Motorola Droid Pro
Reviews 18
Purchaed this phone unlocked
Hello just purchased this phone unlocked on Ebay. Just wanted to know if there is a way to upgrade the Android 2.2 to 2.3 because I know it is out there? Thanks!!!
Battery life
I've been using the Droid Pro for about 2 1/2 weeks now, and constantly struggle with battery life.
I am literally charging the phone twice a day, and even on the battery profile on "Maximum battery saver", I get at most 24 hours even mostly on standby. I've tried TasKiller and have removed pretty much all widgets, but improvement is only moderate.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this the best I could ever expect?
4 replies
I am not sure if there is any way around having to create a google account to dl apps from the market. during the initial setup of accounts it asks you to setup accounts and one of them is facebook yet to get the app you need a google account. doesnt make sense
milking it
with this phone i feel like motorola is milking the motorola droid series. wheres the improvement from the droid 2? there really isn't one. the keys are going to be much like a blackberry. very close together and smaller. the processor is going to be the same. they pretty much made it a candy bar style droid 2. will it be LTE 4G ready? probably not. i don't see any advantage to this phone.
5 replies
Increasing email file attachment size.
How do I increase the email attachment download size on the Droid Pro?
Will this work on ATT?
I read in one of the reviews that someone had tried to get this to work on ATT. Does anyone have any updates on this phone and getting it to work for ATT?
Thanks in advance,
2 replies
over in the "Review: Motorola Droid Pro" discussion:
Phone first computer second
After reading about the call quality issue I do not see how the Pro can get a passing grade as a phone. Is it not a phone first and a computer secondly?
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Droid Pro vs. Droid 2
I posted this question elsewhere (thanks Menno for responding), and I thought I'd ask it here too ...
I just ordered the Droid Pro (pre-sale started today). The confirmation email said it will ship tomorrow (Nov 10). Right after I placed my order, I discovered that VZW is now offering the Droid 2 with global capabilities. Gee whiz! I've been waiting months for a Droid with GSM. Is there any reason why I should trade my new Droid Pro for a Droid 2?
Low res screen
I was really excited to see this. I went from a BB Tour to a Droid 1 to a Droid Incredible to a BB Bold. I love the BB form factor for business. This phone hits both my want for Android and my need for the BB style keyboard. However, the screen resolution is quite small. The Incredible has a 480x800 screen and is .6 inches larger. The Droid Pro has a 420x320 screen. That's a HUGE difference for only a half-inch difference.
Can anyone tell me if this screen is nice or not? Right now, I want to switch back to Android and am looking closely at the Droid X. Not practical for business but I refuse to use a phone with a sub-par screen.
Oct 8, 2010, 10:57 AM
No Traditional Dial Pad - numbers across the top of the keybaord???
Wonder why moto chose not to incorporate alternative dialing #s on the keybaord (like a blackberry) in a traditional phone layout, opting instead to highlight numbers across the top???
2 replies
over in the "CTIA Fall 2010" discussion:
is it just me....
Anyone else sort of confused on why AT&T doesn't pick up or reguest Motorola to develop higher end Droid handsets?
Is it to not steal the thunder from the iphone or is there a deal with Verizon to keep the uber nice Driods away?
6 replies
I wonder how hard it would be to unlock?
I see that this phone supports AT&T's hdspa's radios, as well as gsm radios. I just wonder if one so wishes, how hard would it be to unlock and use it on the gsm side?
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If AT&T don't get a serious droid soon.......
I've been with AT&T for over 20 years...yes, Cellular One, AT&T, Cingular, and now at&t...they are hands down the fastest data network...but I hate the IPhone, and I have the backflip, but I'm going nuts waiting for some sort of serious droid to come...the droid X and droid pro look very good for us business users...where are they???? I don't want to jump ship.
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more garbage from motorola
i have no doubt this phone will be a total disaster like previous droids, no 3g same camera, who falls for this crap, its the same useless paperweight of a phone as the droid 1 and 2 packaged differently
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same phone only vertical
this phone will be characteristic of all droids, just say buffering for 20 mins, or cannot play video 20 times a day and youll know what its like to become a victim false droid advertising, motorola just keeps packaging the same useless garbage in different designs, now they want to vertically feed you crap. and no 4g...losers
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Oct 8, 2010, 12:51 PM
how many home screens?
Any 1 know?? How many home screens, 1, 3, 5? 😳
1 reply
This phone looks amazing.
I will post a review once I get my hands on it. The drawback to android has always been form factor for blackberry users. This should change that. Great job Moto.