LG VX-5200 / 6200
Average Ratings

The getting used to...
(I have owned the 5200 for a week)
I owned a vx6100 which I was extremely happy with. I broke the antenna completely off, received no cellular service and had to get a replacement. The insurance company replaced my vx6100 with a vx5200. At first I was very disappointed due to the poorer camera quality than the 6100 and the different menu setup, along with the smaller text. I was also disappointed with the inability to use customized voice memo's as ring tones.
But I got used to the phone and realized what I had bought a digital camera for, and what I had a phone for. I personally think this is the perfect phone for just being a phone. I have had no problems with reception where I hadn't had problems before (...on the central coast of California where signal strength varies every 10 yards). There is no accidental pushing of buttons activating features which are impossible to turn off again. The design in my opinion is nice, and although I was content with the grayscale screen on the 6100 the color screen here is a nice touch. But there is a good amount of room for improvement so I'll just do a pros/cons list:
1. Good signal strength
2. Nice, I guess "sleek" design
3. Decent battery life
4. Cool color front LCD
5. All the features anyone NEEDS on a phone
6. Purchased ring-tones and other sounds sound very good.
7. Seems sturdy although it hasn't taken too many tumbles yet.
1. Small text in a fairly hard to read font
2. Very, VERY few ring-tones (12 I think mostly variations of one-toned beeping)
2.5. And no option to use voice memos as ring-tones.
3. Poor camera quality compared to 6100
4. After getting used to the easy to use buttons on the 6100 these buttons seem awkward and too, I don't know the exact word, "fancily" designed.
5. Menu hard to get used to and feels like there are too few options.
Overall I would not have taken this phone if my 6100 had not been broken, but it has been very good to me. [7.2/10]

Not a bad little phone
After owning a VX7000 for a few years, I decided to upgrade around Christmas time. Of course, the big push around the holidays was the v3c. Being the commercial hound that I am, I purchased the RAZR for Verizon only to find out that its battery life was short and its menus were UNGODLY slow. 3+ seconds to move between menus and 5 MINUTES to erase my inbox? Are you kidding me? So I put that up for sale and began shopping for a phone that was a little bit on the cheaper side but still maintained what i wanted: battery life, camera, speakerphone. I had great luck with LG in the past (vx7000 was the best phone I've ever owned) that I thought I'd give the VX5200 a try. I have owned a 6100 in the past and wasn't impressed, being that it only last 4 months before the vibrate stopped working and the ring volume was so low that you might as well have the phone off. Many were comparing that phone to the 5200 and I have to say there is NO comparison. This little phone can pull at least 2 bars in my room. That's amazing considering that my 7000 could only get 1 bar if that and my v3c rarely had any. My friend has Sprint and can't even pull a signal in my house but my 5200 pulls one with great clarity.
Battery life
Appealing design
Tri-mode (i actually can make a call in WV, although analog, its still a signal :) )
Easy to add ringers and wallpaper with BitPim and a cable
STN screen isn't as vibrant as TFT
Buttons a bit on the small side
Camera isn't the greatest but good for quick snapshots
Definitely recommend this if you're in need of a phone w/o all the extras such as bluetooth or ev-do.

Beware of this phone
I upgraded to the VX5200 from the VX 4500. I had the phone only 3 days before trouble began.
-Phone emits an intermittent high pitched sound during phone calls
-3 days after purchasing the camera became grainy and all pictures come out green and hazy
The phone is an ok phone for phone calls and text messaging but nothing else. The speaker phone is horrible compared to the VX4500. The camera is horrible. Like I said, the camera failed within 3 days. From the other reviews on this site, I have come to believe that this is common for this phone. The actual physical phone design is excellent. It is very ergonomic, and pleasant looking. Has potential to be a good phone, however it just doesn't make it.

This phone isn't that great
This phone is merely ok. It makes me wish I had my Motorola V276 back, with its flaws and all; at least the reception was consistant on that phone. The reception on this phone is significantly less than that of my previous Motorola and Samsung phones. Even though the reception isn't as strong, I can still connect calls, and hold them with almost the same clarity as my Motorola with just a small difference in dropped calls; I'm sure that has to do with Verizon's great network. There is also a high pitched squeek in the speaker that comes and goes. The ringer volume constantly changes itself, and so does the speaker volume even though I have it set on maximum. It isn't nearly as loud as my old samsung phone. Another thing that ticks me off is that when I place the phone on vibrate, it'll still make noise when I recieve a text message, and then it'll ring and vibrate even though that is not one of the phone's options; I sometimes remove the battery to remedy this. The good things about it is that it has a sturdy build, and a decent camera, which I really don't care about. The voice recognition feature works great, and so does the speakerphone. The battery life is by far better than all of my previous phones, including phones with other carriers. Since my trial period is over, I have to stick with this phone, but as soon as I get my hands on some extra cash, I'm gong to pay full retail for a Motorola E815. As far as I know that phone is considered the reception King.

This is actually a good phone. Good size and weight. The menu is a little confusing to navigate, but you get used to it.
If you intend on using the speakerphone for long calls, DON'T COUNT ON IT! When you're outside, it's really hard to hear. My friend and I had to stand close to each other, almost touching heads just to hear, nevermind conference calls! Even indoor calls on the speakerphone, it's hard for the other party to hear you, in my experience. It's good if you're put on hold for long times, but I had to switch back to talk.
The camera is ok. It IS only a VGA camera. only .3MP. Too bad you can't record videos.
So, if you're thinking of whether to get this phone or not, get it if you're not planning to use the speakerphone. It's a great phone that IS a phone!
P.S. For those comparing this to the Moto E815. Forget about it! Hahaha. The E815 blows this phone away. It made me forget how I hated big sized phones...

I love this phone
I just bought the LG 5200 phone 3 days ago and already love it. I just came to Verizon from a very long and bad 2 year contract with Nextel. Its great to have full signal bars no matter where you go. This phones gives a the others phones close a run for thier money. The battery life is great as long as your not real long talker. Sound it clear and sharp on both ends of the converstion. The only thing that bothers me is the camera does not take the best pictures. But does give you the option to change the brightness and have a flash too. Over all this phone is great. If you have Verizon and looking for a great this is the one your looking for.

Nice Phone !!
I just got my LG 5200 a week ago and have no complaints about signal ect. I am new to cell phones though. I did try the Samsung A670 for 2 days and i liked the smaller feel but i could not make a call from my home??? The store told me i need a tri-mode phone because of where i live and said the samsung maybe being all digital did not get as strong a signal? I am new to all this stuff LOL.
I brought home my LG. and can get 1 to 2 bars in my home so that sold me. The Samsung had more features i think i did not have it long enough to play with it. I need to make calls from my house though saves me on long distance. I need to learn more about the new cell phones though. My pros and cons are on only having the Samsung for a little bit. My old phone was a old real old phone that had No features.
I like the front feature better than the Samsung (color ect.)
It takes better pic quality than the Samsung.
It has a Flash
I use my speaker phone and the other did not.
I can use this phone in my house LOL.
It is bigger than the samsung.
The front display is small.
I think the Samsung had more features as in color screen savers ect.
This phones features are hard to figure out for a newbie to todays cell phones. I am going to make a post in the Forum about this.

i don't know what you're all complaining about
I got the LG VX-5200 this afternoon and I think it is totally fine. No complaints whatsoever. Great displays, especially the outer LCD. Verizon is offering some pretty good deals on it too. I'd look into it I were you.

I have had and must say it was ok but had issues
I rate this phone about a 3.0 just because of what happened to it when owning. My uncle and I got the same phone around the same time. His failed when texting, he would text someone and it would never get to them and show the pending symbol in the status in messaging. So insurance replaced the phone for no fee because it was so new. So he got his new phone which consisted of the very much dreaded volume bug
He ended up getting the 4650. My experience was as follows, I had the phone for about 6 months, and it got washed. I'll admit it was users fault, but I've washed countless phones even a chocolate and it survived, this phone died, I took it apart, and tried to see what was the matter, after still 4 weeks of sitting nothing happened and it was dead. Being as I had invested in the insurance, I got the new phone and had, had no problems with it until it was laying on my table. I was in the basement playing pool and the phone was dropped. like 2 feet, and what did it end up doing. It messed up something in the keypad, the numbers I pressed came out differently. I wish that it could have it's problems work out and if I find one (with the problems worked out) I would probably invest in it, but for now, I am just staying with my 6100