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Charges on Pic Messaging


Oct 19, 2004, 8:36 PM

Does anyone know for certain?....

if i send a pic to multiple addresses at 1 time in 1 single message, do i get charged for each email address or just like 1 pic message?

also if i attach multiple pics to 1 email address (if possible) do i get charged for 1 single message or for each pic?

Please dont answer on speculation only if you know for sure cause this is very important to know.


Oct 20, 2004, 4:23 PM
I would suggest calling customer service. That's a good question. Verizon Wireless customer service is 1.800.922.0204 🙂

Oct 20, 2004, 5:17 PM
novemberrain1125 said:
I would suggest calling customer service. That's a good question. Verizon Wireless customer service is 1.800.922.0204 🙂

... that answer almost made me scowl.... 🤣

if only customer service would be trustsble! no 2 people say the same thing... i have had bad experience with those dudes!

Oct 20, 2004, 5:28 PM
yea, I'm not going to disagre with you on that. I work for the company and they have upset me as well 👿
I would play it safe and it will charge you per file and per person that you sent it to. That way you don't set yourself up for disappointment when you get a horrendously large bill 😲

Oct 20, 2004, 5:59 PM
Here's the speculation you didn't want.

I believe this is true, since I haven't seen any overage changes on my bill, and I should have if this were not true. I used multiple attachments per message to load .MID files into my phone, and transfer caller-id photos between my 3 phones.

According to the official vzwpix web site FAQ you are charged for each MESSAGE going into, or out of your phone, regardless of how many people it is addressed, to or how many attachments it has. Of course, if you are sending to multiple, and those addressee's are phones, each recepient phone will be charged to receive that message.

Posting pictures from your phone to your vzwpix online album site counts the same as sending it to any other address.


Oct 23, 2004, 1:04 PM
Thanks 😎

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