Motorola RAZR V3m
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Sound on RAZR V3m
hwg00Jul 30, 2006, 11:50 AM
I just switched to Verizon but got the Samsung A930. Good phone but with some issues, particularly battery strength and some quirks w/text messaging. Volume for talk is excellent, though.
I am considering switching to the V3m with extended battery, but was wondering how the volume is for talk? I have had a T-Mobile RAZR V3 which I generally liked, but sometimes the volume was a little low (even at the highest level), particularly outside on the noisy streets of New York.
Let me know if you can provide any insight. Thanks!
The Razr is probably the best phone for volume. Even on busy sidewalks, I can hear my caller just fine and only at Medium volume.
By far superior to my old Nokia phone. No more pressing the phone into my ear canal 🤣 .
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