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Motorola RAZR V3c


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WAIT Q about the OBEX thing


Nov 20, 2005, 6:28 PM
Hey Everyone this is my first time writing....anyways so i have been with verizon for like forever. i was playing around with my friends Black RAZR from Cingular. I was able to tranfer songs from my computer to the phone to use it as ringtones...soo is verizon going to disable this feature if so i will be very mad!!! 😈 sorry for the lengthy story.

2nd Q: what would u guys personally by the
1. Motorola e815
2. Razr

Thanks in advance

Nov 20, 2005, 6:33 PM
me personally i wud buy the razr.. disregarding price. Because i like the Verizon UI better than motos. and personally i just like the razr more.

Nov 20, 2005, 6:34 PM

Nov 20, 2005, 6:42 PM
same here...the 815 is super buggy and everyone has one because its so cheap

Nov 20, 2005, 6:49 PM
Thanks for your opinon.... Any one know about this OBEX file thing and transfering songs to the phone via BT?

Nov 20, 2005, 9:00 PM
srdamage said:
Thanks for your opinon.... Any one know about this OBEX file thing and transfering songs to the phone via BT?

The phone was approved with OBEX (generic object exchange) on July 22.

It will need reapproval by Bluetooth SIG for anyone to sell it with the Bluetooth trademark.

My guess is that they will sell it anyway, and risk another lawsuit. It's like selling a computer with the "Genuine Windows" label on it and then stripping out some of the networking functionality.

Nov 20, 2005, 11:45 PM
The E815 is definitely not cheap, it's one of VZW's more expensive phones. I have had mine for 6 months, never had one problem with it - it's been the most stable, user-friendly phone I've ever used on Verizon. The fact that I've hacked it to use OBEX and DUN makes it the best phone I've ever owned. Even the new Sammy A970 doesn't pack OBEX (not hackable) and this razr probably won't either - E815 is the superior choice if you have any interest in a superior product. Also - I get about a week of standby time on my E815. Razr is a recharge-nightly phone.

Nov 21, 2005, 12:31 AM
So I guess you already have the VZ Razr in hand for comparison????

Nov 23, 2005, 2:28 PM
mongoos150 said:
......... Also - I get about a week of standby time on my E815. Razr is a recharge-nightly phone.

I dont understand this people complain about charging there phone nightly!!?? In all the years ive had a cell phone(since 1997) all the phones ive owned need to be charged every night

Nov 20, 2005, 11:05 PM
I looked at this site
http://www.vzwshop.com/razr/ »

and under bluetooth it says obex is disabled....not sure how real the site is ...but ....

Nov 26, 2005, 7:18 PM
Oh it's been a very frustrating experience. I used to be able to do a lot with BT - when I was with AT&T (connecting my BT phone with my Sony Clie, my Apple laptop, my car, etc..) As you can tell from others' responses and speculations.

I've been with Verizon since purchasing my v710 over a year ago (thinking it would have FULL bluetooth capabilities)...but of course, it doesn't, and for the masses who got deceived, we all got angry. The lawsuit followed and *still* Verizon won't allow full BT (I think their reasons has to do with Get-It-Now - which they make tons of money on)...so for the time being, I'll have to stick with Verizon, but in my heart I am very angry 👿 at verizon for their deception and continued denial (towards i...

Nov 27, 2005, 2:00 AM
theee onlyyy wayyy to stoppp verizonnnnn is to bannn get it now
it would work for sure if we could get enough people to do itt

whos up for it??

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