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Review: LG Glimmer

Body Basics Extras Video Wrap Up Comments  93  

Music Camera Photos/Video Browse/Customize Extras  


The Glimmer has a 2 megapixel camera that can be dialed down to a 1.3 or VGA camera if you so choose. Images are sharp, but colors were a bit off. We noticed a bit more red in images than there is in real life. We adjusted the camera's settings to see if we could work around this, but the redness remained. This could be an abberation or problem with out review unit. Pictures shot at full quality and full resolution are certainly good enough quality to use as your PC's wallpaper, even if you have a 21-inch monitor. Knowing that you can dial images down to VGA quality for MMS purposes is nice, but images taken at that setting were noticeably poorer in quality.



Color looked more natural with the video camera. Motion was smooth and clean, but the video camera really had a hard with with drastic changes in lighting. It sometimes took up to 2 seconds to recover. TVs and computer monitors confounded it completely, with massive amounts of white haze all around the light source. Using the video camera outdoors produced the best results. You can capture videos either 15 seconds, or up to one hour in length.

3GPP2 / MPEG-4 format (viewable with QuickTime)


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