Samsung Galaxy Note II (Sprint, US Cellular)
Reviews 6
Galaxy Note 2 - Tinny sound in calls
More frequently lately my Note 2 sounds very tinny and loud when making and receiving calls.I joke with a friend that it sounds like she is standing right behind me. Before, I would hang up and redial to fix it it. Now that doesn't work any more. I thought it was a reception issue. Any ideas what might be happening? Has it happened to you?
I'm due an upgrade next month but I would like to keep this phone longer if possible.
Reminder feature
Soooo looking to upgrade to this phone from the iPhone 4S . . .love the Reminder app on the iPhone and wanted to know if there is an app or feature like this on the Note II besides the calendar? Is there one that can be downloaded? 😁
over in the "Virgin and C Spire Trialling Handset Payment Plans" discussion:
Verizon! Pay attention!
I would like Verizon to follow in Tmobiles example,
Galaxy S4, $179 upfront, $20/mo.
8 replies
galaxy note reception
How is the reception on the Note. I have a EVO LTE now and the reception sucks.
Multi window
1st of all I must say I love this phone..... 😁 🤤 🤤
Now can anyone tell me how can add/delete apps from the multi window.
1 reply
Sim Subsidy Unlock
Anybody knows if the Galaxy Note II from US Celular would work on a GSM network like T-Mobile or AT&T?
And is the phone factory locked?
I have the phone and I want to use it with T-Mobile
Due for an Upgrade soon - This or the LG Optimus G?
So I was due as on 11/01/2012. I originally wanted to go Nexus 4 but if it was coming to Sprint, wich I guess it's not. So the choice for me is between the two devices. Help appreciated!
3 replies
over in the "Apple Seeks to Add Six More Samsung Devices to Lawsuit" discussion:
Just wow
I'm surprised they haven't added Samsung TV's to the mix. Oh wait, they only seem to be going after devices that are in direct competition with them. People can say what they want but, if Samsung wasn't their direct competitor in hardware, i doubt Apple would be doing this. At least, not on such a large scale.
21 replies
over in the "Apple Seeks to Add Six More Samsung Devices to Lawsuit" discussion:
What The (insert choice of explitive)!
Apple is like that chic on Maury that got drunk at a party can't remember quite what had happened and now is parading an entire line of devices, making all kinds of absurd claims, clogging up the court dockets, subjecting everyone to undue test and scrutiny just to get a check. ..
Geesh Phone Baby Mama Drama
COME ON APPLE! Is this really worth the damage this is doing to your once in foul able BRAND? Have you checked the pulse on your Net Promoter Score? There are several consumers out there that will never buy an Apple product not because of your build quality but for this court room BS..
over in the "Sprint Gives the Galaxy Note II A Split Personality" discussion:
Battery Life Slaughter
Running 2 applications at the same time, you will literally be able to see the battery icon slowly deplete. Apparently, from what i've heard, as soon as you launch the second application, the battery icon will decrease also at that time.
6 replies
over in the "Review: Samsung Galaxy Note II for Sprint" discussion:
You Just Cant Do It. Can You Eric?
As being an established and trusted member of the wireless reporting media Eric, I would of expected better than for you of all people to not tarnish this well written review of yours with a jab at Sprint's network.
Coverage is suject to geographic limitations and varies widely fron region to region.
I get it, youre not a Sprint fan, but could you be a bit less conspicuous with yiur bias, it truly detracts from Rich's and your credibility.
Rob P.
BTW Just bought this device and I have had Sprint for years very loyal to Sprint and LOVE THIS DEVICE!
8 replies
over in the "Sprint's Samsung Galaxy Note II Goes on Sale Oct 25 for $299" discussion:
OMG I Just Got the GSIII !
I guess I am going to have to upset a Radio Shack employee by RETURNING the GS3 within the 14 days (I'm fully aware that the day you purchase it is counted as day ONE).... Go back to my EVO for a few days until the Note W is released ...
On the 25th is it ALL sales channels or just Sprint Stores and telesales or what will be the availability?
I hate to be like this but its what I have to live with and use for the next 22 months. I have never returned a phone in the 14 + years that I have been with Sprint .. I didnt realize the Note 2 was going to be released so soon... I needed a phone quickly and if I knew on the 10th when I got the GS3 it was going to be on the 25Th I would of waited ... thank god that I am still within the 14 days...
over in the "Sprint's Samsung Galaxy Note II Goes on Sale Oct 25 for $299" discussion:
no SVDO? I'll pass this one.
Good thing is it's an international phone but no data during on the voice calls which most of sprint's LTE phones support the voice and data at the same time now. This leaves iPhone 5 and Note2 on my skip list.
2 replies
Oct 16, 2012, 10:54 AM
over in the "Sprint's Samsung Galaxy Note II Goes on Sale Oct 25 for $299" discussion:
About time!
We finally get an answer as to when. Basically all cariers, but especially Sprint since that is my phone provider. Now how about on pre-order???
7 replies
over in the "Sprint's Samsung Galaxy Note II Goes on Sale Oct 25 for $299" discussion:
Come to Mama
over in the "Five Major Carriers to Sell Samsung Galaxy Note II" discussion:
It would be nice.. :)
It would be nice if they'd make something like this with straight Android JB as the OS, none of that extra junk!
6 replies
over in the "Five Major Carriers to Sell Samsung Galaxy Note II" discussion:
jelly bean or nah?
🙄 and i dont wanna hear its getting JB. does it release with it or not?
1 reply
over in the "Five Major Carriers to Sell Samsung Galaxy Note II" discussion:
notice the date on the phone. perhaps nov 15 is when it'll be in stores ?
over in the "Five Major Carriers to Sell Samsung Galaxy Note II" discussion:
I was hoping Sprint would get this. 😁
3 replies