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Apr 27, 2010, 5:51 PM


How do I make my # restricted w/o using *67???
I used to have alltel and all required was *65 once and it made my # private for all calls made. 😕
1 reply

Apr 20, 2010, 11:37 AM

Rich, I got a question for ya

how can I de-activate an old account I have?
15 replies

Apr 21, 2010, 9:35 PM

Why No Editorials?

Based on some of your teams posts in the forums I have wondered why you do not do any editorials?

I think most of us here value your teams opinion. Your site does a great job (in my opinion) of staying unbiased towards specific carriers.

I (hopefully) look forward to seeing some editorials from Phonescoop 🙂
3 replies

Apr 20, 2010, 2:09 PM

PS.com is very difficult to access this week

Been having incredible difficulty accessing this site the last two days. Server problems? It loads when it wants to, which is only occasionally. Most of the time it just waits and waits and never loads.
3 replies

Apr 8, 2010, 1:06 PM

A separate thread for every single Apple tidbit?

Please... Why? Can't just roll it into a single announcement or two?

One saying "Press release starting..."... Two saying "This is what was announced"

What a waste... I know the rabid fans want every detail. But seriously putting up 10 different stories?

12 replies

Mar 3, 2010, 2:04 PM

My Suggestion

So maybe this is just me but while browsing the site I noticed that you can click on the Phone Scoop logo in the top left to go back to the main page.

However, when already on the main page its just an image, not a link.

I know its dumb and I can just hit refresh or F5 but to keep things consistent it would be nice to have it link back to www.phonescoop.com

Thanks, keep up the great work.
2 replies

Apr 5, 2010, 11:30 AM

Hey Rich, is this really YOUR pop-up...

Phone Scoop is conducting research to better understand and meet the needs of the users of their site. Would you like to participate?

It keeps coming up...
2 replies

Apr 1, 2010, 7:59 AM

You guys...

have really outdone yourself this time. 🤣
9 replies

Mar 17, 2010, 5:45 PM

SAR Ratings as a Phone Finder Search Criterion

Hi PhoneScoop.com,

I've come here to find myself a new phone, and am pretty impressed with how vast and comprehensive the Phone Finder feature is. My only complaint is that searches cannot be narrowed by the phone's SAR (Standard Absorption Rate) level. I've so far been using the Environmental Working Group's regularly updated list of phones (http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/Get-a- Safer-Phone?allphones=1) sorted exclusively by their specific and overall SAR levels, but little details are given about the phone itself, and no custom search function exists. I suspect their database of phones is limited as well, since the list seems to only include those phones which they have personally tested.

Here at PhoneScoop.com, I've even ha...
3 replies

Mar 21, 2010, 12:17 PM

PM issues

I just tried to PM the resident llama, and was told I am a spammer and you guys had been notified. I just want to assure you I am not a spammer, I am irishcarbomb, resident something or another, but not spammer.
9 replies

Feb 23, 2010, 9:21 PM

Phone Finder update?

Hi all-

I would really appreciate more detail in the Finder function selections - not just YES/NO on several newer categories.

My personal peeve - GPS. Very few phones offer real standalone GPS. A-GPS is NOT the same thing, but to the Finder it's all or nothing in any search mode.

The same goes for ringtones, data tethering and there isn't even any information about web browsers on phones. This last item is becoming very important, but as I'm sure many would agree (for example) both Blackberries and iPhones offer a web browser but neither is a fully-functional equivalent to a desktop browser.
2 replies

Mar 8, 2010, 11:31 PM

Another suggestion

I have been visiting phonescoop for a while but I haven't been able to find a mobile version of the site. I wouldn't mind if you left the Ads (you deserve to get paid).
2 replies

Mar 12, 2010, 9:36 PM

Are you a Metallica Misfit??

"The presence of police and riot teams was necessary because these misfits - there's no other name for them - damaged some windows in the surrounding area." - SKY NEWS

🤣 🤣
1 reply

Feb 27, 2010, 6:30 PM

Top 10 Things

I will do the last day i work here

park across 3 of the 7 handicap parking spaces next to the door and when told to move .. i will move.. 1 space over

Prop Badge Secured door open with shoe

lock all the bathroom stalls from the inside

Walk up to sups desk when he's not there and revoke his log in password

tell the customer our physical address, and tell them to tell the security guard, "call center director's name" sent me..

Give every customer my user limit in credit

Suspend a customers account if they become belligerent

Send a mass email that says this is the last straw and to return my stapler 😛

see how long it takes them to realize I'm sitting at my desk....naked

Order Pizza for the call center and tell t...
1 reply
Rich Brome

Feb 12, 2010, 4:08 PM

New writer: Philip Berne

We're delighted to welcome Philip Berne to the Phone Scoop team. 🙂 Philip is a talented writer with considerable experience covering cell phones. He'll be joining Eric Zeman writing news and phone reviews on phonescoop.com, expanding our coverage with his insight and wit. Philip previously wrote for infoSync World.
9 replies

Feb 16, 2010, 7:08 PM

Just wanted to say

Thank you Rich,
As much as we, users, abuse the system; we do apprechiate the use of these services. Where else are we going to whine, complain, moan and groan about customers, cellular companies and express our love of the business.
Again thank you.

Billing Research/Account modifications
1 reply

Feb 16, 2010, 5:49 PM

Mr. Brome

https://www.phonescoop.com/forums/forum.php?fm=m&ff= ... »

I do not want to attract attention to myself. But this guy is my friend.

Feb 14, 2010, 1:44 PM

New emoticons

Can we get some new one's? I have one person telling me they would really like to use a "birdie" emoticon in response to one of my posts and think it would be awesome if we could oblige.

Feb 13, 2010, 5:51 PM

maybe this is news Idk

http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-02-12/verizon- ... »

Its supposed to be about skype coming to Verizon. 😉

Feb 10, 2010, 8:49 PM


Why is it that Sprint's 4th quarter results are absent as news on the main page? This also happened on the 3rd quarter results as well.

However, there does not seem to be any problem with posting other carrier results.

Is all that Sprint advertising revenue creating a bias in negative reporting?
1 reply
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