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Motorola V600


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Feb 25, 2004, 6:58 PM

AT&T Website

I was on the AT&T website this afternoon and search for the V600 and it came back with over 70 responses for troubleshooting the phone. It must be on the way.
2 replies

Feb 26, 2004, 12:17 AM

I WANT MY V600 NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feb 25, 2004, 10:09 PM

Got a Moto V600...using w/AT&T and a Mac and a Palm!

Ok, late last week I finally broke down and bought one from a guy in Florida for roughly $700. For the price, he gave me the phone (Vodafone branded in the box w/Euro charger and BT headset), three sets of face plates (red, blue, green...it came with the silver). The US charger and car charger (admittedly, both can be bought from any AT&T store), a stapled and printed English manual, the PC tools disk and USB cable and a promise to upgrade me to Moto V80 this summer/fall for very little (he said 'less than $100 with the V600 back). I took the deal because he was honest and I really wanted this stupid phone ;-)
Took it over to AT&T today (forgot SID but it is in Somerset Mall in Troy, MI) and they called customer service and put in all th...

Feb 25, 2004, 7:24 PM

Photo of V600 and Oscar Gift Tin


Feb 25, 2004, 11:27 AM

Motorola v600 buggy?


I've read numerous threads on different forums about the v600 being very buggy. I'm wondering if you guys think these bugs are going to carry over to the release version? Do you think this is part of the normal research and development or is the phone just a buggy mess?
1 reply

Feb 25, 2004, 11:48 AM

Where in Germany is V600??

I have a couple of uncles living in Germany. Does anyone know where would I have to send them to buy a V600 for me? I've got to make it easy for them ,since they are recent immigrants from Ukraine to Germany. So they would have a language barrier and they are not too young either! I live in NY. I can't wait any longer!

Feb 24, 2004, 8:00 PM

Release date?

IS there any evidence that this phone might be released this monday? It fits in the early march catagory as well as after the awards.
Please dont post bullshit about "this phone may never be released". This board is becoming way too monotonous.
6 replies

Feb 24, 2004, 12:49 PM

Paris Hilton has her V600 (see link)

Paris has had hers since at least the NBA All-Star Game. See this link at yahoo news...

http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?g=events/en/100803h ... »
6 replies

Feb 19, 2004, 9:15 PM

Got my Bluetooth Today

If the Phone is as cool as the Bluetooth Headset (HS810) than we're all in luck..

3 replies

Feb 24, 2004, 6:38 PM

V600 link review on CNET


Feb 23, 2004, 6:52 PM

May not be launched soon

From what I hear, the V600 may not even be launched with AT&T until Cingular launches it (estimated availability early April). With the buyout still being completed, this has probably delayed the release of the phone.
12 replies

Feb 23, 2004, 7:44 PM

Open Letter : Thanks Motorola !!!!!

Thanks Motorola for your continuous delays and all. The money I set aside for the V600 went to Apple's Ipod Mini. Early this year at the consumer electronics show, Apple promised a street date release in Feb. 2004. THEY DELIVERED!!! Motorola made the same promise and FAILED!!!! FAILED!!!! FAILED, over and over again. When you guys decide to release the V600 it will be obsolete like an Atari 2600, better yet Pong !!!! Come on man, (Motorola) you guys need to get it together.
How could Nokia thats based in lil' ol Finland beat us out. I live hear in Illinois,
the home base of motorola and i'm pretty sure that the Illinois has a larger population than Finland. P.S. - Apple's Ipod Mini ROCKS !!!!
4 replies

Feb 22, 2004, 4:27 PM

which one??

im gonna get either the Motorola v710 or the v600 (whenever they come out)...but which one should i get. i like the 710, but there afew a few things that bother me that it lacks: ringer profiles, EMS/pictur emessaging, and custom ringtones...help? here's the link: https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/compare.php ?id%5B%5D=475&id%5B%5D=247
11 replies

Feb 23, 2004, 3:59 PM

Moto HS 810 BT Headset for sale...

I've had my moto HS 810 Bluetooth headset for only a couple days, it's beautiful, connects like a dream (using w/ SE T616) but I think I need to "downgrade" to the Jabra BT 250... For only 2 reasons:

1. The Jabra's only advantage is that is has an 8 hour talk time rather than what I've seen to be hrs 3.5 with the Moto. I travel ALOT, and talk on my phone ALOT, so I really don't have time to find an outlet (car or wall).

2. I must have weird shaped ears, or a face, reasong being that the mic hole sits s little too close to my cheek and has a tendancy to muffle the outgoing sound. (I've heard of one occurnce of this from some in Howard Forums, but I've heard tons of acolades everywhere else)

DON'T GET ME WRONG - This device is gre...

Feb 22, 2004, 3:19 PM

V600 Spotted on AT&T website

The phone is in the Mmode game room. Follow this link or type in the address yourself.

https://www.attwireless.com/ocs/featuresupport/fun/g ... »

Click on Mmode Game room and select Motorola from the phone brands.. Voila V600 is right there.
2 replies

Feb 20, 2004, 8:52 AM

like i care about the oscars?

give me a break? i could care less about the oscars and actors and what cell phone they're using or what toilet paper they are wipeing their a$$e$ with.

if motorola is really holding back the public release of the phone because of this it's pretty stupid.

i just can't see everyone who watches the oscars (of which i won't be, i don't watch much tv in general) just rushing out to get a phone the next day because they saw talking on one for a split second as they walked into the building.

it's not like is going to run up on stage, accept their "reward" and go "i want to thank my parents, god and motorola for giving me this phone before everyone else, you have to get it, it's totally amazing, i love you all, bu-bye."

anyway, we've ...
2 replies

Feb 20, 2004, 1:37 PM

Another reply from moto

This one says March

Dear Mr. Miller,

Thank you for your recent correspondence with Motorola.

Regarding your concern, we are excited about bringing the Motorola V600 to US market!
Motorola is continuously launching new products. When cellular products launch, the timelines are often defined by agreement between Motorola and the phone carrier who will be selling the product on our behalf. Because of this, the dates that we are given are not always specific.

It's our commitment that when we deliver the V600, it'll meet or exceed our customer's expectations. This requires extensive testing of the product by Motorola and AT&T Wireless. We are currently working together aggressively to complete this process to ensure exceptional qual...

Feb 20, 2004, 12:51 PM


Hey airicf2f...you from Cincy? My guess is that you are so shoot me an email at anomoly98@yahoo.com if you are from cincy. wanted to backchannel on some phone things.

Feb 19, 2004, 4:44 PM


I think SNAFU sums all this up nicely.

If it's a technical problem, then it would seem to be specific to AT&T, because the phone has been released elsewhere and grey-market and pre-release phones are being used successfully in the US. This would seem to rule out the problem being a GSM network issue, and probably rule out Motorola as the source of the technical issues. It could theoretically be some "value-add" customization that AT&T are doing for the phone. But I would expect this to be in a production state a long time before a production run is started. It's not like the guy in the lab says "OK the software is working let's box these up and put them on the shelves". If problems occur, more notice would be given to the marketing / sale...
1 reply

Feb 18, 2004, 11:50 PM

This is all about the Oscars

From Howard Forums:

"Are you there, Oscar nominees? Can you hear me?
As if this year’s Oscar nominees don’t have enough already, they’re not only going to Motorola’s hot new V600 cellphone for free but also ahead of everyone else. The V600 will be hand-delivered to the stars in a custom-made box in the shape of an old-time film camera that features an audio snippet of Mel Torme's classic rendition of "You Oughta be in Pictures." Available to the public in March, the phones will retail for about $300. Details at www.motorola.com.

from: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4305631/

last night an ATT rep. told me march 1. so we'll see..."

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