Motorola W385
Reviews 80
Printing Phone Book
The Contacts list on my W385 is in alphabetical order by last name. However, my carrier, Verizon, has told me that I cannot print a list which would emulate my phone contacts list, i.e. by last name. Has anyone addressed this problem and/or found a solution?
1 reply
Jul 26, 2007, 2:35 PM
Different colors for W385?
I heard that this phone comes in other colors, but I haven't seen any choices other than the black/grey on this site. Seriously considering purchasing this phone in the near future and any help is appreciated. Thanks! 😁
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Can you?
Download Song ID on this model?
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Does this phone have expandable memory, like the lil memory cards, and can it play videos?
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Lack of accessories
To me the biggest issue right now is the lack of accessories, specifically a decent belt clip. The only thing available is the leather skin which fits rather snuggly over the device.
But 2 of the cooler features of this phone are the rubberized coating and texture which feels nice to the touch and also looks pretty neat. I think it also makes the phone less slippery in your hand and also warmer to the touch. I noticed the LG VX8700 which is metal was very cool when I took it off the display stand.
But there-in lies the problem. You put the leather skin on and you immediately negate 2 of the cooler features of the phone. You no longer can see or feel the rubberized surface and the leather skin makes the phone larger to the point of not loo...
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A few people have commented that the screen is too small?
I have read a couple posts on Howards were owners of the W385 feel that the inside screen and keypad are just way too small. Any owners of this phone have any opinions?
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Aug 14, 2007, 1:39 PM
new Verizon UI
Just curious what was the big difference between the Verizon UI on the W385 and that from past Verizon UI's.
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Aug 14, 2007, 9:10 AM
I spoke too soon.
I only had my W385 for less then two weeks. It's down for the count, won't boot-up anymore. It powered off from low battery and has yet to launch the UI.
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If you don't care about all the data crap, Music player, mp3 player, and just want a solid phone with great sound quality and bluetooth then check this thing out. I would take one of these over a razr or a krazr any day!! the build quality is that much better and the actual phone functions are much improved... quick menus, clear sound.
It is to bad this forum is so dead, because this is really a nice phone.
oh well, to little to late i guess, this phone would have been a hit is released over a year ago.
4 replies
I just bought this phone from tonight, and can't wait until it gets here. It looks like it is exactly what I want; a high quality, basic phone with good battery life, sound quality, speakerphone, and bluetooth.
I am new to bluetooth, and I keep reading about different types, and compatibility and stuff, can anyone recommend a couple bluetooth ear-pieces that will work with this phone and give me good sounds quality.
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A Couple of Questions
I noticed that the USB for this phone is listed as 1.1 - I'm not familiar with this. Currently I have a Moto 325 and it has kind of a mini USB connection, which makes it nice because I can hook it up to my PC easily. Is this the same with the 385? Also, does anyone know whether the 385 has the same charger connection as the 325? It would be nice to not have to buy a new car charger.
Most importantly, how does this phone compare to the 325 in terms of call reception and clarity?
Is it worth making the switch to an all-digital phone now? Does anyone know if and when they will be getting rid of analog? They're still offering new tri-mode phones, so I'm not sure what that means. I very rarely make calls when I'm in analog, but it's nice ...
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another one....
for cricket....
Motorola H9 Bluetooth Headset
I purchased the Motorola H9 Bluetooth Headset paired it with w385 wow this headset is awsome The calls are clear on both ends,no echo's have not tried in a real noisy environment yet but have in a some what noisy places seems to be fine only draw back is if you don't like sticking in your ear you won't like it.
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Jul 30, 2007, 12:08 AM
Does anyone who has this phone live near or pass though fridge areas?
I gave up my 815 for a Tri-mode because I drive through about a 5-6 mile strip daily where my 815 wouldn't pick up but my 2 Nokia tri-modes would.
It wasn't just my phone, my daughters did the same thing.
3 replies
for sale?
does anyone know of anyone who is selling a used, or cheap new w385? thanks!
How do I delete downloaded ringtones or photos?
Great phone but I am having problem with one thing. Deleting pictures and ringtones I have downloaded from myxertones. Everything appears to be locked. I can't figure this out. I tried the lock/unlock code on phone but this is only for security unlocking and locking which I can do without any problem whatsoever.
Aug 1, 2007, 4:51 PM
Can you record videos? Not as backgrounds or anything... just to send in a text.
1 reply
Display Themes
Can some tell me how may display themes the w385 has?
can it.... mp3 ring tones????
8 replies
Those who have this phone...Please post reviews!
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