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Motorola Q


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$45 more per Month


Dec 28, 2006, 10:29 PM
I currenty own the VX9800 and I am due for my new phone. I am interested in the Black Motorola Q. The person at Verizon told me you have to take on an extra $45 per month if you get a PDA or BlackBerry. That seems crazy to me because I just want the Q for texting and for the good speakerphone not to go on the internet. Does anybody know if owning a BlackBerry or PDA really increases your monthly bill $45 even if you never use online capabilities?
Ubie Kid23

Dec 29, 2006, 12:07 PM
As far as i know, i pay the extra charge each month for accessing the internet. If you are not going to be using the phone for the internet, i dont see why you would need to pay the $45 each month.

Dec 29, 2006, 1:29 PM
You do NOT need to pay for the dataplan. Its optional. I just purchased a Q and am paying for internet access by the kb used, no monthly charges. However, you should be very carefull about pix messaging, or browsing the internet if you do not purchase the dataplan because it will get very expensive very fast.

I like the phone, but like you I dont need the internet access. Just tell your sales person to sign you up on the pay as you go dataplan - no monthy charges for this.

Dec 29, 2006, 6:55 PM
okay thank you both very much.

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