you purchase the music kit or am I missing something. I don't understand why I can't move video, ringers & music via the SD card reader. Thanks for any help.
1 reply

Sep 9, 2006, 2:49 AM

Stupid question?

Can I turn off the missed call alert?
1 reply

Sep 3, 2006, 8:09 PM

The manufacturer's info says the 8300 DOES support AAC

I just copied the following information from the phone info page:
The phone includes memory storage for MP3, AAC or similar music files, and software for playing that music.

So, given that Verizon wants us to buy music from them and that I have no intention of doing that (I much prefer MP3 or better yet AAC files)--how do we find where Verizon has hidden this capability?
1 reply
anthony s

Aug 29, 2006, 2:10 PM

video question

is it posible to play movies on this phone like on the chocolate and is their any way to record video clips longer than 15 seconds.
3 replies

Sep 9, 2006, 10:44 AM

Can hear yourself while you talk

I know that people have posted before about hearing yourself talk on this phone. I was wondering if there was a way to turn this off. My wife received this phone as an upgrade from her 6100 and is completely happy with the phone except for the fact that she can hear herself talking in the phone. Does anyone have a suggestion for a phone that is comparable to this (with bluetooth) that doesn't allow you to hear yourself talking in it? Thanks for any help you can provide.

Sep 4, 2006, 9:51 PM

Considering NE2 to Vx8300 - concerned about MA reception

My 2-yr end is coming up soon so I'm looking to a new phone from my current vx4500. I've had some reception issue with the 4500 in the metro-Boston area; including a never-fail call drop on Storrow Drive WB right next to the Hatch Shell. [This appears to be right in the middle of Boston - what gives there? VZ support just shrugs.] What reception experience do other VZ users in eastern Mass have with the 8300. better or worse?
2 replies

Aug 29, 2006, 7:40 AM

New 8300 Loose Antenna

Is this something I can tighten myself? I haven't tried until I hear from all of you.

2 replies

Sep 7, 2006, 4:47 PM

Playing A Video Clip On Your PC

I cannot play a video sent to my pc from my 8300.
It says there is no program associated with it.
Do I need something special?
I'm running Windows XP Home.


1 reply

Sep 7, 2006, 7:24 AM

Voice Sound Quality with Blue Tooth

My BF and I just purchased the 8300 last week from Verizon. We both had older model Samsung's that still worked well, were basic phones but served their purpose. With the new phone we purchased the Logitech blue tooth. At times the reception is very clear, at other times when talking cell to cell with the blue tooth it's as if a voice box were speaking, very much static and feedback into the phone from the person speaking. Any ideas on what's going on?

Like I said at times the phone is crystal clear using the blue tooth and others it makes you want to throw it out the window. Any help appreciated before our 15 days run out.

Thanks! wings
2 replies

Sep 6, 2006, 8:02 PM

8300 no audio

Am on my second 8300 within 30 days with incoming and outgoing calls with no audio on my end. Other end has breakup with no distinguishable words. Seconds are counting so I know on the incoming that the calling party has not hung up. Anyone else seen this problem?

Aug 10, 2006, 12:04 AM

LG 8300 Bluetooth Problems Demystified finally !

I am the guy who discovered the bluetooth disaster with this phone and now after a few months and testing of probably oh my god - 50 headsets, There is a way to enjoy the phone with bluetooth..

The 8300 and yes all 8300's have a Bluetooth design that has problems with echo to the outside caller with most headsets on the market, some more than others but they almost all do it..

Yes it's true that some people dont care about the outside caller getting the feedback and echos and that is okay. Some of us want a crystal clear conversation that you and the outside caller can enjoy. Well for those who want a good clear call at any volume level, you need to use the Plantronics 320 either the R model from VZW or the Silver one from Best buy or ...
13 replies
BA Baracus

Sep 2, 2006, 8:23 PM

Auto redial out of control

I've had my 8300 for less than a month now, recently it's been automatically re-dialing the last received or dialed number, and showing the call menu seemingly at random. This happens once or twice a day. Auto redial is off, I'm not using Bluetooth (it's off as well). Initially I though one of the outside buttons was causing the problem in the carrying case, but I have not been able to replicate the problem by pushing any of the outside buttons. Has this happened to anyone else???
1 reply

Aug 5, 2006, 11:04 PM

2Gig MicroSD and LG8300

Anyone tried using the 2Gig on a 8300? Wonder if it works.
9 replies
go blue 99

Aug 31, 2006, 2:55 PM

where to find non-music ringtones and alerts?

One great thing I like about this phone is that you can use audacity to create free ringtones from any song.

But is there any way to get new ringtones or alert sounds that are not songs? The ones on the phone are pretty bad. Is there a free website or something that might have better ones?


Aug 24, 2006, 3:28 PM

wma vs. mp3 pros/cons

i can fit 2x as many songs on my 1gb card in wma 64 as versus mp3 128.

i was told that those bitrares are about equal in quality.

i have software ver. 02 so if the eq was an advantage it's gone now.

anybody else have any thoughts on this?
1 reply
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