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Motorola V551 / V330 / V547 / V555 / V557


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V620 battery in the V551


Dec 9, 2004, 12:09 PM
First time Motorola owner. Had the phone about a month. Battery life is 2-3 days with no Bluetooth enabled and low to average phone calls/internet use. Saw someone mention the V620 coming out soon and checked the specs. Looks to be about the same size but the battery life is twice that of the V551. Can you buy that battery and use it in the V551 and get longer battery life? Or does Motorola do something to prevent this between models?

Dec 11, 2004, 11:36 AM
im sure u can use the same battery. however the capacity of the battery is the same. the problem is that the v551 isnt as efficent as the v620 in terms of power consumtion. 2 cars can run on 93 octane gas, but the v8 is gonna burn more gas than the 4 cylinder. see my analogy?

Dec 11, 2004, 11:37 AM
ps.. you dont have to "wait" for the v620. u can order it now unlocked from worldphones.com or costco!

Dec 14, 2004, 8:15 AM
I dont understand how you can order it, when it hasn't even been approved by the FCC..

Dec 14, 2004, 9:10 AM
my freind the phone is been available for a while now. many people have it. you can order it from costco online. go check for yourself. you can also order it from "myworldphone.com"

heres the link: http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?pro did=11027359&whse=&topnav=&cat=

Dec 14, 2004, 9:54 AM
besides. i think the v551 is a better value overal. if you just want the looks of the v620 i cant knock that. the v600/620 are gorgeous phones. im using the v600 now. so ill end up with the v551 and the v600. although ill have to get it unlocked as im currently an ATT customer.

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