When the this so called .04 software come out and what does it do besides fix the delay? I got mine the other day but i think mine is .03.
.04 software came out yesterday 4/19/06. Besides the keypad response it seems to have fixed my bluetooth which was freezing/crashing. I had .03 software before.
The techs didn't know what other changes were.
there is no OBEX if you upgrade from .03 to.04.
See the discussion on Howard forums
Apr 20, 2006, 7:07 PM
I upgraded today(cause I really don't have a need for OBEX, I transfer my pics another way), and one thing I noticed is that the picture(wallpaper) does not show up on the outside screen(when closed) anymore. Was that something that changed in this upgrade as well?
I kinda miss it, eventhough it was pretty muttled with the time and stuff anyway.
I just spent 20 minutes on the phone with Verizon tech support trying to figure out about the front screen... apparently it was disabled. dunno why, but he couldn't figure out how to get it back... sucks cuz now its this ugly red.... wish i never updated... i dont even know what it fixed
There were many fixes, some subtle and not noticed unless you use them. One is now when you use voice activation, if the contact only has one number the phone won't ask "which number". Also, when it does ask "which number", it gives the specific choices.
Another is opening the contact list, now there's a call option instead of just message....dum. There are other fixes as well.
I have ver 02; OBEX is still functional and also MPT.
The orange LCD is idiotic, but I was told it was an unintentional bug they created. Not only is it gaggingly ugly, I can't read the time in sunlight now.
One of the major fixes in this upgrade was the alarm clock if it is set to Mon - Fri only, would still go off on sat and sun. [Found that out the hard way] Does anyone know if that was taken care of?
how do you get the software update?
Go to any verizon store and ask Technical support to upgrade your firmware. It usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes.
Does anyone know exactly where to find specs on what issues .04 corrects. I went to a Verizon Store in Salem, NH last night. One of the busiest stores in the area and the tech people were all idoits. Not one of them knew what the sofware corrected. I asked the seniro tech girl if it corrects the bluetooth issue. She is like. Im not sure. I never heard of that issue. So I asked if it corrects the menu lag issue. She is like. Im not sure, it might. So I asked her what the heck it does and her final answer was "Im not sure"
I dont understand how Motorola/verizon can release new software without specs and letting the tech people know what it does.
Calling Verizon wasnt much help either. The rep told me to go to a verizon store for details....
Apr 21, 2006, 2:57 PM
Wait tell they tell you to go to Moto and they tell you to call VZW
It does correct the bluetooth bugginess. I have not had a blurtooth shutdown/freeze since the upgrade to .04 and it does correct the response speed of the UI.
But with regards to poorly informed techs at VZW.....yes!
Apr 29, 2006, 6:57 AM
Hiya! How do you get your phone updated to the new version, and how do you tell what version you have? (I know the current version is in the menu someplace, but since I was asking, I'll throw that in too.)
I know I'm probably safe, would anything be lost during upgrade, such as pictures taken or the address book?
Thank you so much!
May 5, 2006, 4:22 AM
Could someone please reply to me? With all the help that's given to those who as, I really only have two easy questions and am only asking because this is all new to me, yet I've tried to help others in areas I know about. I've never had an actually nice phone before, and I don't want to screw it up...
My questions:
How do you upgrade? Do you have to go to a Verizon store, or is there another way?
Will anything be lost, or does the upgrade let you keep all your contacts and such.
Yes - you have to go into a VZW store and leave the phone with them for roughly 20 - 30 min to get it all upgraded.
Nothing will be lost if the VZW tech does the upgrade right. lol. so take your chances on that one. 😉
V3C RAZR Software version GATW_01.15.04 Last Updated: 04/2006
* Extended data sessions where the user of device terminates the data session but the call remains connected.
*Connectivity/Audio issues with Bluetooth.
*When "Lock Now" is activated, the phone does not lock all functions such as ringer volume and sending pictures.
*Clock on outside LCD does not update when flip is in closed position.
*Audio not recording using wired headset to record voice note.
*Intermittent "Unauthorized charger" message received when plugging in charger.
*When sending a reply to a message already received, and the user answers "No" to saving a draft of the message, it saves anyway.
*Low battery tone is heard when phone is set to silent...
Those of you who have gone to a store and successfully obtained the .04 software... what city and state are you in? Our stores say they do not have the .04 software and do not know when they will receive it.
May 7, 2006, 4:49 AM
Willow Grove, Pa.
Had Verizon Wireless flash my RAZR from .02 to .04 tonight. Took approx 10 minutes. Very happy with the end result. Menus are much faster.
I know some people have complained about losing features such as customizing the small/outer window, ability to upload pics, etc. None of these are personally important to me.
how do u upgrade software?? just take it into a vzw store??
Take the phone in, go to Technical support and they will do it for you.
I did it yesterday and I can still use my Motorola Phone tools to upload/download photos and ringtones etc.