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Jul 5, 2005, 7:58 PM


How is PTT going for you guys at Alltel?
5 replies

Jul 7, 2005, 2:05 PM

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Jun 27, 2005, 2:36 AM

Alltel in former ATTWS markets

Since i can't say this on the phone I am going to say it here.

Alltel's coverage in the Oklahoma city area and everywhere they took over for ATTWS's divested markets, completely sucks. They killed are network and now I have to listen to the people bitch to me like I am from Alltel. I can understand there frustration but if Alltel really wants to make money from the buyout of ATTWS's divested markets they better smarten the hell up and get there stuff together. I know they took over are network that worked fine in the past and killed it. If this is any indication of how they plan on running a business I see why I get so many complaints from people about them.

The best suggestion I have for old ATTWS customers in these select marke...
28 replies

Jun 23, 2005, 2:46 PM

No Backlight or Keypad timer option ????!!!!!!!!!

Just had the 6255i in my hands at the local Alltel store. Was chomping on the bit to buy this phone for 4 months now. Then disaster struck. There is NO WAY to keep either the keypad light or the Main screen light or the Outside display screen light on for more than 10 seconds !!! Forget it. I always have my lights set for "on flip open". I realize that the lights drain the battery, but I'm willing to put up with that. I just charge the battery a little more often. So, in summation, the whole phone goes dark in 10 seconds. Then you hafta press a button to re-activate the lights. EVERY 10 SECONDS !!!! Phoooeeey.
4 replies

Jun 14, 2005, 3:20 PM

A bigger and better merger soon...with VZW?

Check out this article about that Alltel and Verizon Wireless may, just may, be in merger talks http://www.engadget.com/entry/123400019004515 3 This same rumor has surfaced before, but not after Cingular became the #1 carrier in terms of customers. Alltel's customer base would give Verizon Wireless enough customers to either tie or give VZW a lead of 1 to 3 million...much closer than they are now to becoming #1 again.

This seems at least a possility. In my area, a market for Alltel and not Verizon, there have been many new antennas added to existing cell towers, and when asking the people adding the antennas who the provider would be, they had told me "Verizon" and the same answer was given after contacting the company operating the site...
15 replies

Jun 11, 2005, 4:33 PM

Alltel coverage map is a joke!!!

I have verizon and my friend has alltel. I was driving up to show low with him and according to verizons coverage map alltels digital coverage extends farther out, about 10-15 miles past verizons in Payson.Anyways driving past Payson to Show Low my Verizon service started to die out till the indicator said no service which was to be expected. The funny thing is my friends Alltel phone cut out almost at the same time. Does Alltel actually test thier networks coverage or do they just post how far a tower should cover without taking into account terrain blocking signal.
12 replies

Jun 27, 2005, 4:24 PM

Asking for too much?

I have been with Alltel for 5 years now, and my contract is up in August. I was considering switching to Cingular, but now I may be changing my mind. My only problem with Alltel wasn't the service, just the lack of phone technology. But now they have the 6255, and after checking it out, seems like it is compareable to the V551. Anyways, my question is, since I have been a customer for a decent amount of time, am I asking too much for some sort of 'incentive' from alltel to stay a customer? Nothing huge, but maybe a discout on the phone, perhaps getting the 2 year contract price for signing a 1 year contract, or maybe a free bluetooth headset. I guess I am asking since I don't like the fact that a brand new customer can walk in the store and ...
5 replies

Jun 29, 2005, 3:29 PM

New to Alltel

Hey guys, just got the word that I will soon be an Alltel employee, just wondering overall what ya'll think about the company itself, also if anyone could shed some light on to what the employee phone plan is like, coverage, minutes, cost, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks alot.
4 replies

Jun 22, 2005, 8:38 PM


Btw for anyone interested, 1x will have roaming start June 23rd. Verizon and Alltel now have a roaming agreement among the 1x.
5 replies

Jun 19, 2005, 9:21 AM

Calling...Home (and getting a complete stranger)

I don't have Alltel right now, but almost everyone I know has it, and I have this problem calling them all the time. Let's say I am calling my Aunt's Cellphone, sometimes I will call it and it won't do anything, it wont ring, just silence. Then I will call back and I will get someone elses number completely. This seems to be getting worse and worse, and it has to be with Alltel because I have T-mobile and the same doesn't happen to me (Alltel is pretty much a monopoly around here, T-mobile has very limited coverage in comparison). I'm guessing there are too many people using the towers around here, but the weird thing is I live in a city with a population of 500, so go figure. Any ideas?
8 replies

Jun 30, 2005, 7:22 PM

Is this really Alltel?

😲 Wow another new phone, with all the hype on the Nokia and Blackberry this one snuck by me

New Kyocera now available

http://www.alltel.com/phones/kyocera/kx424.html »
2 replies

Jun 16, 2005, 7:57 AM

Dissapointed with ALLTEL buying ATT Wireless in OKC

I am more than disappointed to know that ALLTEL has purchased ATT wireless in OKC and possibly other areas.

The FCC unfortunately set regulations that Cingular could not purchase ATT in this market. I'm sure ALLTEL is a good company but I did NOT get the choice to go with ALLTEL or switch to the carrier of my choice. Now that ALLTEL has my contract They are going to force me to pay a $175 Early Termination Fee to leave their company. I just don't see this fair to the customers. Help us all out by signing the following document
http://thiscause.org/p/menu.php?p=allen13154DB »

Please tell your friends to go to
http://thiscause.org/p/menu.php?p=allen13154DB » we need all the help and support we can get on this topic.
7 replies

Jun 22, 2005, 10:11 PM

New Phones on the website now

The Nokia and Blackberry are on the website, FInally!!! 😉
3 replies

Jun 25, 2005, 8:47 PM

New phones anytime soon??

what phones will alltel come out with next? i like the new nokia but im hoping for an LG. ive had the 5450 and currently own the 5550 and love the both of them. can someone let me know what phones and when they are coming out or give new a website where i can find out for myself.
1 reply

May 19, 2005, 6:00 AM

Nokia 6255i Release Date?

Anybody know when this phone will be released?
5 replies

Jun 17, 2005, 10:54 AM

New GOOD things coming soon...

All I can say to those in the OKC market...wait and see what is changing and look again! Good things come to those that wait!

"It ain't broke, it just needs duct tape!"
4 replies

May 25, 2005, 6:55 PM

I want to work for this company

Hey all I currently work for cingular wireless and my call center handles everything migrations, promotions, customer service, tech support I have to do everything. But I am a true Western Wireless lover I love everything about them and have been selling them with out pay for a very long time. But since I found out about the merger and the release of the nokia 6255i w/ western wireless I have really been looking into changing my career I really am wanting a job the only problem is western wireless owns my state and there is not a single alltel store in my STATE. I am worried about getting a job as an agent in the store for fear of job security let me know if you have any information on what is going to happen to the old western wireless a...
8 replies

May 2, 2005, 7:32 AM


Can someone please tell me why is Verizon W and Cingular are so expensive?

60 + 10
for just 500 anytime family plan?

Cingular W
50 + 20
for 600 anytime family plan

Alltel W
60 + 10
for 900 anytime and you also get unlimited mobile to home as well!

And Alltel has just as good coverage as the BIG GUYS ....

is everybody missing this or is this just me?

by the way the new logo kicks a**
27 replies

Jun 12, 2005, 4:22 PM

Touch to Talk Walkie Talkie

Even though I don't find any carrier's Walkie Talkie feature worth the $$$, Alltel def. has the best on the market. It puts Direct Connect (Nex), Ready-Link (Spr), and PushtoTalk (VZW) to shame. Alltel's coverage is by far the best throughout the nation as a whole (I know someone's gonna chime in and say it's spotty in their East Bum-f*ck hometown). The only downside is Alltel's small customer base, so you'd be hard-pressed to find someone to use it with since all walkie-talkie features are carrier exclusive (someday we might see carrier-to-carrier walkie talkie and I'll see the practicality of this feature).
1 reply

Apr 15, 2005, 10:03 AM


http://www.alltel.com/news/news_releases/05/april/n4 ... »

ALLTEL completes purchase of certain assests from Cingular.

"It ain't broke, it just needs duct tape!"
26 replies
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